POTUS Yard Signs

Lots of these in Illinois where I live
Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard


A friend sent me this the other day, and it stopped me in my tracks. She lives in an affluent neighborhood in a red state with purple demographics. A family in her neck of the woods planted a Trump sign on their lawn, prompting an unnamed neighbor to leave a shockingly contemptuous and self-righteous letter at their home. If we become a country where electoral preferences are used as proxies to determine the humanity, or inherent goodness or evil, of individual voters, we are in serious trouble. I've read this note at least five times at this point, and I still cannot fathom the mindset required to pen it, let alone deliver it:

Notice the projection at play here. The hate and anger harbored by this anonymous pen pal toward people with whom she or he disagrees are attributed to the occupants of the Trump sign house. They are made out to be bad people with "prejudice and hate" in their hearts toward strangers when it's the author who is actually telling on herself or himself. "You hold no charity or grace in your heart," this person asserts, based on nothing other than what this person thinks they know about...nearly half the country. The sign off -- "neighbors who dare to be different" -- is downright amusing. In modern American society, it takes very little courage to oppose Donald Trump. Every taste-making institution does so. Wokesters like this miserable author are pampered, catered to, indulged, and affirmed by the media, the entertainment industry, the academy -- and to an increasing extent, corporate America.

Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard

I've seen it both ways. A friend of mine posted on Facebook she was voting for Biden. Said the news of Trump disrespecting the military was her last straw. What's funny is she's a huge liberal, she was never voting for Trump, a retired Candy professor. I laughed when I read her post. I love her though.

On the other hand, my BIL and his wife have been democrats for as long as I can recall. Both retired teachers said hes voting trump. Said this is not his democratic party. I guess we'll see.
I've seen it both ways. A friend of mine posted on Facebook she was voting for Biden. Said the news of Trump disrespecting the military was her last straw. What's funny is she's a huge liberal, she was never voting for Trump, a retired Candy professor. I laughed when I read her post. I love her though.

On the other hand, my BIL and his wife have been democrats for as long as I can recall. Both retired teachers said hes voting trump. Said this is not his democratic party. I guess we'll see.
I have seen a few of those you have lost me posts from people that had made it abundantly clear how they were already voting
I've seen it both ways. A friend of mine posted on Facebook she was voting for Biden. Said the news of Trump disrespecting the military was her last straw. What's funny is she's a huge liberal, she was never voting for Trump, a retired Candy professor. I laughed when I read her post. I love her though.

On the other hand, my BIL and his wife have been democrats for as long as I can recall. Both retired teachers said hes voting trump. Said this is not his democratic party. I guess we'll see.

Most of my family is switching to trump.
I’m still voting 3rd party but it’s a significant sign when the Democrats are losing the NY Jews
The crackers all have Trump signs and flags up. Even saw one class act with a '**** Your Feelings' Sticker.

However, i've seen Biden signs in places i never thought id see them. Rural America. Even saw one in Maryville, the most conservative place on Earth.

I know all of my Republican family is fed up with his junk. Middle of road America is voting for Biden.

When Mad Dog Mathis spurns a Republican. Id say that's a sign.

Trump may get 65% in Tn without having to campaign here. If Bredesen can't win then a moron like Biden doesn't stand a chance.
Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard


A friend sent me this the other day, and it stopped me in my tracks. She lives in an affluent neighborhood in a red state with purple demographics. A family in her neck of the woods planted a Trump sign on their lawn, prompting an unnamed neighbor to leave a shockingly contemptuous and self-righteous letter at their home. If we become a country where electoral preferences are used as proxies to determine the humanity, or inherent goodness or evil, of individual voters, we are in serious trouble. I've read this note at least five times at this point, and I still cannot fathom the mindset required to pen it, let alone deliver it:

Notice the projection at play here. The hate and anger harbored by this anonymous pen pal toward people with whom she or he disagrees are attributed to the occupants of the Trump sign house. They are made out to be bad people with "prejudice and hate" in their hearts toward strangers when it's the author who is actually telling on herself or himself. "You hold no charity or grace in your heart," this person asserts, based on nothing other than what this person thinks they know about...nearly half the country. The sign off -- "neighbors who dare to be different" -- is downright amusing. In modern American society, it takes very little courage to oppose Donald Trump. Every taste-making institution does so. Wokesters like this miserable author are pampered, catered to, indulged, and affirmed by the media, the entertainment industry, the academy -- and to an increasing extent, corporate America.

Read: Anonymous Neighbors Write Nasty Note to Family with Trump Sign in Their Yard

Bravo to whoever wrote the letter! Sadly they're addressing Trump supporters and if after 4 years they don't see who Trump really is and what he stands for(himself only), and what he's done to divide this country then they very likely just wasted their time writing.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy? @MarkMeadows @senatemajldr @kevinomccarthy @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer

(Edit: I posted this in wrong thread)
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I live in a very red area of Tennessee. Not many Biden signs in these parts. I have a friend that had their Biden sign stolen multiple times. They now have a Biden flag inside their screen door.
I live in a very red area of Tennessee. Not many Biden signs in these parts. I have a friend that had their Biden sign stolen multiple times. They now have a Biden flag inside their screen door.

Still really strange here this election , Norfolk is deep blue but there’s not a political sign in any yard , anywhere around us also no flags except the US flag ( my neighbor does have a Vikings flag on their front porch ) That’s neither Biden nor Trump . I’ve never seen it like this before .
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy? @MarkMeadows @senatemajldr @kevinomccarthy @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer

How sad is it that something so simple and needed for the people of this country can’t be agreed upon and passed?
Still really strange here this election , Norfolk is deep blue but there’s not a political sign in any yard , anywhere around us also no flags except the US flag ( my neighbor does have a Vikings flag on their front porch ) That’s neither Biden nor Trump . I’ve never seen it like this before .
There are fewer Trump signs around this time in my neck of the woods. My neighbor has a Trump flag. I have yet to burn his house down because he is also a Tennessee fan.
There are fewer Trump signs around this time in my neck of the woods. My neighbor has a Trump flag. I have yet to burn his house down because he is also a Tennessee fan.
Mostly peaceful there. Lyin joe is proud of you.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy? @MarkMeadows @senatemajldr @kevinomccarthy @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer

(Edit: I posted this in the wrong thread)
Mostly peaceful there. Lyin joe is proud of you.
Most of the Biden supporters I know in this area are keeping it to themselves. They've already had their property stolen or vandalized. They are concerned about it going further.
There are fewer Trump signs around this time in my neck of the woods. My neighbor has a Trump flag. I have yet to burn his house down because he is also a Tennessee fan.
I use to live in Tennessee and didn’t notice a tremendous amount of trump stuff but the part of NC I am in..... it is every where.....it’s carried in most stores..... tents are set up in parking lots selling it.... memorabilia all over cars and in yards..... several wearing hats and masks that are pro trump...The one thing I have not noticed as much is people mad at each other over different views which is a breathe of fresh air.
I use to live in Tennessee and didn’t notice a tremendous amount of trump stuff but the part of NC I am in..... it is every where.....it’s carried in most stores..... tents are set up in parking lots selling it.... memorabilia all over cars and in yards..... several wearing hats and masks that are pro trump...The one thing I have not noticed as much is people mad at each other over different views which is a breathe of fresh air.
NC is a battleground state, so makes sense.

VN Store
