Peyton Manning's faith

Matthew 28:19
I was never was a Tebow fan on the field, but it takes a man of devout faith to be as vocal about Christianity as he is.
Matthew 28:19

A person who is so in your face about being a Christian only impresses other Christians. If God wants Christians to convert the masses, turning yourself into a walking talking billboard for Jesus ain't the way to go about it.
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A person being so in your face about being a Christian only impresses other Christians. If God wants Christians to convert the masses, turning yourself into a walking talking billboard for Jesus ain't the way to go about it.

Gotta agree with that. Nothing more annoying than someone trying to shove Jesus or Allah or Joseph Smith down my throat.
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Really! Before anyone goes and criticizes Peyton for cussing they should check out the Billy Graham/Nixon tapes. Billy Graham is easily recognized as one of the most important and influential Christian evangelists in the modern era, and the guy absolutely cusses like a drunken sailor! :eek:lol:

I have always had a hard time trusting TV preachers, even Billy Graham, cause in the end I think they all start loving the money more than they love Jesus.
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judge not lest ye be judged.

People always cut that portion of Jesus' teaching in half. The following verse says, 'For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.'

Matthew 7:1-2

We are welcome to judge, but must always be prepared to have the same type of judgment leveled at us.

Kinda like that whole 'every time you point at somebody, you have three fingers pointing back at you.'
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One of the reasons I love VN is that it is full of believers in Christ who are proud of their faith, and plenty of non-believers mature enough to not be offended by it.
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Atheism for the win!

Only a fool says in his heart there is no God.

Psalms 14:1

Yes, I'm guilty of passing judgment there. I'm open to the return judgment! :)

In all honesty, doesn't it require more faith to believe in nothing than to believe in something?

If anything, I'd think Athiesm requires an even more child-like faith than that of Christianity.

Just my two cents.
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One of the reasons I love VN is that it is full of believers in Christ who are proud of their faith, and plenty of non-believers mature enough to not be offended by it.

And the challenge for all Christ-followers is to NOT make it about being right and the non-believers wrong.

A tree is known by its fruit. We are required to be spite of ourselves.
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A person who is so in your face about being a Christian only impresses other Christians. If God wants Christians to convert the masses, turning yourself into a walking talking billboard for Jesus ain't the way to go about it.

I would disagree my friend. I imagine Tebow impressed many non believers as well. As far as converting the masses, why should there be no discipleship today? I would think sharing one's faith would go a long way toward making the world a better place.
Minding The Truth | Peyton Manning’s Christian Faith

By posting this I'm not endorsing everything on this site, but I thought some might be interested in this article (w/book excerpt) that gives a lot of insight into Peyton Manning's Christian faith. He may not be the most vocal Christian out there (loved his explanation as to why...), but the way he lives it every day speaks volumes.

Pure class, as always...

I would disagree my friend. I imagine Tebow impressed many non believers as well. As far as converting the masses, why should there be no discipleship today? I would think sharing one's faith would go a long way toward making the world a better place.

I highly doubt that Tebow did anything but further turn off non-believers.

Tell the rest to the people that think your god is stupid and their god is the best or to the people that just want you to leave them the f alone about religion.

The world would be a better place if everyone just minded their own business.
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I know using God's name in vain is one thing, but who made these "cuss words" we speak of that we are forbidden to say? Society puts so much emphasis on these words when they are man made. Whose to say what really are "cuss words"?

Great point. It's interesting that hardly any Bible believer/reader that I know actually understands that the command written on Moses' tablet to "not take the Lord's name in vain" is not about cussing. It's not directly referring to speaking at all.

Hilarious in a way. But truly sad that so many therefore never know or consider the actual meaning relevant to their lives. One of the great ironies of our generation IMO.

Thanks for the Manning piece on his faith. Never heard anything about it myself. The book looks interesting too. I think I'll get it on Kindle.
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Jesus used disciples to spread the word of eternal salvation through him and instructed those same disciples to make more disciples throughout the world. Kind of hard to do that without opening the mouth and speaking, writing, or living it. Peyton just did that without slamming it in everybody's face. He did what Jesus told all believers to do. Accept it or deny and live with the consequences.

Non-believers get testy over the delivery style when they should focus on the message. Those giving the message should focus on the delivery to help the non-believer.

As expected Peyton did things well. I could not be happier for him.
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I highly doubt that Tebow did anything but further turn off non-believers.

Tell the rest to the people that think your god is stupid and their god is the best or to the people that just want you to leave them the f alone about religion.

The world would be a better place if everyone just minded their own business.

Spreading Christianity isn't about minding one's own business. Everyone needs to hear the word, but it's up to each individual if they want to accept it. That's a personal decision to which we will all be judged.
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I highly doubt that Tebow did anything but further turn off non-believers.

Tell the rest to the people that think your god is stupid and their god is the best or to the people that just want you to leave them the f alone about religion.

The world would be a better place if everyone just minded their own business.

I typically don't comment on religious things around here. Before my wife and I got divorced however, I was a preacher.

Here's my 2 cents, for anyone who cares:

I appreciate those who are vocal about their faith to an extent. I don't appreciate the rapper who thanks God when he wins an award for his song that contains filthy language and inappropriate themes.

But I do appreciate someone who seems to try to live it out in their life talking about it. I appreciate Tim Tebow, despite what others may say about him. He has yet to give me a reason to think he is hypocritical in his life. And I definitely appreciated reading this about Peyton.

But to those who are saying, "I appreciate the guy keeping it private," I actually don't. Not that he's wrong for it, I'm sure he's displayed his faith in many ways to many people we don't know about. However, Jesus says you are the light of the world, and don't put it under a basket, but display it. I think that if the world doesn't know you're a Christian, just a good moral person, you're not doing your job. Jesus said "Woe to you when all men speak well of you." If you're pleasing everyone because you're not stepping out there, then you're not doing what you should. If you're living as a Christian, you're going to offend people.

Many people say "It's that they try to force it on people." I don't see how a Christian making a statement about their faith is any more "forcing" than you turning on the tv and being bombarded with advertisement. It's someone telling you they have something they think is great, and you should have it too. But if you don't want it, hey, at least you knew.

Oh, and you said, "The world would be a better place if everyone just minded their business?"

If I saw a car coming at you, and you didn't see or hear it, and I just minded my own business, would the world be a better place then?

Understand, most Christians (won't go with all), but most Christians, if they say anything at all about Jesus, it's most likely coming from a true belief in Heaven or Hell. And if you don't have that, okay. But understand that if a person says anything to you about it, to them its the equivalent of at least trying to push you out of the way of what could be a terrible eternity. How could you hate on that? That someone loved you enough to try to push you out of the way of something they believed to be real?

I know some Christians are abrasive, legalistic, annoying at times, and highly hypocritical. We've all met them. But if you ever meet a TRUE Christian, who is trying to walk in the footsteps of the man named Jesus and be like him, I guarantee you, you don't come away from that person despising Christianity, or being pushed further away.

Just my 2 cents. Carry on Volnation.
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Well said! If not for God's Grace I would be in big trouble.

Great point. It's interesting that hardly any Bible believer/reader that I know actually understands that the command written on Moses' tablet to "not take the Lord's name in vain" is not about cussing. It's not directly referring to speaking at all.

Hilarious in a way. But truly sad that so many therefore never know or consider the actual meaning relevant to their lives. One of the great ironies of our generation IMO.

Thanks for the Manning piece on his faith. Never heard anything about it myself. The book looks interesting too. I think I'll get it on Kindle.

When you become a christian you are taking the name of Christ, if your words and actions are not Christ like, you have taken His name in vain. :twocents: You made a good point! :thumbsup:
For real man. The title of the thread is Peyton Manning's faith. If you don't believe you don't have to read or comment on the thread. However, if they don't believe this would be a good way to introduce them to God.

Maybe I checked the thread to see if he was a Muslim or a Scientologist. Believe it or not, faith isn't limited to Christianity.
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I highly doubt that Tebow did anything but further turn off non-believers.

Tell the rest to the people that think your god is stupid and their god is the best or to the people that just want you to leave them the f alone about religion.

The world would be a better place if everyone just minded their own business.

I am sure the Jews in Auschwitz would have disagreed that "the world would be a better place if everyone minded their own business."
That has to be one of the most narrow-minded comments ever on VN.
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Jesus used disciples to spread the word of eternal salvation through him and instructed those same disciples to make more disciples throughout the world. Kind of hard to do that without opening the mouth and speaking, writing, or living it. Peyton just did that without slamming it in everybody's face. He did what Jesus told all believers to do. Accept it or deny and live with the consequences.

Non-believers get testy over the delivery style when they should focus on the message. Those giving the message should focus on the delivery to help the non-believer.

As expected Peyton did things well. I could not be happier for him.

Nice post.

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