POLL: Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

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It's already happening. People are fleeing California and land in other areas. Instead of assimilating they try and make it like what they ran from. Austin is a prime example. It's the craziest thing. "I hate this place so I'm going to make my new home what I hated"
I haven’t seen anything yet where I live. I get it though, that people are leaving New York, Cali, Oregon, and other places. Still, they better not start here, because they don’t want to bring that crap with a lot of people being country folk. They have guns, and they’re not scared to use them here. You wouldn’t believe 10 to 15 minutes outside of Memphis, how quickly it changes. It leads right into country folk, and a lot of them.
I agree, destruction of property and looting are unacceptable. That would be classified as rioting. Arrest and charge the people doing it. Only those people, with proof and due process... just like any other crime. Agreed?

The real problem is the local and state leaders have turned a blind eye and let this get completely out of control.
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If only Biden had been a Senator for more than 36 years and Vice President for 8 years then maybe he could have done something!!

Let's see if 4 more years of yelling on twitter works to solve our problems. After all, he did write a book called the art of the deal; maybe he's playing 4d chess and we're just a bunch of dipshits.
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I agree, destruction of property and looting are unacceptable. That would be classified as rioting. Arrest and charge the people doing it. Only those people, with proof and due process... just like any other crime. Agreed?

Yes, problem is in some of these cities the politicians aren’t allowing the police to do that.
As much as I'd love watching left wingers be crushed under the treads of tanks, I prefer the democrat cities and its liberals to wallow in their own mess for as long as possible.
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If only Biden had been a Senator for more than 36 years and Vice President for 8 years then maybe he could have done something!!
Its so strange that after having a black President for 8 years he didn't fix all the black people problems. I mean if Obama couldn't literally do anything, why do they think anyone else will?
People aren't saying he is in charge and responsible for stopping them. People are saying his continuous divisive rhetoric and hate filled comments are responsible for the current state of affairs
No. Black people committing a disproportionate amount of the crime in the USA plus general left wing low IQ/education/emotional thinking is the problem. Thats a quantitative fact.
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A leader should do that. They should be able to bring people to the table. The government should not. That is the difference you are ignoring.
Wtf. You guys are everywhere with the assumptions. I never said new legislation needs to happen. This is exactly the problem I'm talking about. Everyone just wants to argue, no one wants to address the problems and find solutions. The first thing you guys went to was arguing against a point I did not make. People need to shift their focus to problem solving. BLM is a huge movement, and so is the counter-movement against it. Why no movement for making a table to bring the sides together and just try to come to a peaceful resolution?
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Wtf. You guys are everywhere with the assumptions. I never said new legislation needs to happen. This is exactly the problem I'm talking about. Everyone just wants to argue, no one wants to address the problems and find solutions. The first thing you guys went to was arguing against a point I did not make. People need to shift their focus to problem solving. BLM is a huge movement, and so is the counter-movement against it. Why no movement for making a table to bring the sides together and just try to come to a peaceful resolution?
Because there is no money or power in it. It's been said a number of times modern politicians dont fix problems. As long as the 2 party system stays in place it will continue to be that way.
Because there is no money or power in it. It's been said a number of times modern politicians dont fix problems. As long as the 2 party system stays in place it will continue to be that way.
...which is why I posited that a celebrity or athlete could do it. Also why I said the best thing would be for BLM or some kind of police rep to actually create some kind of summit-like event or anything else that will get the wheels moving towards actual solutions. As this forum exemplifies, too many people are more interested in shouting than working. Someone needs to set an example.
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...which is why I posited that a celebrity or athlete could do it. Also why I said the best thing would be for BLM or some kind of police rep to actually create some kind of summit-like event or anything else that will get the wheels moving towards actual solutions. As this forum exemplifies, too many people are more interested in shouting than working. Someone needs to set an example.

Nobody (with any sense) is going to listen to a celebrity or athlete simply because they are a celebrity or athlete. The simple fix is for cops to start holding other cops to a higher standard and weed out the dirtbags. AND for minority, white trash and other poor communities to stop glorifying the thug lifestyle and put an emphasis on education.
Because there is no money or power in it. It's been said a number of times modern politicians dont fix problems. As long as the 2 party system stays in place it will continue to be that way.

As long as constituents don't demand their representatives go to the table to negotiate it won't happen either. Part of the problem is all of us.
As long as constituents don't demand their representatives go to the table to negotiate it won't happen either. Part of the problem is all of us.

What is there to negotiate? IMO you don't negotiate from weakness and agreeing to negotiate while riots are still happening is a demonstration of weakness.
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Nobody (with any sense) is going to listen to a celebrity or athlete simply because they are a celebrity or athlete. The simple fix is for cops to start holding other cops to a higher standard and weed out the dirtbags. AND for minority, white trash and other poor communities to stop glorifying the thug lifestyle and put an emphasis on education.
Bro, who gives a **** who the exact person is? The point is someone with the ability to create an audience. You guys are so hung up on irrelevant details. Whether you agree with it or not, politicians, celebrities, and athletes have clout and funding to make this shift happen.
Bro, who gives a **** who the exact person is? The point is someone with the ability to create an audience. You guys are so hung up on irrelevant details. Whether you agree with it or not, politicians, celebrities, and athletes have clout and funding to make this shift happen.
They are quickly running out of clout and when that goes the funding will follow
What is there to negotiate? IMO you don't negotiate from weakness and agreeing to negotiate while riots are still happening is a demonstration of weakness.
BLM and LE need to listen to each other and say "OK, I hear you. Here's what we're going to do about it."
BLM vows to take action to control protests, LE vows to reduce avoidable violence. No one asks BLM to stop protesting, no one asks LE to not take measures to protect themselves. Each side owns up to their wrongdoings and moves forward with the intention to harmonize relations. No new legistlation required. Make it cool work towards concrete solutions.
They are quickly running out of clout and when that goes the funding will follow
Well you guys wake me up when the day comes where anyone can make millions watch/listen at the drop of a hat. I know I don't have that power, but there will always be people who do. For the fourth or fifth time, who does it is irrelevant; although if BLM or LE group would actually step up and start the movement, that would be preferable.
BLM and LE need to listen to each other and say "OK, I hear you. Here's what we're going to do about it."
BLM vows to take action to control protests, LE vows to reduce avoidable violence. No one asks BLM to stop protesting, no one asks LE to not take measures to protect themselves. Each side owns up to their wrongdoings and moves forward with the intention to harmonize relations. No new legistlation required. Make it cool work towards concrete solutions.
I think where many of us feel you are missing the mark is on “BLM and LE need to listen to each other...”. Many of us feel BLM the political activist organization isn’t interested in listening to anybody except their overlords directing them to sow chaos and insurrection. The individuals within these communities and local LE should absolutely be talking to each other. But that gets back to the local stage and not the national stage. My personal belief is anytime you involve BLM the political organization things will only get worse.
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I think where many of us feel you are missing the mark is on “BLM and LE need to listen to each other...”. Many of us feel BLM the political activist organization isn’t interested in listening to anybody except their overlords directing them to sow chaos and insurrection. The individuals within these communities and local LE should absolutely be talking to each other. But that gets back to the local stage and not the national stage. My personal belief is anytime you involve BLM the political organization things will only get worse.
Your thoughts exemplify and epitomize the problem. You're literally saying you'd rather disrespect a group than even attempt to take a step towards a solution. There are a lot of POS people in both BLM and LE. Strong people can deal with it.
...which is why I posited that a celebrity or athlete could do it. Also why I said the best thing would be for BLM or some kind of police rep to actually create some kind of summit-like event or anything else that will get the wheels moving towards actual solutions. As this forum exemplifies, too many people are more interested in shouting than working. Someone needs to set an example.
Again there is no power or money for actors or athletes or BLM or the KKK for that matter to try and pull people together.

Until, or unless, their actions have consquences where we say enough is enough, things arent going to change.
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Well you guys wake me up when the day comes where anyone can make millions watch/listen at the drop of a hat. I know I don't have that power, but there will always be people who do. For the fourth or fifth time, who does it is irrelevant; although if BLM or LE group would actually step up and start the movement, that would be preferable.
It's coming soon. This shutdown and politicization of sports has turned many off. When athletes or entertainers are forced to speak about issues people start to realize they aren't very interesting or intelligent people after all
No. Black people committing a disproportionate amount of the crime in the USA plus general left wing low IQ/education/emotional thinking is the problem. Thats a quantitative fact.
Except for the quantitative fact that the left is far more educated and intelligent. Also its poor urban people that commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Poor urban whites have the same or worse crime rates as poor urban black people.

Thanks for playing though.
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Your thoughts exemplify and epitomize the problem. You're literally saying you'd rather disrespect a group than even attempt to take a step towards a solution. There are a lot of POS people in both BLM and LE. Strong people can deal with it.
Ok. Works for me. I look at the demonstrated actions of BLM and I view them as THE problem. I don’t disrespect them. They disrespect literally everybody.

And YOU are part of the problem with your emotional “just do something!” stance. That starts with Portland Mayor and Police. Until they start to clean up their own mess why should anybody else take that responsibility on.
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Ok. Works for me. I look at the demonstrated actions of BLM and I view them as THE problem. I don’t disrespect them. They disrespect literally everybody.

And YOU are part of the problem with your emotional “just do something!” stance. That starts with Portland Mayor and Police. Until they start to clean up their own mess why should anybody else take that responsibility on.
A nutty BLM supporter would say the same about LE. Are you really criticizing my idea to create action and suggesting that the mayor and PD.....take action?
A nutty BLM supporter would say the same about LE. Are you really criticizing my idea to create action and suggesting that the Portland Mayo
Yep. Because you’re just emotionally spewing do something. I dont want to support the Portland Mayor. At this point that is vacated. I want to hold him accountable. I do support the Oregon Governor if she uses her state resources AND only hers to clean it up.

Wheeler had his chance he needs to GTFO now. He is incompetent and spineless. Look to Denver’s mayor for an example of how to act.
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