Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

So you're telling me these damn racist cops aren't just running around in circles with no information looking to kill someone!
it's covered in roll call meetings.
"today guys, we really need to look for innocent black guys about to graduate from college who are working 5 jobs for the kids and execute them for absolutely no reason. Wait scratch that, instead of that, let's go for black guys with long criminal histories who we can trick into committing crimes and then trick them into either fighting us, running away, shoot at us, etc. because I'm bored tonight and i really don't want to go home to my wife and kids, but would much rather be blasted on social media/MSM for months for something we do right"

everyone got it? Go kill!
You may be correct. It’s looking more likely than I initially thought, but it’s not confirmed by anything I’ve seen, which is all I’m asking for.

The dispatch setup I’m familiar with involves two people: One is on the phone with the caller and one is on the radio with police. They have a computer system (Computer Assisted Dispatch “CAD”) that helps relay info between them and helps make a record of the interaction. They all try to do their job well and their job is to send officers in with knowledge of the situation. Not every detail makes it to the officers every time.

Seems strange that the reporter who wrote out the timeline would leave out that Blake was the subject of the 10-99, or whatever, if it was in there. He may have been relying on the CAD report, rather than the recording.

Like I said (I think this made it into a post, earlier) they may have rolled up on dude wailing on some woman and had to take action. Or they may have rolled in hot, which happens in domestic situations, and escalated a situation that could have been resolved peaceably. I’ve seen both happen with near equal frequency.

The problem I’m having is getting past all the narratives to the facts that matter.
Yes. Facts will help clear it up and right we re let to speculate on just the few that are present.

I'm good with changing my opinion with more solid info. But based on whats there now, it just seems like the most logical reason why it escalated as quick as it did.
It's not an inference. Why would Dispatch confirm the warrant on Jacob Blake by name, after having the victim calling say he's there by name, and at the flagged address where his previous incidents were located at in the system? AND the officer ASKED for Jacob Blake's description as he arrived on scene after the warrant was verified.

That's pretty clear evidence of what happened.

Anything that requires you to ask “why would” is an inference.
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I find this to be an interesting dynamic right now. Republicans chastise athletes taking a stance on issues which they deem important. They bemoan the cancel culture while advocating for the boycott of American businesses. They are actively and openly trying to destroy American businesses while claiming all protesters and BLM people are rioters hell bent on destroying American businesses.

Here is the big caveat, violence, destroying businesses and listening to athletes and entertainers is all acceptable when it comes from people supporting this administration. This country needs to have an open and honest dialogue about racism. That begins with people really listening to other side's grievance. Understanding that because you don't see racism that your experiences may not be the same as others. Acknowledging that being rich doesn't completely insulate one from racism, any more than it prevents illness or depression.

I don't think people are miles apart on the race issues. We have come a long way, but that doesn't mean we are done with the heavy lifting. Why hasn't this administration reached out to leaders, influential minorities and held a sit down? It is because our system wants us divided, especially in an election year.
You may be correct. It’s looking more likely than I initially thought, but it’s not confirmed by anything I’ve seen, which is all I’m asking for.

The dispatch setup I’m familiar with involves two people: One is on the phone with the caller and one is on the radio with police. They have a computer system (Computer Assisted Dispatch “CAD”) that helps relay info between them and helps make a record of the interaction. They all try to do their job well and their job is to send officers in with knowledge of the situation. Not every detail makes it to the officers every time.

Seems strange that the reporter who wrote out the timeline would leave out that Blake was the subject of the 10-99, or whatever, if it was in there. He may have been relying on the CAD report, rather than the recording.

Like I said (I think this made it into a post, earlier) they may have rolled up on dude wailing on some woman and had to take action. Or they may have rolled in hot, which happens in domestic situations, and escalated a situation that could have been resolved peaceably. I’ve seen both happen with near equal frequency.

The problem I’m having is getting past all the narratives to the facts that matter.
The reporter is paraphrasing, it's not the actual word for word line. and most agencies there is usually only ONE dispatcher (per call) that takes calls AND calls out the call via radio to the officers while typing it in the CAD as well. There is no reason that an officer would ask dispatch directly for a description of Jacob Blake if he wasn't told by her about the warrant and the history at that address
I find this to be an interesting dynamic right now. Republicans chastise athletes taking a stance on issues which they deem important. They bemoan the cancel culture while advocating for the boycott of American businesses. They are actively and openly trying to destroy American businesses while claiming all protesters and BLM people are rioters hell bent on destroying American businesses.

Here is the big caveat, violence, destroying businesses and listening to athletes and entertainers is all acceptable when it comes from people supporting this administration. This country needs to have an open and honest dialogue about racism. That begins with people really listening to other side's grievance. Understanding that because you don't see racism that your experiences may not be the same as others. Acknowledging that being rich doesn't completely insulate one from racism, any more than it prevents illness or depression.

I don't think people are miles apart on the race issues. We have come a long way, but that doesn't mean we are done with the heavy lifting. Why hasn't this administration reached out to leaders, influential minorities and held a sit down? It is because our system wants us divided, especially in an election year.

Real examples of the right endorsing any form of violence.
He's validated more hatred and cultural divide than Obama could have done, even if he had another 8 years, and that speaks volumes.

All of the literal worst people have come out of the woodwork since 2015.[/QUOTE]

And the specific things Trump has done to cause this? (Besides his trolling on Twitter)
The rioter who was armed with a pistol and received a round to his right arm, currently has a gofundme site to help pay for his expenses.

Help Kenosha protestor with medical bills, organized by Patti Wenzel

How will this generation ever learn responsibility and consequences for bad choices if they're always enabled and bailed out of every difficult position they find themselves in?
I find this to be an interesting dynamic right now. Republicans chastise athletes taking a stance on issues which they deem important. They bemoan the cancel culture while advocating for the boycott of American businesses. They are actively and openly trying to destroy American businesses while claiming all protesters and BLM people are rioters hell bent on destroying American businesses.

Here is the big caveat, violence, destroying businesses and listening to athletes and entertainers is all acceptable when it comes from people supporting this administration. This country needs to have an open and honest dialogue about racism. That begins with people really listening to other side's grievance. Understanding that because you don't see racism that your experiences may not be the same as others. Acknowledging that being rich doesn't completely insulate one from racism, any more than it prevents illness or depression.

I don't think people are miles apart on the race issues. We have come a long way, but that doesn't mean we are done with the heavy lifting. Why hasn't this administration reached out to leaders, influential minorities and held a sit down? It is because our system wants us divided, especially in an election year.

What businesses have Trump supporters endorsed destroying in this world you have created?
The rioter who was armed with a pistol and received a round to his right arm, currently has a gofundme site to help pay for his expenses.

Help Kenosha protestor with medical bills, organized by Patti Wenzel

How will this generation ever learn responsibility and consequences for bad choices if they're always enabled and bailed out of every difficult position they find themselves in?

The shooter should pay the medical bills of the people he shot.

Telling me to prove that Trump is a bombastic asshoIe without citing Twitter is akin to "Prove Michael Jackson was a sexual predator (except you can't cite the accounts of all his victims)"

That nonsense aside, let's just cite the cornerstone of his 2016 campaign. It was literally built on fear and xenophobia. Now, his new shtick is saying that a vote for Biden is a vote for antifa. It's the most divisive sh*t that you can't make up.

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