Post Examples of Fox News Lies

2021 Ratings: After Slow Start, Fox News Completes Another Year as the Dominant Network on Cable News
How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?
By every measure they presented to us... the vaccine failed. It has not reduced infections. It has not stopped deaths. It has not prevented the spread of the virus. It has not allowed us to "go back to normal" even after reaching the threshold for % of population vaccinated.

Even now, they are perpetuating the idea that natural immunity among those recovered from Covid is inferior to the vaccines. Both reinfections and fully vaxed infections have increased over the last several weeks possibly due to Omicron. However 3.19% of those fully vaccinated since around April in MO have caught Covid. Only 1.52% of those recovered from Covid have been reinfected. The death rate for fully vaxed people is .03%. For those with natural immunity since the beginning of the pandemic... it is .01%.

Not only is acquired natural immunity superior to vaccines... it isn't close.

Health Metrics - Reinfections | COVID-19 Outbreak | Health & Senior Services (

I am sorry I missed this response yesterday. The vaccine has been exceedingly effective and to say otherwise is just not true. Linked is a site that shows graphs of death rates comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated in various countries (vaccinated death rate = deaths in vaccinated/total vaccinated compare to unvaccinated death rate = deaths in unvaccinated/total unvaccinated). The difference is staggering. To say the vaccine is a failure just based off that is difficult to swallow.

How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?

We know that vaccination significantly reduces symptomatic infection, severe infection and deaths compared to those unvaccinated (even if you include unproven vaccine side effects into the vaccinated side of things(vares database)). Has the release of the vaccination allowed us to return to normal at this point? NO!!!!! Is that due to the vaccine ineffectiveness or this debate and lack of people getting vaccinated..... We don't know but eventually will.

Posting the mortality of fully vaccinated in MO vs total since the beginning of the pandemic nation wide is misleading at best. The vaccinated population is higher risk of death compare to unvaccinated (high risk folks are more likely to seek out vaccination). Comparing the denominators is just not appropriate (doesn't stop people from doing it, I understand. Statistically it should not be done without controlling for all factors that might impact mortality).

I am not arguing that getting infection gives those that survive immunity. It definitely does, and that immunity might or might not be stronger than "full vaccination" vs appropriately boosted. Time will tell. Does vaccination give immunity at significantly reduced risk compared to getting COVID without immunization? Unequivocally yes.
You forgot the worse media narrative of the last decade. Michael Brown “choir college boy” and “hands up don’t shoot” lie about that whole story which led to riots and the creation of BLM and Obama and Dems leaching onto the lies to create a fake narrative of systemic racism
What about the probably lethal amount of Fentanyl in St. George
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Like most of Fox's hosts, Sean Hannity lacks a spine. On the air, Sean Hannity has done nothing but unconditionally defend and praise Donald Trump's every move with blind devotion. However, we can see from these texts that Sean Hannity doesn't agree with everything that Donald Trump has done, but Hannity is unprincipled, and cares too much about his ratings to ever risk alienating the Trump base with the slightest hint of a public critique of dear leader. Sean Hannity is two-faced and gutless.

Can you tell us what in his text contradicts what he said on air?
How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?

I am sorry I missed this response yesterday. The vaccine has been exceedingly effective and to say otherwise is just not true. Linked is a site that shows graphs of death rates comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated in various countries (vaccinated death rate = deaths in vaccinated/total vaccinated compare to unvaccinated death rate = deaths in unvaccinated/total unvaccinated). The difference is staggering. To say the vaccine is a failure just based off that is difficult to swallow.

How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?

We know that vaccination significantly reduces symptomatic infection, severe infection and deaths compared to those unvaccinated (even if you include unproven vaccine side effects into the vaccinated side of things(vares database)). Has the release of the vaccination allowed us to return to normal at this point? NO!!!!! Is that due to the vaccine ineffectiveness or this debate and lack of people getting vaccinated..... We don't know but eventually will.

Posting the mortality of fully vaccinated in MO vs total since the beginning of the pandemic nation wide is misleading at best. The vaccinated population is higher risk of death compare to unvaccinated (high risk folks are more likely to seek out vaccination). Comparing the denominators is just not appropriate (doesn't stop people from doing it, I understand. Statistically it should not be done without controlling for all factors that might impact mortality).

I am not arguing that getting infection gives those that survive immunity. It definitely does, and that immunity might or might not be stronger than "full vaccination" vs appropriately boosted. Time will tell. Does vaccination give immunity at significantly reduced risk compared to getting COVID without immunization? Unequivocally yes.

It’s odd you blame the debate on vaccines specifically for people not getting vaccinated. And even seem to imply that it may be the unvaccinated’s fault that we’ve yet to return to normal. Yet examples of countries like Israel where vaccine rates are in the 90s and many have had multiple boosters, are still not “returning to normal”.

Seems like that claim “we would be back to normal if not for the unvaccinated” (granted you only said it’s possible, which is more reasonable than the statements made by media and elected officials) is nothing more than government propaganda.

Does the lack of openness about the vaccine and Covid in general from the government, media, and social media not concern you? The same government that has marijuana listed as a schedule 1 (a drug with no medical value), and now you get banned from social media if you disagree with that government or raise questions they don’t like.

It seems like informed consent would require an honest conversation
It’s odd you blame the debate on vaccines specifically for people not getting vaccinated. And even seem to imply that it may be the unvaccinated’s fault that we’ve yet to return to normal. Yet examples of countries like Israel where vaccine rates are in the 90s and many have had multiple boosters, are still not “returning to normal”.

Seems like that claim “we would be back to normal if not for the unvaccinated” (granted you only said it’s possible, which is more reasonable than the statements made by media and elected officials) is nothing more than government propaganda.

Does the lack of openness about the vaccine and Covid in general from the government, media, and social media not concern you? The same government that has marijuana listed as a schedule 1 (a drug with no medical value), and now you get banned from social media if you disagree with that government or raise questions they don’t like.

It seems like informed consent would require an honest conversation
What is informed consent?

Based off what i posted, you’re denying the vaccine is effective?
It’s odd you blame the debate on vaccines specifically for people not getting vaccinated. And even seem to imply that it may be the unvaccinated’s fault that we’ve yet to return to normal. Yet examples of countries like Israel where vaccine rates are in the 90s and many have had multiple boosters, are still not “returning to normal”.

Seems like that claim “we would be back to normal if not for the unvaccinated” (granted you only said it’s possible, which is more reasonable than the statements made by media and elected officials) is nothing more than government propaganda.

Does the lack of openness about the vaccine and Covid in general from the government, media, and social media not concern you? The same government that has marijuana listed as a schedule 1 (a drug with no medical value), and now you get banned from social media if you disagree with that government or raise questions they don’t like.

It seems like informed consent would require an honest conversation
Your statement of “you get banned from social media if you disagree with the government or raise questions they dont like” is dishonest at a minimum…. I’ve heard the argument many times from certain political extremes.

There are components of cannabis that are used in prescriptions drugs (epidiolex - cbd/thc product) and used to treat ailments such as seizures so don’t get your point. Marijuana is also dangerous in many ways as well…… It is being researched to treat many ailments.

Not necessarily blaming unvaccinated for anything, but media that spreads misinformation for political gain around the vaccine could be blamed. Can’t deny vaccinations effectiveness compared to risk. The likelihood of return to normal would be higher if all vaccinated but obviously we will never be able to show this in the real world due to media disinformation.
It’s odd you blame the debate on vaccines specifically for people not getting vaccinated. And even seem to imply that it may be the unvaccinated’s fault that we’ve yet to return to normal. Yet examples of countries like Israel where vaccine rates are in the 90s and many have had multiple boosters, are still not “returning to normal”.

Seems like that claim “we would be back to normal if not for the unvaccinated” (granted you only said it’s possible, which is more reasonable than the statements made by media and elected officials) is nothing more than government propaganda.

Does the lack of openness about the vaccine and Covid in general from the government, media, and social media not concern you? The same government that has marijuana listed as a schedule 1 (a drug with no medical value), and now you get banned from social media if you disagree with that government or raise questions they don’t like.

It seems like informed consent would require an honest conversation
Finally I’d be willing to bet many a medical professional would be willing to have an honest conversation even sans the other party being willing to do the same.
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2021 Ratings: After Slow Start, Fox News Completes Another Year as the Dominant Network on Cable News
Don’t know how this is relevant to the original post? Please read this. It’s obvious based on this why fox “wins the ratings”. Also, look at their tops stories on an average day. Most are a hit piece on democrats or the “main stream media” (which somehow includes all media sources from far left to non biased). Of course their readers (most republicans), are going to start not trusting other news sources. The one they consume regularly says they shouldn’t….

U.S. Media Polarization and the 2020 Election: A Nation Divided
What is informed consent?

Based off what i posted, you’re denying the vaccine is effective?

Informed consent means any medical treatment should involve an honest conversation regarding all the pro’s and con’s. It’s a key element in medical ethics.

Not at all. It’s somewhat effective at lowering hospitalizations and death. It’s not very effective at lowering spread
Finally I’d be willing to bet many a medical professional would be willing to have an honest conversation even sans the other party being willing to do the same.

Great. Where’s that in the media? Where’s the real conversation with medical professionals about the efficacy of the vaccines, boosters, age groups, etc?

Don’t you think the lack of conversation is odd?
Your statement of “you get banned from social media if you disagree with the government or raise questions they dont like” is dishonest at a minimum…. I’ve heard the argument many times from certain political extremes.

There are components of cannabis that are used in prescriptions drugs (epidiolex - cbd/thc product) and used to treat ailments such as seizures so don’t get your point. Marijuana is also dangerous in many ways as well…… It is being researched to treat many ailments.

Not necessarily blaming unvaccinated for anything, but media that spreads misinformation for political gain around the vaccine could be blamed. Can’t deny vaccinations effectiveness compared to risk. The likelihood of return to normal would be higher if all vaccinated but obviously we will never be able to show this in the real world due to media disinformation.

That’s not dishonest at all. If you post Covid info that the cdc disapproves of you will at a minimum have your post censored, and in many cases people have been outright banned. Isn’t that a problem?

My point is that marijuana is a schedule 1 drug according to the government. By definition that is a drug with no medical value. Obviously what I’m saying is government allows politics and business interest to dictate their medical decisions.

Media disinformation isn’t why people aren’t getting vaccinated. Lack of information is. The open suspension of informantion about the negatives of vaccines is insane and unethical.

When high ranking fda officials resigned over the boosters, did that not concern you?

Have you ever seen a break down by age group of the risk of vaccine vs Covid?

Those are two of my biggest issues and you can’t have honest conversations about that. That’s an issue
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Don’t know how this is relevant to the original post? Please read this. It’s obvious based on this why fox “wins the ratings”. Also, look at their tops stories on an average day. Most are a hit piece on democrats or the “main stream media” (which somehow includes all media sources from far left to non biased). Of course their readers (most republicans), are going to start not trusting other news sources. The one they consume regularly says they shouldn’t….

U.S. Media Polarization and the 2020 Election: A Nation Divided

You do realize trust and watch are defined differently in Merriam Webster, right?

And did this article shock you? I mean was this new info for you?

Most of your remarks need to start with the mirror.
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Informed consent means any medical treatment should involve an honest conversation regarding all the pro’s and con’s. It’s a key element in medical ethics.

Not at all. It’s somewhat effective at lowering hospitalizations and death. It’s not very effective at lowering spread
It's "somewhat effective" at lowering hospitalizations and death? LOL. 70 or 85 percent effectiveness needs hedging with a "somewhat" qualifier?

Even without the booster, vaccines provide between 30 to 40 percent protection against infection of the omicron strain, and around 70 percent protection against hospitalization. With the booster, protection against severe illness requiring hospitalization, rises to 85 percent.

How Effective Are COVID-19 Vaccines Against Omicron?
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Great. Where’s that in the media? Where’s the real conversation with medical professionals about the efficacy of the vaccines, boosters, age groups, etc?

Don’t you think the lack of conversation is odd?
This is my point. Several folks here have stated or linked to data showing the efficacy of the vaccine and boosters. But you’re denying it’s been done.

What specific points or concerns do you feel there is a lack of conversation on? Are there other specific concerns you have about the vaccine?
You do realize trust and watch are defined differently in Merriam Webster, right?

And did this article shock you? I mean was this new info for you?

Most of your remarks need to start with the mirror.
Little snarky there friend. I’ve admitted I’m exceedingly flawed and biased already in this thread at least once. I look in the mirror everyday (the old double chin is getting impressive these days) and try to be better.

The article doesn’t shock or surprise me but it does scare me. Fox News wins ratings because they are great at keeping people engaged. I think they do this successfully in many ways including creating conflict and a constant attack on “main stream media” which funny enough, is everyone except them. They sell well that 1. people are out to hurt you so beware and tune in and 2. no one else is honest with you because all other media is left wing.

The article is scary because it shows that these tactics are incredibly successful at polarizing people and creating mistrust of most other media outlets.
This is my point. Several folks here have stated or linked to data showing the efficacy of the vaccine and boosters. But you’re denying it’s been done.

What specific points or concerns do you feel there is a lack of conversation on? Are there other specific concerns you have about the vaccine?

Where am I denying that? You can praise the vaccine all day. That’s not what gets suppressed.

Incidents of myocarditis seem to be a concern. I’d like to see open conversations about any of the adverse reactions people are having
Little snarky there friend. I’ve admitted I’m exceedingly flawed and biased already in this thread at least once. I look in the mirror everyday (the old double chin is getting impressive these days) and try to be better.

The article doesn’t shock or surprise me but it does scare me. Fox News wins ratings because they are great at keeping people engaged. I think they do this successfully in many ways including creating conflict and a constant attack on “main stream media” which funny enough, is everyone except them. They sell well that 1. people are out to hurt you so beware and tune in and 2. no one else is honest with you because all other media is left wing.

The article is scary because it shows that these tactics are incredibly successful at polarizing people and creating mistrust of most other media outlets.

Note: CNN and MSNBC mean ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, etc.

My point is you don't think CNN and MSNBC are constantly stirring people into a frenzy? You don't think CNN and MSNBC are constantly labelling FOXNEWS misinformation and right wing propaganda? You don't think CNN and MSNBC constantly attack republicans or when Trump was in office, him and his administration or still do? You don't think CNN and MSNBC has been carrying water for the democrat party?

If you don't then there is a mostly peaceful protest showing in the background on CNN and MSNBC with raging fires but trust when they tell you it's nothing, it's just or it's normal.

By the way, I used to use CNN and MSNBC as my trusted news sources. When I turned to FOXNEWS I had the very same opinion as you in my very short time watching them. It was the same for my radio preferences. All democrat messaging. Now these networks just don't even try to hide it anymore. They started hiring racists and are just almost unbearable. Some are a little better than others. Even a network like Univision was doing the democrat messaging with the Jorge Ramos guy - I think that's his name. Have you noticed all of a sudden they are off the radar? They were just important during the election to stir up Hispanics as well as BET to a lesser degree because with the democrat party opening the southern border they hope lower class Hispanics are the new dependable voters if they can get this voting rights stuff done.
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Note: CNN and MSNBC mean ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, etc.

My point is you don't think CNN and MSNBC are constantly stirring people into a frenzy? You don't think CNN and MSNBC are constantly labelling FOXNEWS misinformation and right wing propaganda? You don't think CNN and MSNBC constantly attack republicans or when Trump was in office, him and his administration or still do? You don't think CNN and MSNBC has been carrying water for the democrat party?

If you don't then there is a mostly peaceful protest showing in the background on CNN and MSNBC with raging fires but trust when they tell you it's nothing, it's just or it's normal.

By the way, I used to use CNN and MSNBC as my trusted news sources. When I turned to FOXNEWS I had the very same opinion as you in my very short time watching them. It was the same for my radio preferences. All democrat messaging. Now these networks just don't even try to hide it anymore. They started hiring racists and are just almost unbearable. Some are a little better than others. Even a network like Univision was doing the democrat messaging with the Jorge Ramos guy - I think that's his name. Have you noticed all of a sudden they are off the radar? They were just important during the election to stir up Hispanics as well as BET to a lesser degree because with the democrat party opening the southern border they hope lower class Hispanics are the new dependable voters if they can get this voting rights stuff done.
Never said they don’t.
But you also proved my point with your first statement. You putting CNN and MSNBC in the same boat as all other news sources except Fox is exactly what Fox says you should do. Never denied that CNN is left ideologically in the opinion they provide. ABC, NYT, CBS, PBS are not the same and shouldn’t be grouped with CNN despite what Fox says.
Never said they don’t.
But you also proved my point with your first statement. You putting CNN and MSNBC in the same boat as all other news sources except Fox is exactly what Fox says you should do. Never denied that CNN is left ideologically in the opinion they provide. ABC, NYT, CBS, PBS are not the same and shouldn’t be grouped with CNN despite what Fox says.

No I watch FN and know for instance Hannity is a right wing opinion person. I'm not a fan but he does share good info and believe it or not he has good character. He's just a ring wing opinion personality but he doesn't hide it.

I don't like Bongino (sp?) at all. I don't know why he go a show on Saturday night but he shows a lack of respect for his guests. He just has a high regard for traditional things like respect of police, family, etc but always seem impatient with people.

How about you watch a show like Outnumbered on FN during the daytime and get back with me. I use that show because you'll get to chance to watch a black female that shows some character and integrity on news television vs a Joy Reid or other angry hacks on MSNBC or CNN.
Never said they don’t.
But you also proved my point with your first statement. You putting CNN and MSNBC in the same boat as all other news sources except Fox is exactly what Fox says you should do. Never denied that CNN is left ideologically in the opinion they provide. ABC, NYT, CBS, PBS are not the same and shouldn’t be grouped with CNN despite what Fox says.

Ummm….are you attempting to proclaim The New York Times is not everwhelmingly left wing biased? I think moderates like Bari Weis who was ran off from that insane publication, would disagree. So would any organization that rates media bias.

Can you defend that statement at all?
Ummm….are you attempting to proclaim The New York Times is not everwhelmingly left wing biased? I think moderates like Bari Weis who was ran off from that insane publication, would disagree. So would any organization that rates media bias.

Can you defend that statement at all?
So they have them from left to far left depending on if it’s the opinion or the news side? That’s not really impressive

Not really "everwhelmingly" left as you proclaimed.

I really think the ratings need two more columns for nut bag left and right. Not fair to have Fox News and OANN with the same rating.

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