Poll: Do you support "Packing the SCOTUS" once ACB is confirmed?

Poll: Do you support "Packing the SCOTUS" once ACB is confirmed?

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It's already happened. The GOP blocked Obama's lower court appointees, ran the clock out, and then "packed" those openings with Trump's appointees. They blocked Garland by creating a new rule, stole the seat, and then "packed" the Court with Gorsuch after eliminating the filibuster for SCOTUS appointments. Now, they're not following their own rule so they can again "pack the court" with Barrett.

No one created a new rule for Garland. 10 times the party of the president and senate have been different in the last year and only 2/10 were confirmed. All of your complaints are nonsense

You’re intentionally redefining the term “pack” because you’re upset that the court we have real judges instead of left wing activist.
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The framers intended that citizens would have access to the same firearms as those possessed by the government. Therefore, there should be no restrictions on what weapons a citizen may own.

Interesting if true. Got a link to your theory?
Lmfao. “If it fires one round every time you pull the trigger, it’s an evil weapon of war!”

You should troll better.

He should move to Canada where they banned the mean looking guns but you can get the same gun but it looks different. Of course you don’t have a right to defend yourself there, can’t have a loaded gun in your home, can’t shoot safely on your own private property, etc but criminals will still do what they do.
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Lmfao. “If it fires one round every time you pull the trigger, it’s an evil weapon of war!”

You should troll better.

Cool story bro.

Let's make a deal: You and I have a gunfight. You bring your one rounder, I'll bring an AR15.

There's a reason AR15s and its derivatives are in the military. Where they belong.
Really depends on what you're protecting yourself from now doesn't it?

99% of the time, words work. Pretty confident if someone wants me dead, I'll be dead before I knew what hit me.

Such is life... and death.
Cool story bro.

Let's make a deal: You and I have a gunfight. You bring your one rounder, I'll bring an AR15.

There's a reason AR15s and its derivatives are in the military. Where they belong.

Do you believe ar15’s to be the only semi automatic weapons, or can we both agree you’re moving the goal post here?
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Cool story bro.

Let's make a deal: You and I have a gunfight. You bring your one rounder, I'll bring an AR15.

There's a reason AR15s and its derivatives are in the military. Where they belong.

This argument isn’t any better than any other you've offered. If he has one round and he’s a better shot it doesn’t matter what you have.
By your logic, my "right to bear arms" includes nuclear weapons.

Common sense is part of the equation. Hence, states like MA and others banning AR15s.

Maybe they should just ban nuclear weapons. What is the difference between these two rifles that scare you?


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