President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

[Applause] For twisting my statement into something else. It's the Republiars usual tactic for detouring comments away from what's really said to something else. Great for their Republiar audiences, whom they whip into a hyena pack mentality. [Applause]

So your post wasn’t hypocritical followed by blaming others , then followed up with this one .. blaming others for something you said ? 🤔
So your post wasn’t hypocritical followed by blaming others , then followed up with this one .. blaming others for something you said ? 🤔

Yeah, baby, you really know how to rock, you know how to twist things into something other than what they are or was said. Chubby Checker got nothing on you.
But, but, only Republicans are racist.
Saw on one of the morning "news" shows (after they covered the 1/6 "bombshells") that they found a poll where Biden would beat Trump 44 to 41% in a head to head in 2024...... from a 58% disapproval to re-election. hmmmm
Well..., looks like some 64% of Democrats prefer someone other than Bitten, I mean Biden be nominated for 2024. I agree because:

1. He's OLD, and it shows, I don't think he'd survive a second term.
2. He's not a bold Prez, and much as I hate to admit it, Trumputin was right, the far left hooks are way too deep in Biden.
3. Due to number 2 above, he isn't challenging Russia on a level he should, and his domestic policies don't fit the country's needs.
4. While external factors loom unquestionably large in wrecking the economy, I see no bold leadership to remedy that reality.
5. Simply put, Biden isn't really his own man, he's wagon hitched, and rein guided.

I don't have any favorite(s) yet. I have to wade through the chaff, flak, and male bovine excretion of the political field first. As an independent voter, I'll vote anyone who has an ounce of integrity. Either a Republican who isn't a Republiar. Or a Democrat who isn't a Democreep. So for now, I'm doing what I always do during upcoming elections. I'm examining candidates' comments, speeches, actions, voting records (if any) and such to determine which among them is the lesser evil, so I can vote for that person. That's why I'm an independent voter, I refuse to be led by the nose ring of any political party, mob mentality, or cult following. I do my own thinking, whether anybody else likes it or not.
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Can you link those claims?

Sure, but you'll just ignore or deny the links. And like everybody else, you saw how Dr. Deborah Birx cringed at Trumpin's injecting bleach comment. Ad you know he championed ivermectin as well. I'm not playing your game again where I provide links, and you ignore, deny, or drag the topic off into argumentative irrelevant discourse. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you. I ain't playing it this time.
So for now, I'm doing what I always do during upcoming elections. I'm examining candidates' comments, speeches, actions, voting records (if any) and such to determine which among them is the lesser evil, so I can vote for that person. That's why I'm an independent voter, I refuse to be led by the nose ring of any political party, mob mentality, or cult following. I do my own thinking, whether anybody else likes it or not.
Did you vote for Biden in 2020?
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