Political halftime show rap

I just don't understand why a bunch of 55 year old rappers (not necessarily "has-been, but well well past their primes) were called on for the halftime show anyway. These halftime shows have a knack for getting old washed-out and nearly irrelevant acts as their headliners. Cold play a few years back? Aerosmith? Rolling stones? Maroon 5? Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg? Wtf.
I watched the first half. Thought about the halftime show. Pondered watching it or going out on the patio in 30 degree weather with an almost full moon, jumping in the hot tub while enjoying a cold beverage. Decided on the hot tub and beverage. Sat there for a 30 min cycle. Thought about getting out to see the second half. Pushed the button for another 30 min cycle. Came in for the 4th qtr. Not really feeling like I missed a whole lot.
I watched the first half. Thought about the halftime show. Pondered watching it or going out on the patio in 30 degree weather with an almost full moon, jumping in the hot tub while enjoying a cold beverage. Decided on the hot tub and beverage. Sat there for a 30 min cycle. Thought about getting out to see the second half. Pushed the button for another 30 min cycle. Came in for the 4th qtr. Not really feeling like I missed a whole lot.

First play of the 2nd half and the last two possessions of the second half were all you needed to see.
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I just don't understand why a bunch of 55 year old rappers (not necessarily "has-been, but well well past their primes) were called on for the halftime show anyway. These halftime shows have a knack for getting old washed-out and nearly irrelevant acts as their headliners. Cold play a few years back? Aerosmith? Rolling stones? Maroon 5? Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg? Wtf.
Probably because they're in LA

Many of the commercials had a throwback vibe to them. No way that was a coincidence so I'm guessing they knew their audience
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I’m not much into Rap/Hip-Hop but I thought the show was ok. They’ve had much better half-time shows. I didn’t notice anything to be offended about but of course I couldn’t understand 90% of the words so….
Loved the halftime show. Didn't even notice Em "kneeled" nor do I give a ****. Hopped on Twitter, no one seems to care either. Good. Oh Will Cain and Clay Travis are upset people weren't wearing masks. Seriously. Yall need to move tf on.
Loved the halftime show. Didn't even notice Em "kneeled" nor do I give a ****. Hopped on Twitter, no one seems to care either. Good. Oh Will Cain and Clay Travis are upset people weren't wearing masks. Seriously. Yall need to move tf on.
I think they’re “upset” that some of the people shown without masks on Sunday are some of the same virtue signalers that carry the weight of government behind them enforcing mask mandates on everyone else on Monday.
At halftime, I got up & went to the computer to see the threads on VNPF.
I didn't really think about the halftime show but in my mind, I knew it would be trash TV.
Got back to the game in the 3rd Qtr around the 8 minute mark.
It wasn’t bad. Mary J. and Marshall Mathers were the weak spots.

I am surprised there hasn't been an outcry from the cancel police to cancel Marshall. I don't condone canceling, but he has rapped about hating gay people in the past (Jokingly most likely though).
Loved the halftime show. Didn't even notice Em "kneeled" nor do I give a ****. Hopped on Twitter, no one seems to care either. Good. Oh Will Cain and Clay Travis are upset people weren't wearing masks. Seriously. Yall need to move tf on.

Performance was fine, don't care about it at all. But people pointing out the hypocrisy of others forcing children to wear masks in school on Monday while they take selfies maskless in a massive crowd is fair game.
I think they’re “upset” that some of the people shown without masks on Sunday are some of the same virtue signalers that carry the weight of government behind them enforcing mask mandates on everyone else on Monday.
Yeah but you had to either be vaxxed or have a negative covid test to get into the stadium so were masks really needed?
Funny that older white guy is their target audience but the wife and I both "rapped" along much to the amazement of our kids

Lol my wife was belting it out word for word and enjoying every minute.
Lol my wife was belting it out word for word and enjoying every minute.
My wife wasn't really paying attention, but when Eminem started she looked up and said "I just love Eminem." (she's 56)

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