President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

the Harris ones and IBD have been the upside outliers - they may ride in to save the day
Not sure it’s possible at this point. And I’d guess that Fox poll was only included to pad the upside. I mean hell it’s over a week old and before the current clown show.
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it's an average of polls - if you are only looking at one you get a different story.

if you look at the trend at the bottom you see the story - from 20 points difference in approve to disapprove to zero now. I'm guessing when the next full round comes through you'll see the gap go to negative
I am looking at it on my tiny IPhone SE
bad things happened...the new "some people did something"

poor Joe is the victim in all this
I have not said he is a victim. It's universally accepted that he bungled this so therefore the fact his approval rating dipped is to be expected.
And got re-elected. So what exactly is your point?

you said bad ratings are when you get into the low 40s and said your use of Trump was an example of bad ratings then said you could go back to W (who also got reelected) if we wanted more but for some reason you skipped an administration in between that easily meets your definition of low ratings.

if it's merely an examination of low ratings there's no reason to skip a more recent administration (and one with Biden in it) for one further back in time.

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