Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

Slight favor with a +4…which could have also garnered more had the information not been suppressed. Which is my stance of voter fraud.
I just don't agree. I think the race was so divisive that either candidate could have shot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue without supporters changing their minds.
Certainly interesting. So the same thing you’re highlighting in GA happened in the other swing states as well? Is that an assumption or have you looked up the counties and confirmed it? No need to post links. If you say you did it, I believe you. I’m just curious.

Here are HRC's and Biden's % in the suburban ring of Philly

Northampton: HRC 46.2% Biden 49.8%
Lehigh: HRC 50.4% Biden 53.2%
Berks: HRC 42.7% Biden 45.2%
Lancaster: HRC 37.7% Biden 41.3%
Chester: HRC 52.6% Biden 58.0%
Montgomery: HRC 58.7% Biden 62.6%
Bucks: HRC 48.4% Biden 51.7%

Some are red, some are purple, some are blue but in every case Biden gained 2.5%-5.4%. Ultimately that was enough to flip a small R win in 2016 to small D win in 2020
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Dems been stealing elections for a long time.....

‘Window into history’: Tapes detail Lyndon B. Johnson’s stolen election

"Salas told Mangan that the powerful South Texas political boss George B. Parr - who wielded control with favors and coercion - ordered that some 200 votes be added to Box 13. Salas said he then watched as the fraudulent votes were added in alphabetical order, with the names coming from people who hadn’t voted in the election.

The new votes gave Johnson the primary victory over then-Gov. Coke Stevenson by an 87-vote margin. Johnson - subsequently bestowed with the nickname “Landslide Lyndon” - went on to easily defeat the Republican in the general election, long before the GOP became the dominant force in Texas politics."
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Here are HRC's and Biden's % in the suburban ring of Philly

Northampton: HRC 46.2% Biden 49.8%
Lehigh: HRC 50.4% Biden 53.2%
Berks: HRC 42.7% Biden 45.2%
Lancaster: HRC 37.7% Biden 41.3%
Chester: HRC 52.6% Biden 58.0%
Montgomery: HRC 58.7% Biden 62.6%
Bucks: HRC 48.4% Biden 51.7%

Some are red, some are purple, some are blue but in every case Biden gained 2.5%-5.4%. Ultimately that was enough to flip a small R win in 2016 to small D win in 2020
The margins are thin and there are people on the right and left who don't want to accept the fact that reasonable people could disagree with them. That leads to the stolen election shouting after every presidential election cycle. I think Trump basically hedged his bets in 2016 and 2020 by saying "if I lose its because of fraud." It worked.
The R led suburban/exurban counties around Atlanta

Cherokee: HRC 22.7% Biden 29.5%
Forsyth: HRC 24.1% Biden 32.6%
Walton: HRC 20.5% Biden 24.8%
Fayette: HRC 38.5% Biden: 45.9%
Coweta: HRC 27.0% Biden 31.5%

The 4 "purple-ish suburban counties in ATL metro

Newton: HRC 50.1% Biden 54.9%
Cobb: HRC 48.8% Biden 56.3%
Henry. HRC 50.9% Biden 59.7%
Gwinnett: HRC 51.0% Biden 58.4%

Again, this is where Trump lost it in 2020.

Polls get it wrong plenty of times; but if fewer than 40% of the voters believe cheating made no difference (and 6% of that is no opinion), then there is a real problem with our elections and the people who run them. That's too significant a number to ignore even if the result is questionable. Even more damning is that independent voters come close to mirroring all voters; it's one thing for a partisan group to reach a number like that, and a completely different thing when it reflects all and independent voters.
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Voter Discrepancies Found In The Arizona 2022 General Election


  • Following reports from other states regarding vote discrepancies, an analysis was conducted of the total number of ballots counted in the 2022 Arizona general election compared to the number of registered voters.
  • A potential 8,241-vote discrepancy was discovered between the total number of registered voters listed as voting and the total number of ballots counted in the 2022 Arizona general election, about 29.4 times the 280-vote difference in the attorney general race.
  • The results indicate that there were either more votes counted than registered voters who voted in the 2022 Arizona general election or that Arizona counties have failed to keep accurate records of who voted in the election. Either way, this study has discovered a concerning issue.
The margins are thin and there are people on the right and left who don't want to accept the fact that reasonable people could disagree with them. That leads to the stolen election shouting after every presidential election cycle. I think Trump basically hedged his bets in 2016 and 2020 by saying "if I lose its because of fraud." It worked.

I think the whole point is that this mail in garbage should not be allowed so that ALL VOTERS TRUST THE RESULTS EVEN WHEN THEY DONT LIKE THEM. Thats not what is happening though. Whereas before it was lesser cheating, now it is on steroids and in your face republican suckers, what are you going to do about it?

Keep that up and people will take matters into their own hands. Remember that the whole social contract of giving up your rights and your ability to take them by force is because you believe the election was fairly held. If people see that that is repeatedly not true, there will eventually be a 2nd revolution/civil war, provided any men still have spines by then.

Not wanting that scenario at all, is why I keep harping on that elections must be held in a transparent and accountable way. It is not hard.

Show up at the pollsite
Registration must include ID
Voting must show ID
All results in by midnight except absentee and military - but we have a count of how many of those ballots are outstanding

simple stuff - almost no room to cheat - but that is EXACTLY the problem for the Dems.
I think the whole point is that this mail in garbage should not be allowed so that ALL VOTERS TRUST THE RESULTS EVEN WHEN THEY DONT LIKE THEM. Thats not what is happening though. Whereas before it was lesser cheating, now it is on steroids and in your face republican suckers, what are you going to do about it?

Keep that up and people will take matters into their own hands. Remember that the whole social contract of giving up your rights and your ability to take them by force is because you believe the election was fairly held. If people see that that is repeatedly not true, there will eventually be a 2nd revolution/civil war, provided any men still have spines by then.

Not wanting that scenario at all, is why I keep harping on that elections must be held in a transparent and accountable way. It is not hard.

Show up at the pollsite
Registration must include ID
Voting must show ID
All results in by midnight except absentee and military - but we have a count of how many of those ballots are outstanding

simple stuff - almost no room to cheat - but that is EXACTLY the problem for the Dems.
Stopped reading at the bolded comment. That will never happen. Nazi rocket scientists have infiltrated government, Trump has a pee tape, the submarine was a psy-op to distract from Hunter biden... all evidence that there will be a segment that will never accept an adverse result.

Edit: I give most people the benefit of the doubt, but you've given the impression that you are a seasoned political operative. The statement you put in ALL CAPS seems to be something that no seasoned political operative would find possible.
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Voter Discrepancies Found In The Arizona 2022 General Election


  • Following reports from other states regarding vote discrepancies, an analysis was conducted of the total number of ballots counted in the 2022 Arizona general election compared to the number of registered voters.
  • A potential 8,241-vote discrepancy was discovered between the total number of registered voters listed as voting and the total number of ballots counted in the 2022 Arizona general election, about 29.4 times the 280-vote difference in the attorney general race.
  • The results indicate that there were either more votes counted than registered voters who voted in the 2022 Arizona general election or that Arizona counties have failed to keep accurate records of who voted in the election. Either way, this study has discovered a concerning issue.
For God's sake somebody call the Cyber Ninjas back.

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So have we cracked the case on this 2020 election fraud? It’s been 3 years. It should have been easy to prove since it was so obvious. Must be Republican incompetence.
I think the whole point is that this mail in garbage should not be allowed so that ALL VOTERS TRUST THE RESULTS EVEN WHEN THEY DONT LIKE THEM. Thats not what is happening though. Whereas before it was lesser cheating, now it is on steroids and in your face republican suckers, what are you going to do about it?

Keep that up and people will take matters into their own hands. Remember that the whole social contract of giving up your rights and your ability to take them by force is because you believe the election was fairly held. If people see that that is repeatedly not true, there will eventually be a 2nd revolution/civil war, provided any men still have spines by then.

Not wanting that scenario at all, is why I keep harping on that elections must be held in a transparent and accountable way. It is not hard.

Show up at the pollsite
Registration must include ID
Voting must show ID
All results in by midnight except absentee and military - but we have a count of how many of those ballots are outstanding

simple stuff - almost no room to cheat - but that is EXACTLY the problem for the Dems.
Stopped reading at the bolded comment. That will never happen. Nazi rocket scientists have infiltrated government, Trump has a pee tape, the submarine was a psy-op to distract from Hunter biden... all evidence that there will be a segment that will never accept an adverse result.

Edit: I give most people the benefit of the doubt, but you've given the impression that you are a seasoned political operative. The statement you put in ALL CAPS seems to be something that no seasoned political operative would find possible.

Of course the reality is that 100% of people are not going to accept results. There are always those who think an alien mother ship changed the vote count, etc but those are a small minority. But when a significant portion of the electorate has come to believe that their vote no longer matters at all because they are being cheated out of it, that is exactly the recipe for violent revolt. Indeed, some would say that the very right and duty to do that is enshrined in the constitution. That is clearly NOT the result we want though.

Even with the 4 main concepts I have put above (in person vote, ID for registration, show ID at polls, all ballots accounted that day) being enforced, there are ways to cheat - but from experience, IT IS REALLY HARD and the races you can effect are perhaps local or primaries where 100 votes here or there make the difference.

With those 4 rules in place, operatives will have to go back to focusing on pee tapes and other similar dirty tricks - or (God forbid) actually having to get the propaganda going your way in the media to convince people the candidate's POLICIES are good. Right now, they don't spend any time on that because there is no need to convince anymore, the media just cows people into submission. As of now, every campaign worth its salt will spend most of its money on ballot operations (legal or otherwise) and the rest of the campaign is there just to camouflage those operations for the suckers. Basically just a way to shape the narrative for whoever won or lost so people accept it.

Its just a matter of degree. Thats why those 4 rules and maximizing transparency in the process matter so much. It brings the problem down to something with acceptable limits.
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So have we cracked the case on this 2020 election fraud? It’s been 3 years. It should have been easy to prove since it was so obvious. Must be Republican incompetence.

Yes, we have and I have laid out pretty much how it happened in multiple posts. It was indeed obvious but good fraud is by definition not easy to prove. Even when you have evidence, if it cant get into a competent court, there can be no "proof" or remedy.

Yes, Republican leadership was totally incompetent both before the election and after - and for that matter, still are.
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Yes, we have and I have laid out pretty much how it happened in multiple posts. It was indeed obvious but good fraud is by definition not easy to prove. Even when you have evidence, if it cant get into a competent court, there can be no "proof" or remedy.

Yes, Republican leadership was totally incompetent both before the election and after - and for that matter, still are.

Man if only all those judges had just listened to you, Gandalf from Volnation.
Says the people that spent 6 years trying to find Russian collusion and even after confirming that it was a hoax, still believe it. Pee Tape man.
I see a lot of your posts and its like you're replying to somebody, but you don't actually reply to them. Is there a reason for that?

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