Your position is that Pig doesn't deserve a spot above another receiver?
Yes. He forfeited his "position" with his behavior that led to him being dismissed from the team. He pretty much just quit on the team. Didn't show up for classes or workouts. Just went AWOL for awhile.
Think it was Hubbs who recently said that he was convinced as late as the end of April that Pig would not rejoin the team because he was still resisting the conditions for his return set forth by the coaches and Players Council.
Now, he was given a second chance and something evidently clicked with him after they finally talked him into taking classes for the mini-term in May. Butch recently said that Pig has been doing great this summer and is doing everything right, is completing all the steps/terms for his return....he even seemed to "slip up" when he said at Media Days that Pig is back on the team (Hubbs said Wednesday that just a few hours earlier in the day Tues that CBJ was still saying that Pig was working toward rejoining the team).
All that is great IMO. I'm happy for both Pig and the team. But the reason I think he MUST start at the bottom of the depth chart is because of principle. A player just can't be allowed to quit on his team and then jump back into "his same spot" once he is allowed back on the team....I think that would send a horrible message to the team, to the guys who have been there since day 1 in January, working their tails off for the good of the family, for the growth of the program.
The other factor at play, which Hubbs addressed, is the dramatic change in talent, at the slot position. Not only SHOULD Pig have to start at the bottom and earn his way up, I think he's gonna have a very difficult time supplanting some other players who have gone through Spring and are just as if not more talented.