President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

All of this stacked against Trump and January 6th.

Biden’s lawlessness know no bounds.

Issuing massive new regulations with enormous economic consequences without support in legislation enacted by Congress. See as examples some of my recent posts on gigantic new regulations coming out of the Biden administration supposedly transforming the electricity-generating business and the automobile business. The regulations are issued by the likes of EPA, NHTSA, and the Department of Energy. I thought a fundamental aspect of “our democracy” was that new laws transforming our economy had to be enacted by the elected representatives of the people — that is, by Congress — and not unilaterally promulgated by the executive. This regulatory onslaught is a far greater threat to “our democracy” than anything Trump has done.

Concealing Biden’s diminished capacities from the public for months or years, while having the office of the presidency operated by unnamed and unelected functionaries. I thought “our democracy” meant that the guy we elect is the guy who makes the decisions.

This is not at all a close contest. President Biden is actually a huge threat to “our democracy,” and has shown that by his actions in many contexts over his three plus years in office. And I haven’t even gotten to things like his (or his family’s) taking large bribes from the likes of China and Putin-ally Burisma. The constant repetition of the “threat to our democracy” theme only emphasizes how little of substance Biden has to run on.


Exclusive — Steve Bannon Speaks from Behind Bars: Democrats Sticking with Biden Means ‘We Got the Candidate We Want’​

Bannon, in comments sure to further inflame tensions on the left, says that means for supporters of former President Donald Trump that “we got the candidate we want” on the other side. That being said, Bannon argues that despite the political disaster for Democrats that Biden remaining the nominee for president presents, the nation faces a serious national security crisis with Biden still president when he clearly is not able to execute the duties of the position. Bannon says this “national security crisis” is “separate” from the political issues, and pressed Congressional Republicans like House Speaker Mike Johnson to aggressively investigate the matter. Bannon said Johnson should cancel the scheduled August recess and make Congress stay to work to get to the bottom of what he called the nation being led currently by a “non-performing cadaver” in Biden.

Hallucinations..good grief this is getting dangerous.

I’m as far removed from being a dr as you can get but , I was talking care of my dad for years with Parkinson’s and I can say that everything my dad was doing we are seeing out of Joe . The stone face , the shuffle in his gait , the trying to talk or search for people that aren’t there , sundowner syndrome is real and affects them in crazy ways . I’d like to know only one thing to know for sure .. how do they keep him in his bedroom at night because it’s a real problem with Parkinson’s
I’m as far removed from being a dr as you can get but , I was talking care of my dad for years with Parkinson’s and I can say that everything my dad was doing we are seeing out of Joe . The stone face , the shuffle in his gait , the trying to talk or search for people that aren’t there , sundowner syndrome is real and affects them in crazy ways . I’d like to know only one thing to know for sure .. how do they keep him in his bedroom at night because it’s a real problem with Parkinson’s
A brutally painful process to watch a family member go through.
It's why I changed my opinion of Biden from disgust to pity several months ago.
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I’m as far removed from being a dr as you can get but , I was talking care of my dad for years with Parkinson’s and I can say that everything my dad was doing we are seeing out of Joe . The stone face , the shuffle in his gait , the trying to talk or search for people that aren’t there , sundowner syndrome is real and affects them in crazy ways . I’d like to know only one thing to know for sure .. how do they keep him in his bedroom at night because it’s a real problem with Parkinson’s
you nailed it in 2020. Of course it wasBB who you responded.

I spent 7 years watching the effects of Parkinson’s and dementia from it on my dad . I know enough to be able to recognize cognitive impairment. Nobody but he and Jill know the reason for it , but anybody can see it . Blowing it off as just a gaffe is being dishonest and disingenuous.
A brutally painful process to watch a family member go through.
It's why I changed my opinion of Biden from disgust to pity several months ago.
I thought the same, however Biden called the shots in Afghanistan, which directly led to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Hamas' attack on Israel. The world is in flames because of Joe Biden. It is his fault.
I thought the same, however Biden called the shots in Afghanistan, which directly led to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Hamas' attack on Israel. The world is in flames because of Joe Biden. It is his fault.
Are you forgetting who negotiated and set the timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan? And who didn't think to include the government there in the discussions? Biden came along and completely botched was was left for him to do but that didn't trigger either Putin or hamas to attack.
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Are you forgetting who negotiated and set the timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan? And who didn't think to include the government there in the discussions? Biden came along and completely botched was was left for him to do but that didn't trigger either Putin or hamas to attack.
I don’t think Hamas cared one bit who sat the WH. I don’t think the same was true in Putin’s calculus.
How rapidly would this progress?

That’s all individual basis and I’m sure he’s getting the best medication possible , “ iF” he has it . It shirk the brain for lack of a better term , and my dad had small strokes with his . Michael J Fox said on his interview that you die of Parkinson’s , you die with Parkinson’s.
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Old, cognitive declining people, often show hate and rage. His family is gross. Which we already knew

This is very true dad was one of those salt of the earth type people , but there were bouts of violence and calling even his closet loved ones some really bad names . Then he would snap out of it .
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