I would like to know what Democrats will be running on next time........raise taxes, double down on Obamacare, fancier transgender bathrooms???Stop. Please. Trump will get re-elected...let's move on ... the Dem's have 7 more years to find out what they stand for, maybe then they'll have a shot. Right now, they are all over the map-type lost. I might add, there's a ton of Republicans that aren't much better.
You know he was raised in a home with a Muslim stepfather, right?
He wears the ring dude. Its fact.
What faithful Muslim (or believer of any religion) would make the infamous "cling to their guns and religion" comment that he did. I think that was a rare moment of honesty from a politician speaking in front of a crowd that he felt comfortable in front of.
midnight orange is correct that all presidents at least play up their level of religiosity (Christianity). IMO, Trump, Obama, and Clinton are in no way religious people. I think Dubya probably genuinely is, but he absolutely played it up while President to curry favor with his Evangelical base. I don't think Jimmy Carter is an atheist though. George H.W. Bush and Reagan both played up their actual level of religious belief, I'm sure.
The country is becoming less religious as time goes on, but you still cannot win big elections unless you claim to be a Christian.
I just wanted to clarify that I do think Carter was a Christian. I should have said all presidents since but not including Carter.
I'm rapidly becoming of the opinion that celebrities are going to universally be bad news bears as POTUS. She, like Trump, are surrounded by people whose job it is to make them feel like they are special and deserving. No one has the nerve to tell them, you know, you really are not suited for this, and to mean it and get some real reflection on it.
He wears the ring dude. Its fact.