POTUS Yard Signs

That gives us hope. When u think about it, these losers sewing mayhem are a very small group of people relative to 330 million. They could be squashed like a bug if politically expedient.

Norfolk is different because of the Navy . Most people here fly the American flag on there front porch , I would guess there are more liberals here with firearms than Republicans. Just by the numbers default . My extremely liberal neighbor went out and bought small American flags and put one in the corner of each each on both sides of the street . Her yard was the only one that had 3 in it so that’s how I know who did it before I asked her . Lol . It’s like everyone here is making a conscious effort not to be political this time . Zero Biden signs , zero Trump signs .
Norfolk is different because of the Navy . Most people here fly the American flag on there front porch , I would guess there are more liberals here with firearms than Republicans. Just by the numbers default . My extremely liberal neighbor went out and bought small American flags and put one in the corner of each each on both sides of the street . Her yard was the only one that had 3 in it so that’s how I know who did it before I asked her . Lol . It’s like everyone here is making a conscious effort not to be political this time . Zero Biden signs , zero Trump signs .

Well I would if thought the opposite really as I figured the military to be more pro Trump than lib. Surprised.
Well I would if thought the opposite really as I figured the military to be more pro Trump than lib. Surprised.

Norfolk specific is heavy liberal . That being said it’s a different liberal than what we see on the media , they love their military , their country and their 2a .its an odd mixture . They hate Trump . I’d also add that no mask means Rs or Trumpers is a bold face lie . We are surrounded by liberals not wearing a mask .
Norfolk specific is heavy liberal . That being said it’s a different liberal than what we see on the media , they love their military , their country and their 2a .its an odd mixture . They hate Trump . I’d also add that no mask means Rs or Trumpers is a bold face lie . We are surrounded by liberals not wearing a mask .
Then what separates us from them..social issues?
Then what separates us from them..social issues?

I can’t answer that because we don’t talk politics , we have several friends in the Navy , I actually think the Navy and service to country is what is the common denominator with the flag and firearms . Not that I ever would but I have zero doubts that I went over to my neighbors house , took one of her flags and stomped on it in front of her .. she would shoot me . She a liberal city councilman . Lol
Edit : I’ve never seen her with a mask on , not one time during this whole thing .
I’ve spent some time on the intracoastal this summer. At least in North Carolina it seems like there’s a Trump flag flying on at least half the docks from Shallotte to Wilmington. Boats everywhere you look w Trump flags.
This is definitely the case. I’ve been up and down from Wilmington to Georgetown for the past few months and there’s a lot of that.
Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard


A friend sent me this the other day, and it stopped me in my tracks. She lives in an affluent neighborhood in a red state with purple demographics. A family in her neck of the woods planted a Trump sign on their lawn, prompting an unnamed neighbor to leave a shockingly contemptuous and self-righteous letter at their home. If we become a country where electoral preferences are used as proxies to determine the humanity, or inherent goodness or evil, of individual voters, we are in serious trouble. I've read this note at least five times at this point, and I still cannot fathom the mindset required to pen it, let alone deliver it:

Notice the projection at play here. The hate and anger harbored by this anonymous pen pal toward people with whom she or he disagrees are attributed to the occupants of the Trump sign house. They are made out to be bad people with "prejudice and hate" in their hearts toward strangers when it's the author who is actually telling on herself or himself. "You hold no charity or grace in your heart," this person asserts, based on nothing other than what this person thinks they know about...nearly half the country. The sign off -- "neighbors who dare to be different" -- is downright amusing. In modern American society, it takes very little courage to oppose Donald Trump. Every taste-making institution does so. Wokesters like this miserable author are pampered, catered to, indulged, and affirmed by the media, the entertainment industry, the academy -- and to an increasing extent, corporate America.

Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard
Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard


A friend sent me this the other day, and it stopped me in my tracks. She lives in an affluent neighborhood in a red state with purple demographics. A family in her neck of the woods planted a Trump sign on their lawn, prompting an unnamed neighbor to leave a shockingly contemptuous and self-righteous letter at their home. If we become a country where electoral preferences are used as proxies to determine the humanity, or inherent goodness or evil, of individual voters, we are in serious trouble. I've read this note at least five times at this point, and I still cannot fathom the mindset required to pen it, let alone deliver it:

Notice the projection at play here. The hate and anger harbored by this anonymous pen pal toward people with whom she or he disagrees are attributed to the occupants of the Trump sign house. They are made out to be bad people with "prejudice and hate" in their hearts toward strangers when it's the author who is actually telling on herself or himself. "You hold no charity or grace in your heart," this person asserts, based on nothing other than what this person thinks they know about...nearly half the country. The sign off -- "neighbors who dare to be different" -- is downright amusing. In modern American society, it takes very little courage to oppose Donald Trump. Every taste-making institution does so. Wokesters like this miserable author are pampered, catered to, indulged, and affirmed by the media, the entertainment industry, the academy -- and to an increasing extent, corporate America.

Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard

The obvious way to handle this is to write a letter and post it in the same spot as the anonymous letter. This is what that letter should say,

Dear neighbor,

Thank you for taking the time to peacefully exercise your 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech.

Now, please go **** yourself and the horse you rode in on.

Have a nice day!

The obvious way to handle this is to write a letter and post it in the same spot as the anonymous letter. This is what that letter should say,

Dear neighbor,

Thank you for taking the time to peacefully exercise your 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech.

Now, please go **** yourself and the horse you rode in on.

Have a nice day!


I would have to put up additional signage and maybe throw in a couple banners for good measure.
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Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard


A friend sent me this the other day, and it stopped me in my tracks. She lives in an affluent neighborhood in a red state with purple demographics. A family in her neck of the woods planted a Trump sign on their lawn, prompting an unnamed neighbor to leave a shockingly contemptuous and self-righteous letter at their home. If we become a country where electoral preferences are used as proxies to determine the humanity, or inherent goodness or evil, of individual voters, we are in serious trouble. I've read this note at least five times at this point, and I still cannot fathom the mindset required to pen it, let alone deliver it:

Notice the projection at play here. The hate and anger harbored by this anonymous pen pal toward people with whom she or he disagrees are attributed to the occupants of the Trump sign house. They are made out to be bad people with "prejudice and hate" in their hearts toward strangers when it's the author who is actually telling on herself or himself. "You hold no charity or grace in your heart," this person asserts, based on nothing other than what this person thinks they know about...nearly half the country. The sign off -- "neighbors who dare to be different" -- is downright amusing. In modern American society, it takes very little courage to oppose Donald Trump. Every taste-making institution does so. Wokesters like this miserable author are pampered, catered to, indulged, and affirmed by the media, the entertainment industry, the academy -- and to an increasing extent, corporate America.

Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard

They should put another sign in their yard that says .... thanks for the letter and f you
The crackers all have Trump signs and flags up. Even saw one class act with a '**** Your Feelings' Sticker.

However, i've seen Biden signs in places i never thought id see them. Rural America. Even saw one in Maryville, the most conservative place on Earth.

I know all of my Republican family is fed up with his junk. Middle of road America is voting for Biden.

When Mad Dog Mathis spurns a Republican. Id say that's a sign.
Not yard signs, but...

I was out in Northern Virginia this week. I saw two Biden stickers and this was on 95, Beltway, and Dulles toll road. I counted more Hillary 2016 stickers than Biden stickers.
The crackers all have Trump signs and flags up. Even saw one class act with a '**** Your Feelings' Sticker.

However, i've seen Biden signs in places i never thought id see them. Rural America. Even saw one in Maryville, the most conservative place on Earth.

I know all of my Republican family is fed up with his junk. Middle of road America is voting for Biden.

When Mad Dog Mathis spurns a Republican. Id say that's a sign.

Who do you think these crackers eating dinner in Rochester, NY are going to vote for in November?

"BLM" Rioters "Shut Down" Restaurants In Rochester, Smash Bank Windows In Manhattan, During Latest Night Of Mayhem


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