Post-Mortem for Trumpism/the GOP

Doesn't matter. Dims gonna be scratching their heads in 2 years when they lose congress and their miserable sh!t lives haven't changed one bit.

I'm not sold on that actually happening. As long as states continue to interpret the current voting regulations to how they see fit, we'll continue to see late night shenanigans repeated year after year.
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Congratulations to China, in concert with the Democrat Party and the news media, for developing and spreading fear of the coronavirus to take down Trump. I hope all the death and misery was worth it to get rid of Trump.

Drumpfs' lack of leadership and personality took himself down. Covid was the first crises that he did not create and he failed the test.
Drumpfs' lack of leadership and personality took himself down. Covid was the first crises that he did not create and he failed the test.
How exactly did he fail? Are you just comparing him to Poor Old Joe, who would have protected us and had zero deaths, like the rest of the world's great leaders did for their countries?
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The ignorance of American politics in this thread is astounding. Trump was the man who brought the middle to the GOP. He was the first president to be for gay marriage before he was in office, he did more in my life time for the black community than any other politician, and he left weed legalization up to states when the Keebler Elf wanted to go after them. Trump was the movement to pull the GOP more to the center. With out them they can go die like the democrats. All I see in here is characterizations of trump supporters as the classic dumb hillbilly GOP supporter. Trump supporters aren’t republicans and vice versa. This will be the last we ever see of a populist movement gaining traction in this country. The left and the establishment have put an end to that.

Someone gets it.
I'm not sold on that actually happening. As long as states continue to interpret the current voting regulations to how they see fit, we'll continue to see late night shenanigans repeated year after year.

Not that I agree that states pulled "late night shenanigans" but we used to have a concept call preclearance. Which required the states to get any changes to voting approved by the federal gov't. Very close to violating federalism, which is the foundation of our government.

Remember the whole states rights......
How exactly did he fail? Are you just comparing him to Poor Old Joe, who would have protected us and had zero deaths, like the rest of the world's great leaders did for their countries?

There you go all or nothing extremist ideas, these happen when people get mad.

I am comparing drumpf to the idea that our President should be a leader and not puppet for his emotions or any other faction. He failed to come up with any sort of unified response or remotely effective response to the pandemic.
However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion
I don’t disagree with any of that. I also think you could insert ‘the wealthy’ in place of “political parties” and the statement would be just as true.
There you go all or nothing extremist ideas, these happen when people get mad.

I am comparing drumpf to the idea that our President should be a leader and not puppet for his emotions or any other faction. He failed to come up with any sort of unified response or remotely effective response to the pandemic.
Bullsh!t. No further words are necessary.
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Google it yourself. The Operation Warp Speed vaccine, the Fauci/Birx/Pence press conferences, the CDC guidelines, the floating hospitals, the ventilators, etc..

Yep gonna need all those things back to help curb this thing. You forgot to mention that he disbanded the one group tasked to deal with pandemics. Refused to wear a mask or encourage others to take any precautions really. You also forgot that he wanted to just open everything up all at once, to hell with the health of us working class people, we are expendable so the wealthy can make money.
Yep gonna need all those things back to help curb this thing. You forgot to mention that he disbanded the one group tasked to deal with pandemics. Refused to wear a mask or encourage others to take any precautions really. You also forgot that he wanted to just open everything up all at once, to hell with the health of us working class people, we are expendable so the wealthy can make money.
Yep, those lockdowns in some places have really helped. At least they helped destroy businesses.
Yep, those lockdowns in some places have really helped. At least they helped destroy businesses.

Lockdowns did help in some places, until they were lifted without any rhyme, reason or guidance.

Drumpf is cementing his incompetence at the capitol building right now.
Trump’s failure with Covid wasn’t his inaction, he did as much as he probably could have. His failure was his lack of empathy with those who truly were sick. He didn’t have to believe it or mean it but his lack of understanding turned a lot of people off. I think Trump tried to implement policies that he thought would benefit most Americans but he couldn’t help himself on Twitter and in press conferences; all that overshadowed his accomplishments.
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I think Haley is your 2024 candidate. I think she may have some extra-marital stuff in her closet though.

Thats off-limits for women. Cameltoe got a complete pass. Imagine her vs Haley. "Your candidate is a bigger whore than ours"
Congratulations to China, in concert with the Democrat Party and the news media, for developing and spreading fear of the coronavirus to take down Trump. I hope all the death and misery was worth it to get rid of Trump.

It will be.

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