Peyton Manning's faith

Spreading Christianity isn't about minding one's own business. Everyone needs to hear the word, but it's up to each individual if they want to accept it. That's a personal decision to which we will all be judged.

I can agree with this but when I tell that person I don't want to hear it, why won't they just shut up?
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I can agree with this but when I tell that person I don't want to hear it, why won't they just shut up?

I imagine they care about you. I don't have any idea about who you are, but it would be a true blessing for me to have you become a Believer in Christ if you are not.
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If people would just spend their short lives living and let live instead of getting caught up in one another's business, the world would be a better place.
How many people throughout history have died from someone trying to ram their religion down someone's throat?
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I imagine they care about you. I don't have any idea about who you are, but it would be a true blessing for me to have you become a Believer if you are not.

I seriously mean no disrespect, but it would be a blessing to me to be left alone and allowed to live my life.
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As my old man used to say, "Man created god in his own image; God created missionaries to get even."
He didn't believe in heaven, but he said he did believe in hell because he went through hell as a combat veteran in WWII.
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I loved reading this article. I have all the respect in the world for Peyton, and I have enjoyed growing up watching him since I was 4 y.o. I respect that he doesn't shove it down other people's throats. IMO, he has done an excellent job representing his faith, his family, his school, and both of his NFL teams through his actions. They speak very loudly. But, there are definitely very classy non-Christians in the world and very unclassy Christians as well.

I can also respect Tebow and the way he wears his religion on his sleeve. I would rather have my future children look up to someone like that than to someone getting arrested every time you turn on the TV. I can understand how he offends people. But, I also think it had something to do with all the media attention he was getting. He's not offending as many people these days now that he's not in the spotlight.
I would disagree my friend. I imagine Tebow impressed many non believers as well. As far as converting the masses, why should there be no discipleship today? I would think sharing one's faith would go a long way toward making the world a better place.

I'd love to see some metrics behind that claim.

Sharing your faith, with the ones who WANT to hear it, is one thing. Sticking it in people's faces, whether they asked to hear it or not, is another story and I think this is where many Christians fail in their attempt to "win" people to Jesus. Live your life as a beacon example? Yes! Gladly share your faith with those who ask or are interested in hearing it? Yes! Asserting your faith into every facet of conversation with everyone you come in contact with? No! You come across as a zealous nut job and it almost always (if not always) rubs people the wrong way.
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Gotta agree with that. Nothing more annoying than someone trying to shove Jesus or Allah or Joseph Smith DOWN MY THROAT.

What kind of services have you attended? :eek:hmy:
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I am sure that will win them over. Sarcasm?


I am sure the Jews in Auschwitz would have disagreed that "the world would be a better place if everyone minded their own business."
That has to be one of the most narrow-minded comments ever on VN.

If the Nazis had minded their own business then the Jews wouldn't have been in the concentration camps.

Thanks for your judgement, god.
Yay Christianity!


What kind of services have you attended? :eek:hmy:
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Grew up in a Baptist family. Then quit church. Then joined a Lutheran church when I was about 18. Quit after my baptism when the power went out mid-baptism because a car hit a telephone pole and the congregation stood up and declared that the devil didn't want me to join god's legion or whatever. Turned out the guy that hit the pole had a seizure and died while driving. Decided it was a bunch bullhonky.

It's not really the service that enticed me to make that statement, rather how the religious majority like to attempt to dictate how others live their lives, mostly through laws (i.e. anti-gay legislation, etc).
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If the Nazis had minded their own business then the Jews wouldn't have been in the concentration camps.


Grew up in a Baptist family. Then quit church. Then joined a Lutheran church when I was about 18. Quit after my baptism when the power went out mid-baptism because a car hit a telephone pole and the congregation stood up and declared that the devil didn't want me to join god's legion or whatever. Turned out the guy that hit the pole had a seizure and died while driving. Decided it was a bunch bullhonky.

It's not really the service that enticed me to make that statement, rather how the religious majority like to attempt to dictate how others live their lives, mostly through laws (i.e. anti-gay legislation, etc).[/QUOT

"If the Nazis had minded their own business then the Jews wouldn't have been in the concentration camps."
We are all sinners, myself included. To think that if we all just mind our own business the world would be better, is naive in my opinion. Unfortunately, we are all tempted by something whether it be $$$, power, etc. Turning a blind eye isn't the way to go. IMO.
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Good to see that the Broncos are continuing the tradition started by Tim Tebow, by having a strong Christian under center!
Only a fool says in his heart there is no God.

Psalms 14:1

Yes, I'm guilty of passing judgment there. I'm open to the return judgment! :)

In all honesty, doesn't it require more faith to believe in nothing than to believe in something?

If anything, I'd think Athiesm requires an even more child-like faith than that of Christianity.

Just my two cents.

I don't believe in the god of the bible and I'm not an atheist. god of the christian bible is to evil for me. Why anybody would want to be that dudes slave is beyond me. Fear of hell I guess but here's a pro tip.. there is no hell.
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Interesting...Football is performance based while Christianity is based on the ultimate performance of Jesus Christ in our behalf. We win not because we perform, but because we believe that Christ performed to perfection what we could not-- being sinless. As such he exhausted the wrath of God in our behalf by sacrificing himself out of love. Our performances have no value in the eyes of God. He only sees the performance of His Son who represents all of us who believe in what he did for us. If you want God to judge you on your performance He will. Repent of your useless works and trust Christ.
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Let's not use a sports site to proselytize or spread christian, er, stuff. We get more than enough of that silliness in the real world. I respect PM but this is what happens when you spend too much time in conservative indiana (or texas, alabama or arkansas).
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Interesting...Football is performance based while Christianity is based on the ultimate performance of Jesus Christ in our behalf. We win not because we perform, but because we believe that Christ performed to perfection what we could not-- being sinless. As such he exhausted the wrath of God in our behalf by sacrificing himself out of love. Our performances have no value in the eyes of God. He only sees the performance of His Son who represents all of us who believe in what he did for us. If you want God to judge you on your performance He will. Repent of your useless works and trust Christ.

the southern crusaders! The next thing you know, they'll be heavy organ music to accompany the login.
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I don't believe in the god of the bible and I'm not an atheist. god of the christian bible is to evil for me. Why anybody would want to be that dudes slave is beyond me. Fear of hell I guess but here's a pro tip.. there is no hell.

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I don't believe in the god of the bible and I'm not an atheist. god of the christian bible is to evil for me. Why anybody would want to be that dudes slave is beyond me. Fear of hell I guess but here's a pro tip.. there is no hell.

Grace my friend, grace. New Testament and Jesus offered us a reprisal from a Holy God.

In regards to the pro tip...

Here's how I see it. I try to live in a Godly fashion. Accept Christ. Admit I'm a failure. Upon death, it is learned it was all a farce. I leave a legacy of a good man and hopefully, a good father.

Your scenario. Live however you want. Be whatever you want to be. Die and find out your pro tip was wrong...

My hope is that people see joy in me that makes them ask why I'm different. Why do I try to lead a different life?

Again, never I'm right and you're wrong. Only the Maker of the Universe holds those answers.

Call it Fire Insurance. Only word in the Bible used three times in succession to describe God, 'Holy'. None of us are. But He is.
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Great point. It's interesting that hardly any Bible believer/reader that I know actually understands that the command written on Moses' tablet to "not take the Lord's name in vain" is not about cussing. It's not directly referring to speaking at all.

Hilarious in a way. But truly sad that so many therefore never know or consider the actual meaning relevant to their lives. One of the great ironies of our generation IMO.

Thanks for the Manning piece on his faith. Never heard anything about it myself. The book looks interesting too. I think I'll get it on Kindle.

Its about seperating onesellf from "the world". There are many gray areas that some people feel is sin, other Christians don't. Doesn't mean either are wrong. The way you decide on things is "will it hurt my testimony?"

Also, Peyton and Tebow are 2 different people. Most people bash Tebow for being so vocal yet some have a problem with Peyton not being outspoken (not saying anyone here). Either way Christians are in a lose-lose here on earth... but that "comes with the turf". God bless from another sinner!
I don't believe in the god of the bible and I'm not an atheist. god of the christian bible is to evil for me. Why anybody would want to be that dudes slave is beyond me. Fear of hell I guess but here's a pro tip.. there is no hell.

That dude? Slave? How is following that "dude" make you a slave?

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