President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Instead of term limits for congress I propose.
1) repealing the 17th amendment
2) a law limiting congress to a max of 120 days in session per year or May 30th end day whichever comes first
3) reducing pay from a yearly salary to daily pay of $670 for every day in session. don't show up to work you don't get paid.
4) eliminate per diem, pension and health coverage
5) build a dorm with cafeteria where they stay and eat while in session
6) pass a law making sitting congress members subject to every law they pass
I've been talking about #5 for decades. Make it the most high tech dormitory in existence.
Unless income from outside sources is blocked, that would give us a completely bought and paid for legislature. Yes worse than now.
Pay them a million a year with tight restrictions on outside income during and after their terms and don't worry about how long they're in session. They'd do their business quickly and go to the beach.

Why would you ban outside income? I want business owners in there.

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