President Donald Trump Signed MAGA Hat

Barry had an immense opportunity to bring us together racially....but he chose the other route. He divided us racially. Beer Summit anyone? Travon Martin anyone? Ferguson, Missouri anyone? By my measure Barry was a complete failure.
He leveraged his standing as the first black POTUS, and the medias refusal to cover him fairly because of that standing, to ram his far-left ideology down our f’ing throats! The Rinos did very little to stop it (Which gave way to the rise of Trump), and by time people realized that he was making good on his promise to fundamentally transform America, they got so frustrated they turned to a non-politician to combat the agenda.

By every measure other than “The Feelz” Obama was terrible.

Oh and don’t forget clockboy lol
That little attempt to divide backfired though.
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Chris Burke isn't from "olden" times. That would be having something like an orange and white leather football signed by Condredge Holloway, Haskel Stanback, Jamie Rotella, Conrad Graham and Eddie Brown.
Are those players from the Civil War times or something lmao?
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Are those players from the Civil War times or something lmao?
You know when they played! I got that football from the Athletic House for my birthday. I had an older cousin who was a trainer in the early seventies and he got those signatures for me. Several years ago, I played with Holloway in a charity golf tournament and mentioned to him and he said he remembered signing it
I'll jump at the chance of telling this story again.
I have a picture of our family with Jimmy and Rosalyn from about 24 years ago when my daughter was 1.
She graduated from Tech a couple of years ago.
I sent an 8 x 10 of the picture to President Carter and asked him to sign it so I could give it to my daughter as a graduation gift.
He not only signed the photo but sent her a hand written congratulations. I had the photo and letter framed and gave it to her for graduation. She has it hanging in her apartment.

Side note - Rosalyn changed her diaper in the church nursery.

Did Jimmy get inspiration for his foreign policy and domestic agenda from the contents of the diaper?
I take exception with the Carter and Obama rankings.
Biden may very well end up being next to last. No one will ever ran lower than Trump.
So you have changed your position on Biden?

A while back I asked if it was possible that the current President could do worse than the former.

You answered “of course”. Now it is no longer possible?
So you have changed your position on Biden?

A while back I asked if it was possible that the current President could do worse than the former.

You answered “of course”. Now it is no longer possible?
I'm surprised I gave that answer before.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say I either didn't say it or had some massive qualifier like............if he nukes Canada.
Either way, I'll stick with my latest statement.....No one will ever rank lower than Trump.
I think Jan. 6th is the perfect synopsis.

Oh ok. That makes sense. For the first 206 weeks of Trumps Presidency, you agree that he did a pretty good job overall. His handling of both domestic and foreign affairs were above average in relation to the other Presidents of the past (certainly better than his predecessor, especially with regard to foreign affairs). He also did a great job selecting Justices that would uphold our constitution. Lastly, throughout his presidency he exposed the radical agenda of America’s biggest enemy (the democrat party).
It was just those last 2 weeks that hurt your fee-fees. Got it.
Oh ok. That makes sense. For the first 206 weeks of Trumps Presidency, you agree that he did a pretty good job overall. His handling of both domestic and foreign affairs were above average in relation to the other Presidents of the past (certainly better than his predecessor, especially with regard to foreign affairs). He also did a great job selecting Justices that would uphold our constitution. Lastly, throughout his presidency he exposed the radical agenda of America’s biggest enemy (the democrat party).
It was just those last 2 weeks that hurt your fee-fees. Got it.
Trump pretty much sucked across the board. He was/is a horrendously despicable human.
Trump pretty much sucked across the board. He was/is a horrendously despicable human.
And you voted for just as bad. Biden is really making it a race to the bottom for POTUS. I'm guessing the imminent recession/depression will make your narrative harder to maintain but have faith you can keep up the charade
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Trump pretty much sucked across the board. He was/is a horrendously despicable human.
Agreed. Still 10x better than Sloppy Joe. I don’t vote for Sunday School Teachers. I vote for someone who isn’t going to get us blown up in a war or have me starve or go bankrupt. A president shouldn’t have enough power to do much damage otherwise
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And you voted for just as bad. Biden is really making it a race to the bottom for POTUS. I'm guessing the imminent recession/depression will make your narrative harder to maintain but have faith you can keep up the charade
I will never view them the same on the horrendously despicable continuum. And with Trump, it was ALWAYS about that. His policies weren't any worse or better than other repub presidents. It was NEVER about that.
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And you voted for just as bad. Biden is really making it a race to the bottom for POTUS. I'm guessing the imminent recession/depression will make your narrative harder to maintain but have faith you can keep up the charade

It’s Putin/ monkey pox/ the new Covid variant/ something left over from what Trump did (actually true to a small extent). None of it is Biden’s fault. Even though the situation we’re living in was purposely done and easily predicted.
Makes zero sense. What is exciting about getting an autograph from a person you dislike? That seems so stupid.

Because the chances of me getting authentic memorabilia from a former president are slim to none. I mean I just think getting a hat signed by a former president, any former president is a really cool thing.

I dislike Tom Brady. Yet I have a jersey signed by him.
Because the chances of me getting authentic memorabilia from a former president are slim to none. I mean I just think getting a hat signed by a former president, any former president is a really cool thing.

I dislike Tom Brady. Yet I have a jersey signed by him.

What if you had a turban signed by Osama Bin Laden? I'm just trying to use your logic here. The chances of you getting a piece of memorabilia signed by the most notorious terrorist in world history is are slim to none, no?

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