President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Haha. Saying the current Prez is kicking ass doesn’t mean I’m part of any political party. Would’ve said the same thing about Donnie if he would’ve ever had a successful day in office.
Saying the current President sucks ass doesn't mean I'm a Trumper. I'm not even a Republican. But Biden makes Trump look a lot better than he actually was because Biden is clearly incompetent. Afghanistan and rampant inflation have demonstrated that.
troll with a weak troll game - 10th grade level commentary.
So, probably not VolProf. He was gone before I joined VN but a few posters still refer to him from time to time so he must of been more adept at trolling than this lost little lamb.
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Possibly the same ones who think you had to play the sport to coach?

That's a good point. I look back at Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Jackson, Grant, Eisenhower and I often wondered if their military background helped them in foreign policy and as POTUS as a whole. On the other hand you would be taking out the options of POTUS for a lot good Presidents. I just like the idea of "what if". I have thought of a bunch of stuff in my head and love hearing other peoples takes. Even if they don't agree with me, they give me a outlook that I may not have though of at first.
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Go find the commanders that served under him and ask them about their opinions of donnies ability.

Jody, like me, you understand that Trump is one of the great outside the box thinkers in several decades. From the startup of Space Force, reigniting our travels into space, Operation Warp Speed, and etc.
Wow. And there isn’t much reporting on this at all. The second drone strike with the “secondary explosion” against ISIS-K is a lie. They killed an aid worker and 10 other civilians. Our last act of aggression before leaving was killing aid workers and non-combatants and then lying about it. Wow pathetic.

Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb

Impeach the MOFO !!! He has committed a terrible war crime against innocent civilians.
If this had been done by a Republican he's in the HOT SEAT & be thrown to the Dem wolves.
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Wow. And there isn’t much reporting on this at all. The second drone strike with the “secondary explosion” against ISIS-K is a lie. They killed an aid worker and 10 other civilians. Our last act of aggression before leaving was killing aid workers and non-combatants and then lying about it. Wow pathetic.

Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb
Hard to believe the liberal media doesn't widely report this, huh? I'm just shocked the New York Times mentioned it at all. When that drone strike occurred, I told my dad the Biden administration launched a drone attack to blow up some Afghan guy named Stan and then call him a terrorist. They wanted to make it actually look like they were doing something. There was NO WAY we identified, tracked and launched a strike against the planner of that operation in 24 hours. That was laughable from the very beginning.
Biden gives the worst speeches I've ever heard. Badly written and badly repeated.

His presidency might be the biggest coup in the history of this country.
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Hard to believe the liberal media doesn't widely report this, huh? I'm just shocked the New York Times mentioned it at all. When that drone strike occurred, I told my dad the Biden administration launched a drone attack to blow up some Afghan guy named Stan and then call him a terrorist. They wanted to make it actually look like they were doing something. There was NO WAY we identified, tracked and launched a strike against the planner of that operation in 24 hours. That was laughable from the very beginning.

Now we understand why these clowns never reported who they killed. They killed a dang family trying to escape the Taliban.
That's a good point. I look back at Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Jackson, Grant, Eisenhower and I often wondered if their military background helped them in foreign policy and as POTUS as a whole. On the other hand you would be taking out the options of POTUS for a lot good Presidents. I just like the idea of "what if". I have thought of a bunch of stuff in my head and love hearing other peoples takes. Even if they don't agree with me, they give me a outlook that I may not have though of at first.
Jmo, but I’m not sure the military experience did Grant any good once he was Prez. Most consider his administration to be lackluster at best and rife with scandal.
So, probably not VolProf. He was gone before I joined VN but a few posters still refer to him from time to time so he must of been more adept at trolling than this lost little lamb.

Definitely not VolProf. He actually provided content with his commentary and while out there at times his commentary was at least thoughtful.
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Wow. And there isn’t much reporting on this at all. The second drone strike with the “secondary explosion” against ISIS-K is a lie. They killed an aid worker and 10 other civilians. Our last act of aggression before leaving was killing aid workers and non-combatants and then lying about it. Wow pathetic.

Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb

Had to save face for Biden by exacting revenge for the airport bombing.
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Wow. And there isn’t much reporting on this at all. The second drone strike with the “secondary explosion” against ISIS-K is a lie. They killed an aid worker and 10 other civilians. Our last act of aggression before leaving was killing aid workers and non-combatants and then lying about it. Wow pathetic.

Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb
Of course there isn't. Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.
Very good question.
I don’t think it necessary, but do think it necessary that one can prove they haven’t attempted to dodge serving in the Armed Forces.

Like Clinton who avoided the draft in 1968 by joining the ROTC at UoA Law School that permitted him to avoid the draft and let him return to Oxford to complete his master’s. Then in 1969 when the draft lottery was instituted and he received a number that he would not be selected, he broke his commitment to the ROTC with no penalty.

Or Bush who used his family name to join the Texas Air National Guard since he knew Johnson was not going to use the Guard to go to Vietnam. It was about impossible to get into the National Guard having a arrest record and getting a low score on the pilot test both of which Bush had.

Or how about Biden who received deferments for his undergraduate days at Delaware, then another deferment for three years of law school at Syracuse. Then when his education deferments expired in 1968, he requested a deferment based on the fact he had asthma when he was a kid. Even though in his own book he said "I was a star athlete in high school and in college played sports and was a lifeguard in the summer".

So while war was going on Clinton went to Law School, run for Congress and became attorney general of Arkansas after avoiding service. Bush just didn't only weasel his way out service, but he didn't go half the time to the Guard training but spent his time working on the campaigns of senators and going to Business School. Then you have Biden who received his asthma deferment and run for local office. Assuming he was not killed in Vietnam had he went, he was elected to the Senate two years after he would have been discharged from the Army. Or you could go big brain like Grover Cleveland and just pay a immigrant to go for you.

You mean like those Presidents?
Had to save face for Biden by exacting revenge for the airport bombing.

So is this just some BS "Biden did something"?

I just got this feeling that the IC and what some might refer to "deep state" is not on board with Biden. That leaked call with Ghani raised my head and we saw it with Trump many times.
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Like Clinton who avoided the draft in 1968 by joining the ROTC at UoA Law School that permitted him to avoid the draft and let him return to Oxford to complete his master’s. Then in 1969 when the draft lottery was instituted and he received a number that he would not be selected, he broke his commitment to the ROTC with no penalty.

Or Bush who used his family name to join the Texas Air National Guard since he knew Johnson was not going to use the Guard to go to Vietnam. It was about impossible to get into the National Guard having a arrest record and getting a low score on the pilot test both of which Bush had.

Or how about Biden who received deferments for his undergraduate days at Delaware, then another deferment for three years of law school at Syracuse. Then when his education deferments expired in 1968, he requested a deferment based on the fact he had asthma when he was a kid. Even though in his own book he said "I was a star athlete in high school and in college played sports and was a lifeguard in the summer".

So while war was going on Clinton went to Law School, run for Congress and became attorney general of Arkansas after avoiding service. Bush just didn't only weasel his way out service, but he didn't go half the time to the Guard training but spent his time working on the campaigns of senators and going to Business School. Then you have Biden who received his asthma deferment and run for local office. Assuming he was not killed in Vietnam had he went, he was elected to the Senate two years after he would have been discharged from the Army. Or you could go big brain like Grover Cleveland and just pay a immigrant to go for you.

You mean like those Presidents?
Left your boy Donnie out
Jmo, but I’m not sure the military experience did Grant any good once he was Prez. Most consider his administration to be lackluster at best and rife with scandal.

I'll agree to a point of over all. I was thinking more along the lines of it helping in Foreign affairs in general. We didn't have any foreign policy disasters with him. *(As far as I know I could be wrong)
Over all as a POTUS I can agree on the lackluster.
Biden gives the worst speeches I've ever heard. Badly written and badly repeated.

His presidency might be the biggest coup in the history of this country.
BUT, you need to tune out the Fox News bs and start thinking for yourself.
Biden’s no JFK when it comes to giving speeches, but Donnie was all time bad and you know it.
In terms of coups, the biggest one in history was actually attempted by donnie. Fortunately it failed.
Left your boy Donnie out

Didn't think I needed to. Your post implied that you was aware of that one by the way you stated the post.

I like how he is "my boy" due to you not having anything to add. You said you didn't think someone that had dodged service should be POTUS. That removes 4 of our last 5. By your own post you said that you think Clinton, Bush, Trump, and Biden should not be able to hold that office. Yet when I point out your "boy" is on that list all you can come back with is Donnie. Maybe you should have checked "your boys" history before jumping at the bit to take a poke at Trumps bad history.

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