Presidential Debate 2020

No, acting like a 2 year old is childish. I should have known you could not tell the difference. Carry on

How did I act childish? Did I interrupt someone? Maybe I screamed to get my point across? Did I blatantly lie? Maybe I needlessly attacked a rivals son?

I don't see it. As dumb as both partisan bases are, neither wants to see the other side in the White House. To the tree hugging hippie AOC and Bernie may be best, but Biden is infinitely better than Trump.

Both have their partisan bases locked up at this point.
We can agree to disagree. The far left is crazy. They don’t really like Joe. The lack of support for NGD is going to sting.
Does anyone want to watch that 2 more times? How many undecided voters tuned in to get a look at these two and turned it off after 15 minutes because Trump bulldozed the whole thing?

I'd watch it if they had the ability to mute mics.
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Rules were agreed upon by both sides.

I thought Chris Wallace could've exposed them both and allowed them to underscore their differences if he was allowed. He would've even pointed out inconsistencies in their statements and allowed them both to get jabs in. I think he's the best in the business.
All he does is cater to his uneducated, racist base. He literally encouraged voter intimidation on live national TV.
He’s not the one bailing out the Antifa and blm rioters. That’s slo joe and his ho. Plus she accepts her party’s nomination by tellzing people to keep on rioting.
I'd watch it if they had the ability to mute mics.
I think that's the only solution if they wanna move forward. Trump's mic is cut when it's not his turn. He has no substance to run on, so his goal is to just make noise so people just turn it off and don't vote.
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I'd watch it if they had the abity to mute mics.

And maybe substantive questions about why we should elect them for 4 years rather than whether or not they think the integrity of an election that hasn’t happened yet is in question.

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