Just got her tonight, she doesn't have a name just yet. She wasn't working w/ me when I was trying to take her pics so my boy is helping out. That's him in the pics
ya my parents got one when i was a soph in hs. she died back in january due to congestive heart failure. she was only 9. but ya they are great, so i had to get one.
man that makes me want to get one. one of the people in the condos up from us just got one, it's still a puppy. i'm just afraid my dog would hurt it, he's clumsy.
yeah they're funny. i'd say if i could keep my dog away long enough for one to grow up a little bit, it would actually calm him down some. he needs a dog to run around with.
we bought another boxer right before bonnaroo...but we ended up taking it back to the breeder. i just kinda figured until i get a house with a fenced in back yard, one huge dog is enough for us.
ya, the last yr i roomed w/ the guys i played ball w/ one of them got a boxer. he was hilarious, good dogs, but i don't have a fenced in yard so no big dog. plus if it was outside i wouldn't play w/ it as much
Just got her tonight, she doesn't have a name just yet. She wasn't working w/ me when I was trying to take her pics so my boy is helping out. That's him in the pics
i'm thinking about gettin a boston terrier. my parents got one when i was in hs, and she died in Jan at the age of 9, due to congestive heart failure. great dog
thanks, you have got to have the biggest boston of all time. is he fat?? Hyacinth(my parents boston) was the runt(like Sophie) but she was 12 lbs, had an all white head, and had blue eyes. great dog. ya put up your pics of petey. how old is he?