POTUS Yard Signs

A neighbor a few houses down has had some kind of lib political sign in their yard for the last two years. For a while it was a planned parenthood one. Then one that said “Resist!” And most recently a BLM one and a Biden sign. They just put their home on the market. I went to check it out. In their dining room they have 2 portraits on the walls. One of Barack Obama and one of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In their kids rooms too. Weird
Pretty stupid way to showcase a home you're trying to sell. Might as well add a Manson and Hitler painting. That should move the sell quickly.
Let's lock this post in for future reference when we welcome the new mr. and mrs. Golfballs when he gets caught with the barely legal nanny.

Just kidding.

Shes into chicks, so probably not.
I heard a Danielle DiMartino Booth interview a couple of weeks ago where she commented on the near absence of yard signs this year compared to 2016. I reflected about it and started to do my own observations and noticed that it is very quiet out here with regards to the yard signs. I've only seen one Biden sign and maybe a few Trump signs here or there, but she does bring up a good point.

Have you all noticed this in your areas and what does this all mean?
Yes. People don’t want their to be harassed or have their homes vandalized. Rumor was the ya trump supporters were slapping his bumper stickers on known liberals cars parked near protest to get them vandalized.
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A neighbor a few houses down has had some kind of lib political sign in their yard for the last two years. For a while it was a planned parenthood one. Then one that said “Resist!” And most recently a BLM one and a Biden sign. They just put their home on the market. I went to check it out. In their dining room they have 2 portraits on the walls. One of Barack Obama and one of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In their kids rooms too. Weird
I would really like to see that listing.
Saw my first Biden sign driving through Red Boiling Springs today.
Only ones I see here are local offices or Tuberville v Jones

I'd guess Trumpers are worried they'll get vandalized and no one is excited about Joe

Reverse is true. Trump cult members well known to violently attack normal human beings who dare to think for themselves and admit we have a carnival barker running the show.
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Reverse is true. Trump cult members well known to violently attack normal human beings who dare to think for themselves and admit we have a carnival barker running the show.
I guarantee you, you would be safer at a Trump rally wearing a BLM hat than I would be wearing a MAGA hat at an NAACP convention. I put money on that.

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