President Donald Trump - J.D. Vance Administration

So it was set in motion and timed to make Harris look tough on immigration.
Any warrant obtained in early November would have expired by now.

I think most likely dude was robbing his clients and somebody just tried to use the story to fellate Trump and it gave misleading context to the story.
It's tough. Meaning, what most Americans don't have a clue about is that the actual people there (wherever there is) are not the same. For example, who was the best person to run Iraq, Saddam Hussein. I wish I could tell you more as to what he would do to people, but... With that said, he was the only one that could run it in any kind of way. Americans don't want to hear that nor can they comprehend it, but its real. So, do I think Hussein was evil by my standards, absolutely.... but he was probably the best guy for the job i.e. some type of order.

They're saying the same thing about what we are doing. Logically speaking, we need to clean house, if its possible. Simplify things, if possible. Very selective in our use of force and only when there are no other options, and with a clear goal that is realistically achievable i.e. common sense.

Maybe we can't solve the world's problems, but wouldn't it be nice if we stopped adding to them. (just my take) If nobody traded with the bad guys, there would be no global trade and/or relationships. We're all bad to someone.
You last paragraph is spot on.
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Any warrant obtained in early November would have expired by now.

I think most likely dude was robbing his clients and somebody just tried to use the story to fellate Trump and it gave misleading context to the story.
To be clear, I don’t know that he was robbing his clients. That’s total speculation. But it’s based on a similar situation that happened in Chattanooga. There was some woman going around pretending to be an immigration lawyer. Her JD was like made in MS Paint. She’d fill people with promises to get them legal documentation. She’d take a retainer and then either string them along for more money or disappear. Went on for months and finally somebody went to a real immigration attorney and they went to the DA.

I’d bet it was something mundane like that, if not exactly that.
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I saw an interesting interpretation of the 14th last night. Pretty compelling argument about how it applies.

Possible, but I just don't see you getting the necessary people to go that far. (Requires a leap to a degree)

Similar things in nature can be done statutorily if Congress wanted to make it happen, maybe not to that extent though. They shouldn't be able to hold onto a dual forever, maybe nobody should???
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Dude was probably doing something mundanely criminal like defrauding his clients. Illegal immigrants, like drug dealers, have a hard time walking into a police station and accusing someone of a crime. It’s a big reason why other criminals steal from them. Bet this dude was taking money from immigrants and then not doing what he was hired to do.

Good point. May have nothing to do with Trump coming in office. Would be interesting to know the timeline.
Seems kind of unusual to have HSI there over a lawyer not doing work. Usually the bar will go after some of them after they receive plenty of complaints. I've known a few to stay in business for a very long time taking money and not doing anything. Of course, a good percentage barely do anything anyway. I guess something like that could have a federal nexus but not something I would think is normal.
Change the constitution
Normally I'd agree without even pondering it, but I think history's a little different with the 13th-15th amendments. Lincoln's people forced the southern states to ratify before allowing their congresspeople back...abuse of federal power.
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Normally I'd agree without even pondering it, but I think history's a little different with the 13th-15th amendments. Lincoln's people forced the southern states to ratify before allowing their congresspeople back...abuse of federal power.
We have a method. Trying to bend language to get the way you want things, not necessarily you, makes people look as stupid as those who claim the 2A is about the national guard and state militias
We have a method. Trying to bend language to get the way you want things, not necessarily you, makes people look as stupid as those who claim the 2A is about the national guard and state militias
It's not about bending language. I think it's a fair question to be pondered, and it's not really like the 2A "argument" at all. The normal ratification process wasn't followed at the time.
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It's not about bending language. I think it's a fair question to be pondered, and it's not really like the 2A "argument" at all. The normal ratification process wasn't followed at the time.
They were ratified by a method outlined in the constitution for doing such things were they not? I know it was reconstruction.
care to share with the class?
Here's two views, the first appearing to mirror Trump's EO argument, and the second the modern day view, weighting towards judicial precedent as confirming BRCitizenship:
They were ratified by a method outline in the constitution for doing such things were they not?
If threatening states to have no representation if they don't ratify is outlined, then yes. I understand there are rules, but when those rules are bent around beyond their intent there isn't really a rule, is there?

I am saying it's worth looking at out of pure historical interest. The right way out of this is to revoke the amendment through the right process. I'm interested to see where all this goes, because letting birthright citizenship continue as it is is not sustainable. It's an oversight by the people that wrote the amendment- one of very few, but an oversight nonetheless.
Normally I'd agree without even pondering it, but I think history's a little different with the 13th-15th amendments. Lincoln's people forced the southern states to ratify before allowing their congresspeople back...abuse of federal power.

I agree, Lincoln and his cronies were the biggest abusers of the constitution to ever hold power. The creation of WV was completely unconstitutional.
why would it matter that innocents are getting caught in the crossfire? Before the election I was told it was impossible that it would happen. then less than a week into it, I have an example. thats an escalation I am uncomfortable with. If that was my lawyer getting raided, I would be worried about my information getting out there and being used against me, even if I am 100% innocent. I imagine all of the people who went through the actual process to gain citizenship or entry feel the same, and I think they should be protected as anyone else.

I don't trust Trump for crap. how he handled Covid was an atrocity. I don't trust him, or anyone in the federal government, to handle a nationwide round up of people any better. throwing money and trusting an "expert" to it failed the last time. I don't see it going any different this time. Americans, and people here legally, will have their rights trampled on in order for the government to sell "they are doing something". It was unacceptable to me during Covid, its unacceptable now. I am just not on my knees turning a blind eye because its Trump this time.
Who is this "innocent" to whom you're referring? It seems like you are making wild ass assumptions.
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