Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

Exactly. The issue in these cases is not whether he is ACTUALLY armed or going for a weapon, its whether they have a reasonable belief that he is. That depends on a lot more than what we see here.
Are you going to actively criticize the future rioting over this? Or stay quiet? Or blame Trump?
Are you going to actively criticize the future rioting over this? Or stay quiet? Or blame Trump?

These are separate issues. Just because this particular shooting may be defensible or just r lawful doesn't mean that people are not going to be upset by, especially in context of everything else going on.

We ought to all be supportive of peaceful protest, and we all ought to condemn violence.

We also ought to be critical of those who manipulate others with it. This includes those who will take one or two examples of violence and use it to dismiss the legitimate protests of thousands of others.

I don't blame Trump for that phenomenon as it has been going on long before he was around. But I DO blame him for not having the character to call that out, just as he would be critical of individual acts of violence.
These are separate issues. Just because this particular shooting may be defensible or just r lawful doesn't mean that people are not going to be upset by, especially in context of everything else going on.

We ought to all be supportive of peaceful protest, and we all ought to condemn violence.

We also ought to be critical of those who manipulate others with it. This includes those who will take one or two examples of violence and use it to dismiss the legitimate protests of thousands of others.

I don't blame Trump for that phenomenon as it has been going on long before he was around. But I DO blame him for not having the character to call that out, just as he would be critical of individual acts of violence.
One of the few posts I respect by you
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By the time the cop knows there is a gun.... he is a dead cop.... being told to freeze.... disobey orders.... reach into a car.... will get you shot.

But .... but ..... that's police brutality. He didn't have to shoot the dude 7 times just to not freeze.
But .... but ..... but that's police brutality. He didn't have to shoot the dude 7 times for not to freeze.
From what I have seen and someone correct me if I am wrong.... if their is cause to shoot..... they are trained to shoot multiple times like that to eliminate the threat
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