Presidential Debate 2020

Biden will most likely have a Dem house if he wins. If Biden wins I see the Dems keeping the house and possibly taking the senate, then it would be Katy bar the door on spending.
I could see that but it would only be for 2 years then the Rs would sweep the midterm and the radical left would push O’Biden out and Harris would be President
$400k isn't rich, that is solid middle class. That is a lot of small business owners, you know the people that employee the most Americans and drive the economy. So raising taxes on those making $400k will hurt far more people than just those making $400k.

Almost no jobs were created during Obama's big "green energy" push the only thing accomplished was the lining of his buddies pockets and fleecing of the taxpayer. All of this talk about green energy yet not 1 damn word about the most reliable source of green energy we know of, nuclear. So it's nothing but a boondoggle.
Yep and it always starts what is higher wage people compared to a lot of americans but they always end up raising on lower wages than what the plan originally calls for
Nope, there's only 1 cult.

Yeah it's you folks on the left blind to who your leadership is and what they stand for. Trump for all of his faults is very good at rocking the boat and pissing off everyone in Washington. He doesnt start useless wars in worthless pieces of desert any time he feels like it either. That alone should earn his vote from every red blooded American. The damn democrats and establishment Republicans never saw a foreign war they didn't want to jump in on and drain the treasury. If Biden gets elected we'll be sending troops back into Syria. Bank on it.
$400k isn't rich, that is solid middle class. That is a lot of small business owners, you know the people that employee the most Americans and drive the economy. So raising taxes on those making $400k will hurt far more people than just those making $400k.

Almost no jobs were created during Obama's big "green energy" push the only thing accomplished was the lining of his buddies pockets and fleecing of the taxpayer. All of this talk about green energy yet not 1 damn word about the most reliable source of green energy we know of, nuclear. So it's nothing but a boondoggle.

In 2018 the median income for middle class was $78k. In which fairy tale land do you reside where middle class makes $400k?

Obama’s job growth in his last 3 years is better than job growth any year under Trump. No clear analysis on green jobs so you could correct there for sure
Than the Covid shut down trajectory?

Uh yeah. No crap Carl. Especially if you are just making up more billions of dollars to just give away to your special interests.

Income tax started as a tax on the wealthiest too....

??? I heard Trump say last night that we were in a V-shaped recovery and would have this thing licked in no time.

Show me Trump’s plan and the analysis of his plan.

Additionally, I leave you with this, which Trump said during Obama’s tenure. Did this only apply to Obama?

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??? I heard Trump say last night that we were in a V-shaped recovery and would have this thing licked in no time.

Show me Trump’s plan and the analysis of his plan.

Additionally, I leave you with this, which Trump said during Obama’s tenure. Did this only apply to Obama?

Where did I defend, or even bring up Trump?

Way to shift the goalposts.

I enjoy watching yall indirectly admit you have no good policy when you default to but Trump.
In 2018 the median income for middle class was $78k. In which fairy tale land do you reside where middle class makes $400k?

Obama’s job growth in his last 3 years is better than job growth any year under Trump. No clear analysis on green jobs so you could correct there for sure

The fairy tale is that $78k for a family is middle class these days. That is borderline working poor. If you can qualify for any .gov assistance you are not middle class and $78k will qualify for some assistance like financial aid to send a kid to college.

Look at the wage growth between the 2.

Nominal Wage Tracker
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Where did I defend, or even bring up Trump?

Way to shift the goalposts.

I enjoy watching yall indirectly admit you have no good policy when you default to but Trump.

You literally we’re talking about the recovery. Trump is POTUS. It’s his recovery. So like it or not, it all falls under Trump. So if numbers are compared between now and Biden’s - guess what - those are Trump’s numbers. That’s how Trump ties until this discussion.

The is his trajectory. My apologies for comparing the 2 candidates and their policies that this thread is all about.
In 2018 the median income for middle class was $78k. In which fairy tale land do you reside where middle class makes $400k?

Obama’s job growth in his last 3 years is better than job growth any year under Trump. No clear analysis on green jobs so you could correct there for sure

That’s a ridiculous statement for a family . That’s working class poor even for a family in the south . Take your family to either coast or the mid west up to the northern part of the US and try to live off of that , much less call it middle class .
That’s a ridiculous statement for a family . That’s working class poor even for a family in the south . Take your family to either coast or the mid west up to the northern part of the US and try to live off of that , much less call it middle class .

What is baffling to me is Biden's tax plan hurts the most people is strong Dem areas and they still support him.

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