Pig Howard update per CBJ:

Case in point. Based off you going out of your way to try and get a few chuckles with your sarcasm, you are more than likely the exact definition of an armchair quarterback. Why choose to be negative towards your own fanbase? You only make matters worse by being that way. Congratulations on that.

So my money for tickets doesn't mean I support the team? Aren't you just acting like the people on here by judging others? Played collegiate football myself. It will be ok. You changed the world, hope you're happy.
Hey chief, there's something you're forgetting. Both the fans, and the players play a role in major athletics. Without the fans, there's no money. Without the money, there's nothing. Therefore, without the fans, there's nothing. Personally, I spend about $4,000-5,000 a year on the Vols. That is about 8% of my earnings. Now, in no way do I feel entitled to any sort of ownership of the Vols because of this money that I spend, however, I do feel entitled to say if something or SOMEONE sucks. If you don't want to be criticized, don't play at a university with a stadium of 100,000 people and a tv audience of millions. Did you watch the draft last night? Did you see Clowney go first pick and make about a $15,000,000 signing bonus? Do you remember him being criticized last year by the media as lazy, heartless, etc etc?? Do you think he cares?!?!? No, he doesn't. You know which players care? The "soft" ones. The ones that won't go to the NFL and get a huge payday. You're a grow ass man at 19-20 years old, and need to know how to handle criticism. And this is all coming from someone who hardly ever puts a player down, other than maybe saying that Josh Smith has stone hands...but can anyone disagree with that statement?

You couldn't have picked a worse player to use as an example for just about any argument than Clowney.

Classless, most selfish pos on the field if you ask me. Throwing money figures like "$15 million" into the mix only strengthens the fact that Clowney is in it for the money and not the sport and it reminds us all of how pathetically low the NFL has stooped.

Soft? I suppose Peyton qualifies as soft in your book since he didn't bltch out and actually played every single game during his tenure. Let's not even mention he stayed for his senior year. That's a man and that's the kind of football players that I want to spend my hard earned money on every Saturday to go see.
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I looked it up $420k per year in 2014 for a rookie.

So 5 years is say $2.1M. Subtract 36% for federal tax, 5% state tax (where applicable), 10% for agent and you are left with less than a million. And he needs $$ to survive the 5 years in the NFL so he spends probably most of that.

But say he leaves with a million dollars at 25 years old. Divide that by 50 years of liife left and it averages about $20k per year. About minimum wage scale under the Obama $10.10/hour plan. Haven't factored inflation into that or interest (what's that these days?). But it shows they need more than a few good pay years to survive the rest of their life. Much more. College degree is the start to achieving that.

Pretty sure I could live nicely off 120k/yr for 5 years and have the remaining 1.5M set aside in an IRA for retirement that at such time would be around 10M or more...but to do that you would have to be forward thinking and disciplined.
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A college degree is worth about 3 million dollars in earnings. If you get a useful one its worth 100k times how many years you work. I bet Dennis Rogan wishes he got his degree.

Dennis Rogan couldve got his degree whether he left early or mot. He chose not to. 3 million over ur lifetime. Or 3 million in 2 yrs when ur family is struggling. Thats their mindset for the most part.
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You couldn't have picked a worse player to use as an example for just about any argument than Clowney.

Classless, most selfish pos on the field if you ask me. Throwing money figures like "$15 million" into the mix only strengthens the fact that Clowney is in it for the money and not the sport and it reminds us all of how pathetically low the NFL has stooped.

Soft? I suppose Peyton qualifies as soft in your book since he didn't bltch out and actually played every single game during his tenure. Let's not even mention he stayed for his senior year. That's a man and that's the kind of football players that I want to spend my hard earned money on every Saturday to go see.

I want to pay to watch some of the best go out and get Ws.They dont carry their degree around on the field with them. Ill leave the academic part up to tjem.
You couldn't have picked a worse player to use as an example for just about any argument than Clowney.

Classless, most selfish pos on the field if you ask me. Throwing money figures like "$15 million" into the mix only strengthens the fact that Clowney is in it for the money and not the sport and it reminds us all of how pathetically low the NFL has stooped.

Soft? I suppose Peyton qualifies as soft in your book since he didn't bltch out and actually played every single game during his tenure. Let's not even mention he stayed for his senior year. That's a man and that's the kind of football players that I want to spend my hard earned money on every Saturday to go see.

Theyre all in it for the money lol
Theyre all in it for the money lol

Of course they are, but most want to earn it by performing at an elite level in college and not "sandbagging" to stay healthy and skirting their obligation to be a college champion and pay for their college scholarship by being a winner.
Of course they are, but most want to earn it by performing at an elite level in college and not "sandbagging" to stay healthy and skirting their obligation to be a college champion and pay for their college scholarship by being a winner.

You mean like Justin Hunter?
So my money for tickets doesn't mean I support the team? Aren't you just acting like the people on here by judging others? Played collegiate football myself. It will be ok. You changed the world, hope you're happy.

You clearly missed the point of my original post, and that's okay. You make a pointless sarcastic comment for no reason, then put a negative connotation on me for taking up for our players and asking fellow fans to try to be more understanding of their situations and the state of the program? That is in no way judging you or anyone else, it's simply offering a different perspective and hoping our fanbase as a whole can try to be more supportive and not so quick to shun them. This school and program deserves more respect. We got so used to being good at everything in the 90's, that we don't know how to handle not being on or near the top. Unless you are a UT fan, it's hard to fathom what all this program has gone through in the last 10 yrs, and the string of bad luck (in some of the most unimaginable ways) has made us all uneasy. We all hate losing. We all hate a coaching search happening in a major sport every 2-3 yrs. We all hate watching and waiting on constant rebuilding projects that seem to either fail or never end. But the bottom line is this: going on public forums saying these kids suck and ridiculing them for making a mistake or struggling with grades is incredibly irresponsible and disrespectful. Whoever thinks that's gonna make things better or make a recruit want to come to a school where their own fans constantly bash them, they need to know that only makes the whole situation worse. Not trying to change the world in any way (which saying that doesn't even make sense, btw), but I hope somethin changes in you that makes you realize that looking for the negative in everything isn't a very redeeming quality. Buying tickets or hats or shirts for your school is your idea of "supporting your school", but true fanhood goes much deeper than buying a power T keychain. If being a pompous jerk makes you feel better, keep up the good work, cause you're good at it. You'll never change the world, hope you're happy.
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You couldn't have picked a worse player to use as an example for just about any argument than Clowney.

Classless, most selfish pos on the field if you ask me. Throwing money figures like "$15 million" into the mix only strengthens the fact that Clowney is in it for the money and not the sport and it reminds us all of how pathetically low the NFL has stooped.

Soft? I suppose Peyton qualifies as soft in your book since he didn't bltch out and actually played every single game during his tenure. Let's not even mention he stayed for his senior year. That's a man and that's the kind of football players that I want to spend my hard earned money on every Saturday to go see.

I think you missed the point..
Yeah...and Bryce Brown among others. How does BB go from being 4th string with about 30 yds. rushing his last year in CFB at KSU to being the beast we all knew he was with the Eagles?...Sandbagging.

Well at least u dont have double standards. I can respect that.
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Theyre all in it for the money lol

Disagree. I'm sure there is at least a handful that don't expect to go on to the NFL.

...but most want to earn it by performing at an elite level in college and not "sandbagging" to stay healthy and skirting their obligation to be a college champion and pay for their college scholarship by being a winner.

In regard to Clowney, exactly.
so anyway, back to Pig...................

He is in class for mini-session and is working out with the team in hopes to be able to come back.
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so anyway, back to Pig...................

He is in class for mini-session and is working out with the team in hopes to be able to come back.

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Pretty sure I could live nicely off 120k/yr for 5 years and have the remaining 1.5M set aside in an IRA for retirement that at such time would be around 10M or more...but to do that you would have to be forward thinking and disciplined.

Yeah, if you don't mind a little prison time for not paying your taxes...
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Players always want good players on their team.

LSU let the team vote on Jeremy Hill last year after he skipped workouts and got arrested twice. He was let back on the team.

If this is solely in the players hands now, expect Pig to be reinstated shortly

Unless they don't like him!
Disagree. I'm sure there is at least a handful that don't expect to go on to the NFL.

In regard to Clowney, exactly.

I meant every NFL player is in it for the money. Yeah they may love the game, but they aren't gonna sacrifice their body for free.

Even in college.....they play for a scholarship. So technically, theyre in it for the money too.

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