First time posting, long time reader, and I have to admit that some of the opinions in these forums are comical, some are ridiculous, some are very insightful and helpful somewhat "inside" knowledge that is hard to find on any given sports site. With that being said, there is about as much homerism and trolling here than you can find ANYWHERE. I'm a lifelong Vol fan, former collegiate football player, a self admitted football geek, and love this sport and the Vols as much as the next diehard fan....... But this fanbase, as beautiful and proud as it is, has reared it's ugly head in the last decade or so and I can't hardly stand it. Getting on here and ripping some of these kids when you have NO IDEA what it's like to play a sport at a university while attending class and maintaining a social life and being put under the scrutiny and watchful eyes of the rampant social media we have today, shame on you. These kids can't live normal 18-21 yr old college lives. It's a blessing and a curse, and overall it's definitely an honor to be a part of something that big, but next time you wanna attack a kid for making mistakes or struggling with grades or just simply getting caught doing what YOU did while YOU were in college, think twice about it. From 5-6AM until about midnight, except for a few weeks here and there for school breaks, those kids are working out, running, going to class, having 3 meals a day together, tutoring sessions, multiple film sessions, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Get over yourselves, and let's get behind this program, these student athletes, and let's support them NO MATTER WHAT. If they wear an orange uniform, I want them to succeed. Period. Off my soapbox, and thanks for allowing me to vent. GBO