President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Joe Biden is willing to negotiate with the Taliban but won't negotiate with Congressional Republicans. That tells you all you need to know about the Biden Regime.

The Taliban attended several inclusivity workshops and training seminars while in Pakistan. You are witnessing the new and improved Taliban. Their spokesman is a trans Muslim and their military leadership is now 25% female. It’s so empowering and brave! They even secured safe passage to the airport for all our allies without a single injury or incident. We have an agreement with them to maintain our equipment that we left behind and they have promised to safely secure our unused weapons. It really is a new day in Afghanistan!!
$30-50 trilion in minerals or poppy fields for fentanyl???

I think the minerals and mining win.

China's power and proximity to the Golden Triangle and the poppy fields in Afghanistan give them almost a heroin monopoly if they choose. It also puts them in an interesting position ... on the wrong side of insurgents, and we know how that works for powerful nations with more traditional military forces.
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China's power and proximity to the Golden Triangle and the poppy fields in Afghanistan give them almost a heroin monopoly if they choose. It also puts them in an interesting position ... on the wrong side of insurgents, and we know how that works for powerful nations with more traditional military forces.

How history has changed with regard to Opium.
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China's power and proximity to the Golden Triangle and the poppy fields in Afghanistan give them almost a heroin monopoly if they choose. It also puts them in an interesting position ... on the wrong side of insurgents, and we know how that works for powerful nations with more traditional military forces.
Meh, we'll see about the poppy fields and all of that. Not saying that doesn't play a role, but I think the real prize in Afghanistan is the strategic mineral wealth.
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Meh, we'll see about the poppy fields and all of that. Not saying that play a role, but I think the real prize in Afghanistan is the strategic mineral wealth.

No doubt - the minerals are both of legitimate and strategic importance. In an ironic (and mostly satirical) twist, if we don't develop a power grid for all those electric cars, the poppy derivatives may be a soothing deflection from undrivable electric vehicles with Afghan derived materials sitting in the driveway.
Here’s a perfect example of how the US has gotten so f’ed up. Liberal sh**head teachers
This teacher should be fired ASAP…
Meh, you people and your flags. I just don't get it.

She doesn't need to be fired, though. That is just ridiculous. Just pull your kids out of her classroom because who knows what else she's teaching them if she's a Jeff Gordan fan.
Here’s a perfect example of how the US has gotten so f’ed up. Liberal sh**head teachers
This teacher should be fired ASAP…
She is a POS. I would pull my child from her class and take it up with the school board. She said " the American flag made me uncomfortable". Fair enough. Now take down the gay flags as well. I'm sure there are kids in her class that are uncomfortable with scissor Queen and her gay flags.
The Taliban attended several inclusivity workshops and training seminars while in Pakistan. You are witnessing the new and improved Taliban. Their spokesman is a trans Muslim and their military leadership is now 25% female. It’s so empowering and brave! They even secured safe passage to the airport for all our allies without a single injury or incident. We have an agreement with them to maintain our equipment that we left behind and they have promised to safely secure our unused weapons. It really is a new day in Afghanistan!!
Which 25% of the corpse of the female did they put on the front of their brand new HMMWV?
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Meh, you people and your flags. I just don't get it.

She doesn't need to be fired, though. That is just ridiculous. Just pull your kids out of her classroom because who knows what else she's teaching them if she's a Jeff Gordan fan.
It’s not just the flag. She a teacher of children at an impressionable age and she’s spewing liberal BS at them every day. Her job is to teach…. Not impart her social views upon her students. She’s not worth a S
It's Not Just Afghanistan -- Americans are Losing Faith in Biden On Many Issues

Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN

(CNN)President Joe Biden's approval rating is at its lowest point in his presidency. In the average of polls, he stands at about 47%. That's a steady decline from the beginning of this month (51%), last month (52%) and beginning of June (54%).

It would be easy to assign Biden's decline to the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, but, as the data shows, Biden has been trending downward for a while. The truth is that he is losing ground on a number of key issues.

The coronavirus pandemic, for example, had been one of Biden's best issues. He was trusted more than former President Donald Trump to handle it in poll after poll during last year's election. Trump likely would have won in 2020 had people trusted him more.
Biden's approval rating on the coronavirus had consistently been in the 60s for the first six months of his presidency. That declined to the high 50s in July and has been sunk to the 50s in the month of August.

It's not just Afghanistan -- Americans are losing faith in Biden on many issues - CNNPolitics

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