POTUS Yard Signs

All is well in Montana... my subdivision is flying the flag and banner with pride.
Properly lit as well!
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Nice front yard.

I envy people with yards.

I got about 50 feet of front yard and a damn fairway in my backyard.

Minute my kids graduate I am outta here.

I have serious yard envy anymore. I drive around just looking at yards and daydreaming.

The size of the lots in the first phase of the neighborhood I’m in is one of the things I like most. I’ve got almost 2 acres, a lot of it is wooded and the house is 180 feet from the road.
Are you in Hendersonville/Gallatin?
The size of the lots in the first phase of the neighborhood I’m in is one of the things I like most. I’ve got almost 2 acres, a lot of it is wooded and the house is 180 feet from the road.
Are you in Hendersonville/Gallatin?

Well now you're just showing off......

And yes I am.
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At my son's high school, seniors get to paint their parking spaces. Most are cute and clever. Many have to do with sports. Two painted theirs with pro-Trump messages. There were none that were pro-Biden, but several that had those crazy liberal ideals like world peace and happiness.
It's just that 99% of the students who would choose to paint their spot that way are liberal and hate what Trump stands for.

We can debate why that is, but the fact remains.
If you are not a liberal in your 20s you don’t have a heart.
If you are not a conservative by the time you are 30 you don’t have a brain
If you are not a liberal in your 20s you don’t have a heart.
If you are not a conservative by the time you are 30 you don’t have a brain
.....and if you don't find your way back to being liberal, you gained no wisdom.
Nah. If that happens then you start blaming others for your mistakes and thinks the government is supposed to bail you out. And you start supporting racists that hate the country.
Keep working on that wisdom acquisition.
As of now, we have one sign on our street out of 18 homes. It's a Biden sign in the front yard of a wealthy married gay couple who are very involved in local democrat politics, moreso on the fundraising end of things than anything else. If a democrat is running for something they're probably going to have a sign. Other than their yard signs, they're not overtly political people and definitely folks that I consider good neighbors.
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A neighbor a few houses down has had some kind of lib political sign in their yard for the last two years. For a while it was a planned parenthood one. Then one that said “Resist!” And most recently a BLM one and a Biden sign. They just put their home on the market. I went to check it out. In their dining room they have 2 portraits on the walls. One of Barack Obama and one of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In their kids rooms too. Weird
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This is the strangest I’ve ever seen it here , there just aren’t any political signs for anybody . Don’t get me wrong I love it . There are Americans flags hanging everywhere .
That gives us hope. When u think about it, these losers sewing mayhem are a very small group of people relative to 330 million. They could be squashed like a bug if politically expedient.

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