President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

I believe most conservatives are a combination of shallow, gullible, and simple minded. Some are simply consumed by self interest. Only a small percentage are what I would consider evil. Trump is evil and played on those 5 characteristics to build his base.

I believe most liberals are reactionary, emotional, naive, and easily manipulated by political leaders. They are generally detached from reality. They cling to any political leader who assuages their innate feelings of guilt which they routinely mislabel as compassion and empathy.
Nashville is in decline and decay?
Atlanta is in decline and decay?
Charlotte is in decline and decay?
Orlando is in decline and decay?
Miami is in decline and decay?
Phoenix is in decline and decay?
Every city I'm ever in seems to be growing and thriving.
Maybe take why are so many rural towns shriveling up as people flee to urban areas for $1000.
Cant speak for the rest.

But Atlanta crime is on the rise, see Buckhead.
Lance Bottoms was responsible for a large chunk of cops quiting.
Atlanta is more than half a billion in debt.
We have roads/interstates/bridges infamously falling apart.
A good chunk of our cities water lines are still clay from post Civil War era.
The last two or three mayors have all been caught in scandals, usually involving funneling money into personal/friends accounts.
We experienced violent riots on at least two occasions within the last two years.
Street racing and shootings associated with it are on the rise.
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Even Catholics evolve.

On New Year's Eve 1930, the Roman Catholic Church officially banned any "artificial" means of birth control. Condoms, diaphragms and cervical caps were defined as artificial, since they blocked the natural journey of sperm during intercourse.

They will evolve further.
on its face your statement is correct. To the subject matter you are incorrect.
Even Catholics evolve.

On New Year's Eve 1930, the Roman Catholic Church officially banned any "artificial" means of birth control. Condoms, diaphragms and cervical caps were defined as artificial, since they blocked the natural journey of sperm during intercourse.

They will evolve further.

Are you equating abortion with birth control? Aborting a baby is just like wearing a condom or using a diaphragm?
Cant speak for the rest.

But Atlanta crime is on the rise, see Buckhead.
Lance Bottoms was responsible for a large chunk of cops quiting.
Atlanta is more than half a billion in debt.
We have roads/interstates/bridges infamously falling apart.
A good chunk of our cities water lines are still clay from post Civil War era.
The last two or three mayors have all been caught in scandals, usually involving funneling money into personal/friends accounts.
We experienced violent riots on at least two occasions within the last two years.
Street racing and shootings associated with it are on the rise.
And Atlanta is thriving.
Seems to be. My oldest daughter just bought a house right off the belt line. The areas all around her are thriving and property values are skyrocketing.

How the market in NYC , LA and San Francisco? Property values are through the roof .
Other than Charlotte, every city you cited has a Republican Governor running the state. Can’t lose site of that.

Doesn’t completely refute your argument, but it’s worth noting.

And when you have states and major cities ran by democrats, such as Cali, people are moving to Mexico to escape lol. Sad.

He knew which cities to call out and which to stay completely away from . Lol
Educated, urban, idealistic, forward thinking, socially aware
Educated = Went to college, not really a show of their intelligence
Urban, yeah I agree, no understanding of how life is in rural/flyover country
Idealistic, yeah I agree... romanticized view of the world
Forward thinking = Wanting to recreate Western Europe here in America/Marxist leanings
Socially aware = woke
Catholics thought so.....You know, the every sperm is sacred concept. Masturbation is a sin. yada, yada, yada
There was an inherent issue with the every sperm is sacred concept that doesnt exist with abortion. Even in the most sexually active man 99.99.....% of sperm will never be "productive". So everyone was guilty even if you followed the teaching of the church. And the same standard never applied to women, at least as far as I know, every egg wasnt sacred.

Also the every sperm is sacred argument was intended to cut down on actual sins, premarital sexual acts intended for pleasure above anything else.

Abortion has none of those fallacies built in. The only, that I know of, contradiction remaining is a full out right ban on abortions when medically necessary, as self defense is recognized as not a sin, even if its frowned upon, turn the other cheek.

Killing the fetus doesnt avoid a sin. And considering the viability of a pregnancy vs a lone sperm there is no/not as much room for the inherent fallacy.

And I was proud of how the Catholic Church responded to the overturning of Roe vs Wade. It wasnt celebrating a job well done. It was saying this was an important step but now the real work begins. Caring for the (new) living, and mothers in need.
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