Portal Activity (News and Rumors)

As I said before, Burns didn't do well starting this year-- The coaches showcased him in that closer role, and now he's got a lot of attention. Hope Tony offers him a starter job, regardless-- I think he has earned it the way he pitched in the regionals/CWS.
We have a path for Burns to start here, but he needs to develop a good third pitch. His fastball and slider are great. I get why he wants to start, but without that third pitch, he's a bullpen guy at the next level. Looking for a "promise" to start is weak. A true competitor earns everything and doesn't look to just have things handed to him. I hope Chase stays and earns that Friday night starting spot.
We have a path for Burns to start here, but he needs to develop a good third pitch. His fastball and slider are great. I get why he wants to start, but without that third pitch, he's a bullpen guy at the next level. Looking for a "promise" to start is weak. A true competitor earns everything and doesn't look to just have things handed to him. I hope Chase stays and earns that Friday night starting spot.
He broke out a curve and a change up vs Stanford.
Vitello can’t pay him himself. It comes down to Spyre and the people donating to it.
I completely understand that. No one is talking about Vitello paying him. This has nothing to do with NIL as I stated earlier. I honestly believes this comes down to rather Vitello till guarantee him a starting spot for Friday ot Saturday. Burns wants to start and has even said so since the season has been over with. NIL is great for kids that not getting drafted high. He is going to be a 1st round pick, NIL is not the driving factor with him.
We have a path for Burns to start here, but he needs to develop a good third pitch. His fastball and slider are great. I get why he wants to start, but without that third pitch, he's a bullpen guy at the next level. Looking for a "promise" to start is weak. A true competitor earns everything and doesn't look to just have things handed to him. I hope Chase stays and earns that Friday night starting spot.
If a promise keeps him from going to LSU or Vandy then so be it. Make him the Friday night guy stsrtinf out, and Beam the Saturday. If his ERA jumps like it did this year again next year then move him back to the pen. Pretty simple. There isn’t a pitcher currently in the portal that is better than him.
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Jacksonville State pitcher AJ Causey joins Tennessee out of transfer portal - VolReport

According to the article our new RH pitcher, A. J. Causey played on the same travel ball team as Drew Beam and they have remained friends after leaving for college. According to the article. A.J. chose Tennessee over several other SEC teams. The article implies that the Drew Beam connection may have been important in his decision making.

( The article didn't mention that Drew's GF's father works for Texas A&M Baseball)
In before, Drew told him he was leaving for aTm and there would be a spot for him.
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This has been at least a month ago if not longer. I think it may’ve been after the Vandy series. They interviewed Burns on Rally Cap on SECN. They asked him about coming off of the pen vs starting. I remember he said something about not initially being happy about losing his starting job and being moved to the closer. The guys on the show were praising him and his performance and yet something seemed off with Burns. He didn’t seem real thrilled to be on the show. The guys on the show were talking about him and praising the team and how they’d apparently come together. Chase just didn’t seem into it at all. It was weird.
I think, like most of us, you see what you want to see to fit your narrative.
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To be fair.. we don’t belong. We have the worst stadium, worst facilities, worst history, but an amazing coach.

We are definitely nueve riche in baseball.

Are you even a Tennessee fan? Like, truly. I have never met someone more negative to Tennessee athletics than you.

“We don’t belong.”

“Tony Vitello is leaving us. We just can’t compete. Wow is me.”

“Why would Burns want to be here anyway? He’s gone.”

Based on your immaculate track record, I fully expect Burns rumors to die down and him to be a Vol. Sheesh.
Are you even a Tennessee fan? Like, truly. I have never met someone more negative to Tennessee athletics than you.

“We don’t belong.”

“Tony Vitello is leaving us. We just can’t compete. Wow is me.”

“Why would Burns want to be here anyway? He’s gone.”

Based on your immaculate track record, I fully expect Burns rumors to die down and him to be a Vol. Sheesh.
See I told you he’d still tell me i was wrong
Sounds to me like a bunch of people throwing stuff against the wall to stir up rumors. When all is said and done I’d bet he’s here next year
There are not many in the business that’s as good of pitching coach as Anderson. The Vols have finished in the top 20 nationally in ERA, WHIP, strikeout-to-walk ratio and walks allowed per nine innings in each of the past four seasons. Anderson has overseen some of the nation’s top pitching staffs during his 39-year coaching career. In total, Anderson’s pitching staffs have finished among the top-25 in the country in ERA 15 times, including nine top-10 rankings.

Also wasn’t he named the 2022 Rawlings Pitching Coach of the year? In my opinion, if Burns leave sit will be solely based on him being upset getting moved to the Bullpen. I think if Vitello would guarantee that he would be the Friday or Saturday starter he would stay. Make no bones about it, he did not like getting moved to the pen and he is on record stating that he wants to start going forward that he has always started his entire career growing up.

He was asked by knoxnews reporter what was next after the season was over and his statement was that he was gonna take what made him successful this year and use next year going forward. He also stated that he has always started his entire career and looks to be a starter next year again. I hope he don’t transfer, but if someone like LSU, TCU or Vandy promises him a starting role on Friday and Vitello don’t, then I think we can see him going. I honestly believes it comes down to being a starter with him. I don’t think NIL is playing a major role here. But I have been wrong many times before and could be wrong now.
I've always expected he would go back to the rotation next year. I assumed everyone thought that. Calling a spade a spade, moving him to the bullpen this year was the right move. He was not producing. Intensity of emotions fade over time but he wasn't just having a bad inning here or there. Tony did what he thought was best for the team and he was right. I would think its a clean slate in the off-season with Burns being a front runner in the coaches minds to be our #1.
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I've always expected he would go back to the rotation next year. I assumed everyone thought that. Calling a spade a spade, moving him to the bullpen this year was the right move. He was not producing. Intensity of emotions fade over time but he wasn't just having a bad inning here or there. Tony did what he thought was best for the team and he was right. I would think it’s a clean slate in the off-season with Burns being a front runner in the coaches minds to be our #1.
Being a front runner is not the assurance I’m afraid he’s looking for.
the one thing about about Tony, he's never going to guarantee anything. He will only guarantee you a chance to compete for playing time.
As it should be. If you can't compete and outperform your teammate, then you don't get to see the field. If you don't like it, then your options are work harder, or blame the coach and hit the transfer portal.
This would be a pretty quiet Friday night/Saturday morning prior to social media. Now everyone’s blood pressure is spiking. The program is in good hands no matter the outcome of the Burns’ saga.
If it's about personal reasons I understand, but if is about money it's bs.i have been drilled many times on here complaining aboutthis NIL thing it will ruin college athletics it's not about the University anymore it's what can you do for me. Might as well say it's a pay for play.
I will not discuss rumors but I will give insight into Chase Burns. He is a big introvert. He is a great young man but is slow to let people into his life. He hates interviews or being in the spotlight. I had to work real hard to get him to let me in. But now my wife and I are there. He comes across as mad or not fitting in but he just struggles letting people get to know him. He is Kirby’s apartment mate and they have become great friends. He will definitely need a publicist when he is drafted. But again a great young man. Don’t read body language as the whole of him.
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