President Donald Trump - J.D. Vance Administration

I love Phish!
The concerts are top shelf. Those who have never been would be surprised at the demographic that attends and the cool factor that it oozes. It's not a bunch of drugged out hippies and deadbeats

Edit: At least 75% of the crowd at a 2 or 3 night run, is stimulating our economy with cash more so than most do in this forum
Where are all the Musk-slurping fakeass free speech warriors today?

Garbage move. I suspect a court will shoot this down. Media of all colors should, however, do a better job if they want us to take their “journalism” seriously.
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On another note, I'm glad there is regulation in place now to prevent a few from shorting the auto loan industry 😉. Conversely, Tesla is exposed right now. It will be interesting to see if Trump makes an EO that helps Elon out with his Tesla stock. Oh yeah, Elon's Tesla stock was fully leveraged to buy Twitter😯
Should Trump adopt the action proposed in the document, there would be a decades-long plan to give Puerto Rico $36 billion every year for 20 years in a so-called Puerto Rico Transition Fund. It would over the next two decades 'facilitate Puerto Rico's successful transition to independence.'

if they want independence, why give them anything?

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After googling her name and skimming four or five stories, it sounds like she waived her rights.

There are some stories where her mom basically said she got what she deserved and some indications she may have pulled her out of the school.
I saw articles from Washington Post & The Hill saying she was expelled.
Others in quotes saying she was simply “gone”.

If they threatened her with expulsion, and she dropped out, does that leave the school in the clear?

Her mom definitely was not pleased. Certainly may have pulled her “funding” leaving her no choice.
I saw articles from Washington Post & The Hill saying she was expelled.
Others in quotes saying she was simply “gone”.

If they threatened her with expulsion, and she dropped out, does that leave the school in the clear?

Her mom definitely was not pleased. Certainly may have pulled her “funding” leaving her no choice.

Here’s the WAPO article where they clearly state that she was expelled, and the mother agreed with “the punishment”.

It also references ACLU pushback based on 1A.

Maybe they rescinded, and she left on her own accord after?

I saw articles from Washington Post & The Hill saying she was expelled.
Others in quotes saying she was simply “gone”.

If they threatened her with expulsion, and she dropped out, does that leave the school in the clear?

Her mom definitely was not pleased. Certainly may have pulled her “funding” leaving her no choice.
You have to assert your rights. If the cops kick your door in without a warrant and find a kilo of fentanyl and crystal meth and you plead guilty at the arraignment, they’re in the clear. But it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have been successful if you had challenged.

The FIRE organization pretty much exists to sue universities over free speech. Their article also said she was expelled, but the context that it happened extremely quickly before they had time to go through the disciplinary process, plus the mom, makes me think it may have been uncontested.
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You have to assert your rights. If the cops kick your door in without a warrant and find a kilo of fentanyl and crystal meth and you plead guilty at the arraignment, they’re in the clear. But it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have been successful if you had challenged.

The FIRE organization pretty much exists to sue universities over free speech. Their article also said she was expelled, but the context that it happened extremely quickly before they had time to go through the disciplinary process, plus the mom, makes me think it may have been uncontested.
I see what you’re saying. Thanks.
I see what you’re saying. Thanks.
FWIW, I think it was probably a smart decision. “I can say ****** all I want, I’m in the south, now,” is probably not getting you damages in Alabama. I mean, it pretty much insults everybody. Also, the Streisand effect is real.

Seems like mom did her a solid by going out and agreeing with the punishment.
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what is this insistence with males in female sports? I dont get it..such a policy loser. Is it because they cannot admit they were wrong? Basically throws women under the bus.
It is a head scratcher for sure. If Trans want to start thier very own sports teams, have at it. A man wants to go shower with my granddaughter he better be married to her and with her consent .

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