POLL: Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

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Wtf. You guys are everywhere with the assumptions. I never said new legislation needs to happen. This is exactly the problem I'm talking about. Everyone just wants to argue, no one wants to address the problems and find solutions. The first thing you guys went to was arguing against a point I did not make. People need to shift their focus to problem solving. BLM is a huge movement, and so is the counter-movement against it. Why no movement for making a table to bring the sides together and just try to come to a peaceful resolution?

One thing we don't have a shortage of and likely never will is legislation and regulation. What we do have a shortage of is the will to apply the meaningful laws that we do have and delete the rest. Too many of our problems lie in legislative bodies who trade in the buying and selling of votes and legislation/regulation. The tax code is a prime example - full of loopholes and giveaways to groups, organizations, businesses, and individuals with the financial and/or votes to put the same ole criminals back in congress year after year. You are right it's far easier, cleaner, and safer to sit in isolation and debate and write more new and meaningless legislation than it is to roll up sleeves and actually go after a problem. And that doesn't even begin to consider self protective bureaucracies between those who write worthless law and those who are tasked with the dirty work of implementation.
A nutty BLM supporter would say the same about LE. Are you really criticizing my idea to create action and suggesting that the mayor and PD.....take action?

All across the globe countries, states, cities, etc have police departments - legal entities were founded with the express intention of protecting the masses from the criminal element - simple evolution of civil society as opposed to vigilante justice. Now perhaps you have a better idea than how modern police forces have evolved - considering government bureaucracies, unions, etc, you might; but I doubt it. BLM (in my opinion at least) is the antithesis of that; it very much appears to be an organization dedicated to anarchy or simply to the thought that select groups of people aren't accountable to the same rules as the rest of us. In the light of "where there's smoke, there's fire" there's credence to the thought that some within law enforcement don't treat everyone with the same consideration and respect. However, you absolutely cannot discount the thought that communities evolve viewpoints which influence outcomes - perpetual victim is an example. What you are suggesting is that legitimate "authority" meet and arbitrate with thugs (at best) or representatives of outside interests whose aim is to destabilize. That's unacceptable.

If this were a matter of legitimately looking at law enforcement and the militarization of it during the last few years - oversight and returning to civility in general for everyone, then you'd probably have the concurrence of just about everyone.
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Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Household Poverty and Nonfatal Violent Victimization, 2008-2012

  • Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000).
  • Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8-2.5 per 1,000).
  • The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels.
  • Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000).
  • Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000).
  • Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).

Its sad that white culture is glorifying violence and so anti education. What will we do about all of this white on white crime?

"Poverty is the parent of crime." -Aristotle
We don't care about White on White crime. While the rates are similar you still seem to ignore the fact that you're a much smaller % of the population and in fact are responsible for higher rates of violent crime than anyone else. Math..its what you didnt eat for breakfast. Hell your post accidently proves my point. Again, good job for doing that on your own. Lol
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We don't care about White on White crime. While the rates are similar you still seem to ignore the fact that you're a much smaller % of the population and in fact are responsible for higher rates of violent crime than anyone else. Math..its what you didnt eat for breakfast. Hell your post accidently proves my point. Again, good job for doing that on your own. Lol
13%of the population and 80% of the crime.
The first comment might be a quantitative fact. The second one is an opinion. There are as many right wing, low IQ citizens as there are left wing. Believing anything to the contrary would make you a low info guy

This is off subject.....I bet you hated officers when you served, didn't you?
Lol. Why would I have hated officers? I had a college degree. Now I have 3 (2 graduate) Bless your heart, you try so hard. I bet you were what we called a "noner".

Also my "opinion" is backed up by hard data. Its math based so be careful..I know how you libs are terrible with math you don't agree with.
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All across the globe countries, states, cities, etc have police departments - legal entities were founded with the express intention of protecting the masses from the criminal element - simple evolution of civil society as opposed to vigilante justice. Now perhaps you have a better idea than how modern police forces have evolved - considering government bureaucracies, unions, etc, you might; but I doubt it. BLM (in my opinion at least) is the antithesis of that; it very much appears to be an organization dedicated to anarchy or simply to the thought that select groups of people aren't accountable to the same rules as the rest of us. In the light of "where there's smoke, there's fire" there's credence to the thought that some within law enforcement don't treat everyone with the same consideration and respect. However, you absolutely cannot discount the thought that communities evolve viewpoints which influence outcomes - perpetual victim is an example. What you are suggesting is that legitimate "authority" meet and arbitrate with thugs (at best) or representatives of outside interests whose aim is to destabilize. That's unacceptable.

If this were a matter of legitimately looking at law enforcement and the militarization of it during the last few years - oversight and returning to civility in general for everyone, then you'd probably have the concurrence of just about everyone.

Correct the police don't follow the same rules or even rules they are supposed to. They are thugs.

This is what BLM is fighting.
We don't care about White on White crime. While the rates are similar you still seem to ignore the fact that you're a much smaller % of the population and in fact are responsible for higher rates of violent crime than anyone else. Math..its what you didnt eat for breakfast. Hell your post accidently proves my point. Again, good job for doing that on your own. Lol

Its accidentally

I also showed you POOR people commit crime. Just more poor black people due to many reasons rooted in the racism of America.

Poor white people commit more crimes than poor black people. So in similar situations white people are actually more criminal.

A higher percentage of white people of all incomes are addicted to drugs.


Most of the crime in the US is white on white seeing that 70% of crime is by white people and 90% of that is white on white. Maybe you should be more concerned about the epidemic of white crime than what black people do.

Lol. Why would I have hated officers? I had a college degree. Now I have 3 (2 graduate) Bless your heart, you try so hard. I bet you were what we called a "noner".

Also my "opinion" is backed up by hard data. Its math based so be careful..I know how you libs are terrible with math you don't agree with.

The data says Democrats are more educated. The least educated areas all voted Trump.

Those are actual facts.
You view education = intelligence which is a serious logical flaw.
Well Americans don't take a national intelligence test.

So more educated most likely means better grades through school and better test scores. Most of the time that is how intelligence for groups is quantified. Don't be obtuse.
Well Americans don't take a national intelligence test.

So more educated most likely means better grades through school and better test scores. Most of the time that is how intelligence for groups is quantified. Don't be obtuse.
More educated means none of that. The valedictorian of my hs had a 4.0 which was better than mine. However compare our classes and my 5 AP classes vs her 0 says plenty about intelligence.

Going into major debt for a degree that pays $40k/yr is the opposite of intelligent. Where I used to live really valued trade schools and those guys made plenty very quickly with zero debt. I also used to work closely with plumbers and pipe fitters and those guys made bank of they tried

This belief that schooling shows who is smart/superior is thankfully becoming outdated. It's funny because the govt and the schools are to blame for the shift when they try to push it.
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More educated means none of that. The valedictorian of my hs had a 4.0 which was better than mine. However compare our classes and my 5 AP classes vs her 0 says plenty about intelligence.

Going into major debt for a degree that pays $40k/yr is the opposite of intelligent. Where I used to live really valued trade schools and those guys made plenty very quickly with zero debt. I also used to work closely with plumbers and pipe fitters and those guys made bank of they tried

This belief that schooling shows who is smart/superior is thankfully becoming outdated. It's funny because the govt and the schools are to blame for the shift when they try to push it.
Pay doesn't determine intelligence. I know a couple dumbazzes who make six figures. Having a trade or skill does not show intelligence. lmao

Al we can go by to compare is education. So to be 100% technical Dems are more educated.
Well Americans don't take a national intelligence test.

So more educated most likely means better grades through school and better test scores. Most of the time that is how intelligence for groups is quantified. Don't be obtuse.

If a person doesn't have a degree, they aren't intelligent? Are you sure? Think about your answer before you type.
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Pay doesn't determine intelligence. I know a couple dumbazzes who make six figures. Having a trade or skill does not show intelligence. lmao

Al we can go by to compare is education. So to be 100% technical Dems are more educated.
being able to control revenue vs expenses is a part of being intelligent. Paying too much for an items that can set you life back for decades is not intelligent

Why would all those educated people want and need govt to control their lives? Interesting huh?
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Not what I said. The only measure in the US is education. Dems are more educated. That is a fact.

Using your go to metric for crime rates, etc., wouldn't your claim mean that whites are far more intelligent than blacks? I mean whites have many more degrees than blacks. Whites have higher test scores, grades, degrees, etc. Are they more intelligent? I don't think so but am interested to hear your answer. Don't make excuses about access and all that bull, you have just made statements about the POOR RURAL WHITE POPULATION. Yet the poor rural white voter would be more INTELLIGENT than the black voter by your estimation.
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being able to control revenue vs expenses is a part of being intelligent. Paying too much for an items that can set you life back for decades is not intelligent

Why would all those educated people want and need govt to control their lives? Interesting huh?
Like I said more educated.

We can debate you claiming that plumbers and tower climbers are smarter than Doctors, Lawyers, Professors,and other professionals all you want because they start with less debt.

If that is your argument then cool.
Like I said more educated.

We can debate you claiming that plumbers and tower climbers are smarter than Doctors, Lawyers, Professors,and other professionals all you want because they start with less debt.

If that is your argument then cool.
Smarter than doctors? Never my claim

Smarter than a gender studies major at a private college? Absolutely
Using your go to metric for crime rates, etc., wouldn't your claim mean that whites are far more intelligent than blacks? I mean whites have many more degrees than blacks. Whites have higher test scores, grades, degrees, etc. Are they more intelligent? I don't think so but am interested to hear your answer. Don't make excuses about access and all that bull, you have just made statements about the POOR RURAL WHITE POPULATION. Yet the poor rural white voter would be more INTELLIGENT than the black voter by your estimation.
For one a rural white is less educated than an urban black person. Rural areas no matter the color have the lowest degree rates.

Black people are less educated on average. Its a fact. But black college rates are rising and white is falling. With the income gap and historical factors for black people to be closing the gap is impressive.

Crime and intelligence are unrelated. Their are criminals who are literal geniuses. Poverty and race are related.
Poor white people commit more crime than poor black people. Poor whites also get less than degrees than poor black people.

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