President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

I've said it before, and I'm not sure how many more times I have to say it but covid created some non-traditional work. A lot of people started making money off social media. Why go to a 9 to 5 when you and your spouse can cook and crack jokes on facebook for money every night? The number of "influencers" getting paid went up. The stand at the corner gorilla marketing from the early 2000's was changed. We just don't know the true number, but the employee gap seems to be bearing this out.

Federal top of the tier federal interference, maybe?
1. Let’s go through Trump’s terrible internet censorship order, line by line

2. Trump Appointee Seeks to Cut Off Funding for Global Internet Access Group
Woodsnan's just like all the other pathetic liberals. All they know is but,but,but,trump. They cant bring anything to the discussion without dragging trump into the conversation

Thing is the conversation was about where is some of the workforce. He may as well been talking about the brand of Kotex he uses because it had nothing to do with the conversation.
Thing is the conversation was about where is some of the workforce. He may as well been talking about the brand of Kotex he uses because it had nothing to do with the conversation.

You might be right, though in reality, I asked a question. To which the possible answers are YES, NO, and MAYBE. And dovernvolz, babie, liberal isn't an insult. If it wasn't for liberals, you'd still be under the heel of some monarch or another. Or exploited by some company that forbade workers forming a union to protect them from blatant exploitation.
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You might be right, though in reality, I asked a question. To which the possible answers are YES, NO, and MAYBE. And dovernvolz, babie, liberal isn't an insult. If it wasn't for liberals, you'd still be under the heel of some monarch or another. Or exploited by some company that forbade workers forming a union to protect them from blatant exploitation.
You’re wrong. In today’s world, being called a liberal is the same as being called an idiot
You might be right, though in reality, I asked a question. To which the possible answers are YES, NO, and MAYBE. And dovernvolz, babie, liberal isn't an insult. If it wasn't for liberals, you'd still be under the heel of some monarch or another. Or exploited by some company that forbade workers forming a union to protect them from blatant exploitation.
And because of the present day liberals we have been forced to live in a dictatorship that's ultimate goal is to destroy america aka " the great reset"
It may soon Be Time to Invoke the 25th Amendment on Ailing, Failing Biden

Have you ever read anything like it?

On Saturday, a damning dossier was published about Joe Biden’s fitness to be president that was so shocking and disturbing, I assumed it had been written by a Republican hit squad.

The holy stinker of a verdict — headlined “At 79, Biden Is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency” — revealed the following about the leader of the free world:

He “often shuffles” when he walks, prompting concern he “will trip on a wire.”

His speeches are “flat and listless” and he stumbles so often during them that staffers “hold their breath to see if he makes it to the end without a gaffe.”

He regularly makes huge policy change announcements that are instantly walked back by the White House, like vowing a US military response if China invades Taiwan or saying Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.”

He “sometimes loses his train of thought.”

He “has trouble summoning names.”

He appears “momentarily confused.”

He called his vice president “President Harris.”

He mistook Iran for Ukraine.

It may soon be time to invoke the 25th Amendment on ailing, failing Biden
Problem is, Kamala was intentionally installed as the First Lady VP running mate. They knew that nobody will remove Biden because she is completely unqualified to lead the country.

Install Kamala as president, and let her shine brightly her sheer incompetence, and lead her party to defeat in '24.

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