President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

The Taliban attended several inclusivity workshops and training seminars while in Pakistan. You are witnessing the new and improved Taliban. Their spokesman is a trans Muslim and their military leadership is now 25% female. It’s so empowering and brave! They even secured safe passage to the airport for all our allies without a single injury or incident. We have an agreement with them to maintain our equipment that we left behind and they have promised to safely secure our unused weapons. It really is a new day in Afghanistan!!
Did you get your cliff notes on the Taliban from Biden?
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It’s not just the flag. She a teacher of children at an impressionable age and she’s spewing liberal BS at them every day. Her job is to teach…. Not impart her social views upon her students. She’s not worth a S
Meh, I get all of that. I'm just hesitant about all of this cancel culture and firing people. If she isn't teaching her subject matter, then grade her based on that. But the best thing to do is to confront her and have a conversation after being made aware of this. If that doesn't change anything, then you pull your kid out of her class/school or some other option.

I'm getting tired of this cancel culture nonsense on both sides.
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Kamala Harris’ Cackling Is Joe Biden’s Job Security

Vice President Kamala Harris’s team canceled press access to her remarks to US troops at Pearl Harbor on Thursday — surely because it feared yet another disaster for the veep at the site of a terrible attack on America, the same day as the horrors in Kabul.

Harris is just too prone to verbal fumbles that pour more fuel on the Biden administration’s fires.

Just the week before, Harris broke into a bizarre cackle when reporters asked about the early stages of the Afghan crisis. And that’s hardly her only nails-on-chalkboard moment.

For example, when NBC’s Lester Holt called her out for failing to go to the US-Mexico border when she’s supposed to be administration pointwoman on the border criss, Harris again weirdly laughed as she countered, “And I haven’t been to Europe!” as if that had a thing to do with it.


Kamala Harris' cackling is Joe Biden's job security

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