Poll: Do you support "Packing the SCOTUS" once ACB is confirmed?

Poll: Do you support "Packing the SCOTUS" once ACB is confirmed?

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I don't know where catsup originated, but it wasn't anywhere close to where I grew up or lived. Must be a yankee thing.
I thought that catsup was the actual word, and ketchup is just a bastardized spelling, based on the usual pronunciation. But, I could be wrong.
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Nope, if the dems win and start adding justices it's all on them. They will own it.

No, hog, he's right. We live in one universe; they live in another. In ours we act of our own volition. In the liberal universe it's different - "Now see what you have forced us to do; your actions have forced this ... it's all your fault!"
It will probably thin out around here in 10 days to 2 weeks. If it doesn't, I will vote on election day, because there won't be that many people left who haven't already voted..

Longest line I've been in to vote was early voting because. Won't do it again unless I'll be gone again on an election day ... or need to vote in more than one location.
There is no slant if they’re interpreting law and the constitution how it is written. Activism has no place in any court.

Absurd statement. A photo's worth a thousand words right?

Take 2A: IMO, the Framers didn't have AR15s in mind when granting the right to bear arms. Again, my opinion's based on the Constitution and how it's written. "Bearing arms" like a musket is a far cry from an AR-15 with a 100-round magazine and a bump stock. Hell, owning a nuclear bomb is my God given right per the Constitution if one fails to use common sense.
Absurd statement. A photo's worth a thousand words right?

Take 2A: IMO, the Framers didn't have AR15s in mind when granting the right to bear arms. Again, my opinion's based on the Constitution and how it's written. "Bearing arms" like a musket is a far cry from an AR-15 with a 100-round magazine and a bump stock. Hell, owning a nuclear bomb is my God given right per the Constitution if one fails to use common sense.

The framers didn't have the internet in mind when they wrote the 1A.
Absurd statement. A photo's worth a thousand words right?

Take 2A: IMO, the Framers didn't have AR15s in mind when granting the right to bear arms. Again, my opinion's based on the Constitution and how it's written. "Bearing arms" like a musket is a far cry from an AR-15 with a 100-round magazine and a bump stock. Hell, owning a nuclear bomb is my God given right per the Constitution if one fails to use common sense.

Apparently it was as I just bought one. I won’t have any 100 round mags but I’ll have plenty of 30 round ones. Hell who knows I may get 100 round one too, if they make them. I know there’s some high capacity drum mags out there. Anyway, you’re ok with the right to bear arms you just don’t like the scary looking ones. I’m sure you’re against limiting free speech as well. “Hate speech” 😂
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The framers didn't have the internet in mind when they wrote the 1A.

Shhhh. This is how libs prove the need for flexibility ... so much has happened since we got started, so we need to redo it; and if we can't re do it, then we need to amend the hell out of it which takes a select group of "proper" thinking guys and gals in black dresses to "interpret" what the original guys were thinking.
Apparently it was as I just bought one. I won’t have any 100 round mags but I’ll have plenty of 30 round ones. Hell who knows I may get 100 round one too, if they make them. I know there’s some high capacity drum mags out there. Anyway, you’re ok with the right to bear arms you just don’t like the scary looking ones. I’m sure you’re against limiting free speech as well. “Hate speech” 😂

Nope. Own guns. But, I do know that semi-auto guns have no rightful place but war. /endthread
Absurd statement. A photo's worth a thousand words right?

Take 2A: IMO, the Framers didn't have AR15s in mind when granting the right to bear arms. Again, my opinion's based on the Constitution and how it's written. "Bearing arms" like a musket is a far cry from an AR-15 with a 100-round magazine and a bump stock. Hell, owning a nuclear bomb is my God given right per the Constitution if one fails to use common sense.

*And they do have 100 round mags. Now I’m tempted.
Absurd statement. A photo's worth a thousand words right?

Take 2A: IMO, the Framers didn't have AR15s in mind when granting the right to bear arms. Again, my opinion's based on the Constitution and how it's written. "Bearing arms" like a musket is a far cry from an AR-15 with a 100-round magazine and a bump stock. Hell, owning a nuclear bomb is my God given right per the Constitution if one fails to use common sense.

The framers intended that citizens would have access to the same firearms as those possessed by the government. Therefore, there should be no restrictions on what weapons a citizen may own.

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