Hey chief, there's something you're forgetting. Both the fans, and the players play a role in major athletics. Without the fans, there's no money. Without the money, there's nothing. Therefore, without the fans, there's nothing. Personally, I spend about $4,000-5,000 a year on the Vols. That is about 8% of my earnings. Now, in no way do I feel entitled to any sort of ownership of the Vols because of this money that I spend, however, I do feel entitled to say if something or SOMEONE sucks. If you don't want to be criticized, don't play at a university with a stadium of 100,000 people and a tv audience of millions. Did you watch the draft last night? Did you see Clowney go first pick and make about a $15,000,000 signing bonus? Do you remember him being criticized last year by the media as lazy, heartless, etc etc?? Do you think he cares?!?!? No, he doesn't. You know which players care? The "soft" ones. The ones that won't go to the NFL and get a huge payday. You're a grow ass man at 19-20 years old, and need to know how to handle criticism. And this is all coming from someone who hardly ever puts a player down, other than maybe saying that Josh Smith has stone hands...but can anyone disagree with that statement?