Presidential Debate 2020

I bet we'll be seeing ads comparing Trump's debate performance to Joseph McCarthy in the coming days. Biden should've used the "Have you no decency?" line tonight, it probably would've won him the election.

I feel bad for the people that are gonna have to shift through that cluster**** for some useable soundbites.
Trump got Joe to say he didn’t support NGD. How many far left voters jumped after that statement. He can’t afford to lose that block.

Not good at all for Slow Joe.

and wants more funding for cops, not less.

but as someone pointed out earlier; the objective is the office and Biden is just the vehicle.

unlike Biden's comment; he is NOT the Democratic party - he's just the car they are riding in
Real talk: Biden doesn’t spark any kind of hope for improving this country. The Left did a terrible job finding a candidate. However, Trump is an absolute embarrassment. He is a petulant child. Anybody who votes for him is part of the problem.
Who really GAF? Thats as lame and pathetic as everyone crying over a president playing golf. Can't remember a president who didn't play a lot of golf except for Reagan. And the same stupid criticism of it every time. Nobody cares. Presidents need free time. They have family that might go on trips and need security. Get over it...

I'm putting out what Trump folks give. He literally talks so much insane bull **** that his supporters buy its hard to believe. He literally said his people should go to the polls to watch other people. Who the hell says that? He is not presidential at all.
His dumb ass conspiracy theories aren't a joke anymore. Im all about a good debate but he literally never let it happen. Im not excited about either side but damn.
If the moderator is worried about each candidate interrupting one another, why not cut their microphone until it’s time for them to speak again?
Trump got Joe to say he didn’t support NGD. How many far left voters jumped after that statement. He can’t afford to lose that block.

Not good at all for Slow Joe.

There is nothing Biden could have said tonight to lose far left voters and there is nothing Trump could have said tonight to lose far right voters.

As far as the moderates and undecideds, as few as they may be, probably got pushed to third party.
Real talk: Biden doesn’t spark any kind of hope for improving this country. The Left did a terrible job finding a candidate. However, Trump is an absolute embarrassment. He is a petulant child. Anybody who votes for him is part of the problem.
you might call him an embarrassment but my 401k has done better in the 3 yrs of Trump than in the 8 yrs of Obama. And that includes a pandemic. Since we're playing "what have you done for me" then I gotta stick with Big Don for another 4.
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Chris Wallace would have loved that. Despite Biden pushing conspiracy theories
You write down what he said and then rip that **** apart the next opportunity you have to speak. It is simple for anyone who has the mental capacity to keep more than one sentence in their head at a time. Neither of these old farts do, hence... The result.

It's a shame. Biden said some off the wall dumb **** tonight. Put somebody like Ted Cruz on the stage and he ends that man's political career.
I watched Biden’s facial expressions during this debate. He really struggled to get the right words out. You could see his face tense up trying to find his words. You see this in the elderly with medical or mental conditions. I recognized it because I see it in my dad daily.
Just an honest observation that has nothing to do with the words either man spoke tonight
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Depends. What was the reason for the payment?

Seems like if it was for influence and/or access to Hunter’s dad and then Vice President Joe Biden then yes that would be considered pay for play / bribery.

Why do you continue to carry water for this loser?

Asking if wiring money is illegal is "carrying his water?" 😂

Boy, you guys are hot. Lotta folks thumping their chest in here for a needle that didn't move.
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I'm putting out what Trump folks give. He literally talks so much insane bull **** that his supporters buy its hard to believe. He literally said his people should go to the polls to watch other people. Who the hell says that? He is not presidential at all.
His dumb ass conspiracy theories aren't a joke anymore. Im all about a good debate but he literally never let it happen. Im not excited about either side but damn.

Guess you don't remember the Obama "truth teams" where they asked supporters to send them the names and comments of people they know that are saying wrong things about Obama so the right information could be provided.
you might call him an embarrassment but my 401k has does better in the 3 yrs of Trump than in the 8 yrs of Obama. And that includes a pandemic. Since we're playing "what have you done for me" then I gotta stick with Big Don for another 4.

Putting your personal benefits above all else pretty much sums up the problem with this country. It’s the pervasive “**** you I got mine” attitude.
Very disappointing debate overall. Hard to even want to comment on it. We have got to be more substance going forward. It shouldn't be a glee club contest but if Chris Wallace was allowed to followup on responses we would've learned a lot more.
Real talk: Biden doesn’t spark any kind of hope for improving this country. The Left did a terrible job finding a candidate. However, Trump is an absolute embarrassment. He is a petulant child. Anybody who votes for him is part of the problem.
I will proudly vote for President Donald Trump

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