President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Not that I am a great fan of Biden myself, but are you saying he's wrong despite being right?
He’s absolutely wrong to place all the blame on the oil companies. Could it be a factor? Sure, that’s possible but this is a man who has said he wants to destroy the oil industry and now he wants it to do whatever he says? And what he says is stupid. If companies did everything for cost they would quickly go out of business.
Media has influenced thinking since the times when printed words were made easily available.
This dynamic isn’t going to change, and will only get worse.
The decision point is what a person chooses to consume.
I agree with you on this. What shocked me in the 2020 election is how many people simply take whatever CNN, MSNBC, or Fox feeds them without even questioning it. They’ve all figured out it’s better to get a headline out and then have to quietly recant later than to take the time to research it and print the truth the first time. And there’s still people, people that I know to be intelligent people, that do it to this day.
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He’s absolutely wrong to place all the blame on the oil companies. Could it be a factor? Sure, that’s possible but this is a man who has said he wants to destroy the oil industry and now he wants it to do whatever he says? And what he says is stupid. If companies did everything for cost they would quickly go out of business.

He doesn’t really want to destroy the oil industry. He wants to create a shortage so he can continue to tap the SPR and sell it to companies that Hunter is partnered with. We’re one of the few countries in the world where the populace is too dumb for this not to be a big deal.
He doesn’t really want to destroy the oil industry. He wants to create a shortage so he can continue to tap the SPR and sell it to companies that Hunter is partnered with. We’re one of the few countries in the world where the populace is too dumb for this not to be a big deal.
Fair. Biden, and pretty much all politicians, benefit greatly from the oil industry. He publicly wants to tear them down and makes money on the back end.
He’s absolutely wrong to place all the blame on the oil companies. Could it be a factor? Sure, that’s possible but this is a man who has said he wants to destroy the oil industry and now he wants it to do whatever he says? And what he says is stupid. If companies did everything for cost they would quickly go out of business.

Well…, companies don't do anything for free. They either charge what the market will bear, or get hefty tax write-offs.
As for Biden, he's a politician. And politicians are all the same, whether Republiars or Democreeps. They go looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.
I do, not talking points when you see your personal financial investments get hit over 20%. Not talking points when you grocery bill increases or as we’ve discussed gas doubled. Not a talking point when you put a fence up that increased from 4K to 6K in just a few months. Not a talking point when you work with hospitals and they are waiting on distribution of supplies for weeks to months to originally was 24-48 hours after order. Not talking point when you see information protected but disinformation credited. Not a talking point that the border patrol was deemed racist 10 months ago and put on the same level of slavery but casually released yesterday that no evidence was found. I live comfortably, but even being comfortable has been impacted because I know my earned money is not having the luxury of being saved, invested like it was.
Yeah, but that's all Putin's fault.
Just curious. How much of what you’re complaining about do you lay at the feet of the current administration?
No one’s denying inflation is at an all time high. No one’s denying there continues to be major supply chain issues.
However, these are global issues, not just issues impacting the US.
Regardless of who had won the 2020 election, we would still be dealing with these issues.
However, Trump and tucker are excited that you believe otherwise.
😂 🤡
She'll never win. Even among us independent voters, she's way too far left, and furthermore, hysteria infected to be POTUS. I'd love to see a qualified woman President in office, AOC isn't it. Now, if we could somehow resurrect ole Maggie Thatcher, or Golda Meir, and make them Americans, I could be enticed to vote for either.

Come on, kiddo, I'm your target.
I’d just like to have a highly qualified POTUS, don’t care about race, sex or religion….or even party

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