President Donald Trump Signed MAGA Hat

I'd have him sign it, then tell him what I really think about him. After I was escorted out I'd sell it to one of you.
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The average American voter is a complete dumbass and winning election and re-election seems to have no correlation with how good you are at being POTUS.

This is the equivalent of showing Obama's re-election data and saying "See?!! he was great!"
I'd have him sign it, then tell him what I really think about him. After I was escorted out I'd sell it to one of you.

Just goes to show how petty and childish you are. I loathe the dictator Biden. But I would absolutely be excited to get a signed hat by him.
Happy for your family, what business are/were they in?

My family struggled through the Carter years like most did, I was young so I didn't know any different but I do remember my mom being pretty upset when dad told her they would have to hold off on building the house they had saved up for.

16.5 % mortgage rates. My Father went ahead and built a new house, but scaled it back considerably, went to a different house plan with a third less square footage. Loved those gas lines and rationing too. Good times back then.
I'll jump at the chance of telling this story again.
I have a picture of our family with Jimmy and Rosalyn from about 24 years ago when my daughter was 1.
She graduated from Tech a couple of years ago.
I sent an 8 x 10 of the picture to President Carter and asked him to sign it so I could give it to my daughter as a graduation gift.
He not only signed the photo but sent her a hand written congratulations. I had the photo and letter framed and gave it to her for graduation. She has it hanging in her apartment.

Side note - Rosalyn changed her diaper in the church nursery.
Jimmy Carter is a wonderful man. However until January 2021, he was the worst POTUS in history. Brandon took that title in just a few short months.....Barry isn't far behind.
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Still don't get it.

Never been one to have any sort of fascination with celebrities. I find the romantic obsessions to be a little strange, to be honest.

Peyton used to (maybe still does?) Come to Charlotte every year for the Wells Fargo tournament pro am FIL and son go to the tournament every year and i have always wanted to take a UT Peyton jersey to the driving range/course on that day to see if i could get close enough to Peyton to get it signed. Never ended up doing it and my FIL died from covid complications so i am sure i will never go. He is the only athlete/celebrity i would want to sign something to frame and put up on my wall. Dr Loomis has an amazing collection and i enjoy just looking at photos of his plunder...lmao
My family prospered during the Carter administration. They didn't like him at the time, but they look at him through a much different lense now. At that time, they were able to lay the foundation for a very successful career and portfolio they ultimately built.

Everything about the Carter era looks good compared to what we see with the Biden era.

Carter is probably saying "Thanks Joe".
I’ve never desired an autograph from anyone…at least not past the age of 12. I can understand why some people are into it, but it’s not my thing.
And jerseys.

You are a grown man. Are you playing in the game? Take the damn jersey off.
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Jimmy Carter is a wonderful man. However until January 2021, he was the worst POTUS in history. Brandon took that title in just a few short months.....Barry isn't far behind.

Agree that Carter and Biden were horrible. But a look at any objective stat shows Obama did a good job, especially considering the mess he inherited. You may not agree with him politically but you are what your stats say you are....

And this goes both ways. Trump did a better job than the Democrats want to admit...
In the olden times at UT you could go onto the baseball field after Sunday games and the players would sign stuff. I caught a foul ball during a game and figured I'd get Chris Burke to autograph it. Even though we were about the same age I felt immediately weird about asking him to do that. Still have the ball, still makes me think about standing in right field like a gomer with a bunch of 12 year olds.
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In the olden times at UT you could go onto the baseball field after Sunday games and the players would sign stuff. I caught a foul ball during a game and figured I'd get Chris Burke to autograph it. Even though we were about the same age I felt immediately weird about asking him to do that. Still have the ball, still makes me think about standing in right field like a gomer with a bunch of 12 year olds.
Chris Burke isn't from "olden" times. That would be having something like an orange and white leather football signed by Condredge Holloway, Haskel Stanback, Jamie Rotella, Conrad Graham and Eddie Brown.
Agree that Carter and Biden were horrible. But a look at any objective stat shows Obama did a good job, especially considering the mess he inherited. You may not agree with him politically but you are what your stats say you are....

And this goes both ways. Trump did a better job than the Democrats want to admit...
Barry had an immense opportunity to bring us together racially....but he chose the other route. He divided us racially. Beer Summit anyone? Travon Martin anyone? Ferguson, Missouri anyone? By my measure Barry was a complete failure.
Barry had an immense opportunity to bring us together racially....but he chose the other route. He divided us racially. Beer Summit anyone? Travon Martin anyone? Ferguson, Missouri anyone? By my measure Barry was a complete failure.

No offense, a significant portion of the Right did not want to be brought together racially (a significant portion of the Left as well). You can't bring people together if they don't want to be together.

While BO could have done a better job at times here, you are creating a flimsy straw man argument as to why you think he was awful since almost every other objective measure has him as above average. Trump did as much, if not more, to create that divide than anyone. Again, the objective stats from 17-19 pointed to Trump being above average.

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