Presidential Debate 2020

The fairy tale is that $78k for a family is middle class these days. That is borderline working poor. If you can qualify for any .gov assistance you are not middle class and $78k will qualify for some assistance like financial aid to send a kid to college.

Look at the wage growth between the 2.

Nominal Wage Tracker

So your definition of middle class then.

Awfully small middle class. Just exactly what percentage of the population would you think are in this middle class?
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That’s a ridiculous statement for a family . That’s working class poor even for a family in the south . Take your family to either coast or the mid west up to the northern part of the US and try to live off of that , much less call it middle class .

That was individual.

Household of 2 it was $110k.

Household of 3 it was $135k.

All really far off from $400k.
$400k isn't rich, that is solid middle class. That is a lot of small business owners, you know the people that employee the most Americans and drive the economy. So raising taxes on those making $400k will hurt far more people than just those making $400k.

Almost no jobs were created during Obama's big "green energy" push the only thing accomplished was the lining of his buddies pockets and fleecing of the taxpayer. All of this talk about green energy yet not 1 damn word about the most reliable source of green energy we know of, nuclear. So it's nothing but a boondoggle.
I felt rich when Obama was in office and now hog got me down with the poor folks. It's tough out there for a working man
So your definition of middle class then.

Awfully small middle class. Just exactly what percentage of the population would you think are in this middle class?

20-25% would fall into the actual middle class family income of $150-$400k per year.
I watched as well. Complete s*** show. However, I believe it was Trump's intentions to rattle Biden and although Biden seemed to be dead toward the end of the debate, he didn't completely derail.

Biden seemed to be the winner if you're looking for a more "classic or traditional" debate, but I'm not and neither is the people that voted for Trump. You dumb***es just don't get it. I'm 100% sure, while some of you have college "degrees" and live a flourishing life, you all just sit there and listen to everything Biden spews.

Name 1 president that didn't give "morale speeches" or poetic-like messages before Trump. I don't need someone talking nicely to me. I don't need anyone for morale. I just want to see who they truly are.

Biden kept turning to the camera talking to the "American people". The real "American people" can see right through him and know he's full of s***. It's you lawyers and bankers and the rest of you that dress up all nice and pretty and go out to dinner with your "colleagues" to see who can spend the most on dinner and passive aggressively tout about the number of clients you have and your "portfolios" and then step outside to leave only remember that all of that can't cover up how pathetic your lives truly are. It's you all that eat up every bit of the bile coming out of his mouth that he's flip flopped on for the past half a century. If you think anything that "man" is saying is truth, than you are a f***ing moron. The dude has been a politician and ONLY a politician for longer than most of you all have been alive and twice as long as some of you. 47 years. That's YEARS. He could look you straight in your face and tell you the sky is green and believe every word of it cause he knows no different. He believes everything he says to be true. Sad reality is, so do most of you.

A few times I just wanted to tell Trump to shut up. I didn't really gaf about what Biden was saying, but it did seem juvenile when he would continually interrupt. The man can be a savage using 1 or 2 word interruptions just as well as he can trying to talk over him. Also, I wish i could prepare Trump for the debate. Biden left himself open so much on so many issues that if Trump would slow down to think for a moment, he could've destroyed him, but he went full attack mode.

Point is, Trump is not a talker and that's fine with me. I don't have daddy issues like you liberal twats and need to be "reared" by the president. His policies work and before COVID, this country was actually rising like I never though it would again. He sucks as a political speaker. Biden is a great speaker. Obama was a great speaker. Bush was a great speaker. All s***ty policies and all liars. Trump's talking and rhetoric used to bother me a lot more, but now I loathe you idiots as much as he does. So ready for all this to be over with so we can at least have 3 more years before you all come back in droves to show your ignorance and stupidity on a global scale . Go back to your video game world and leave the real world to people that don't want to ruin it for everyone else.
You literally we’re talking about the recovery. Trump is POTUS. It’s his recovery. So like it or not, it all falls under Trump. So if numbers are compared between now and Biden’s - guess what - those are Trump’s numbers. That’s how Trump ties until this discussion.

The is his trajectory. My apologies for comparing the 2 candidates and their policies that this thread is all about.
No. I pointed out that ANYTHING is going to be better than the Covid shut down. That's got nothing to do with Trump as far as what is better.

If anything joe has promised to shut down the nation more than Trump has to save us from Covid. How would that be better?

I was pointing out the fallacies in your pro-Joe comments. My apologies for commenting on the specifics of your post I quoted instead of the generalities of the thread that I didnt quote. I see why you would be confused with any talk that goes beyond "but Trump" as you dont have any.
Because it's about the party not the people. You had Biden admitting as much "I am the party".
Exactly! It’s I’m blue or red and this is how I see everything. There’s no common ground, it’s just fighting each other and getting nothing accomplished. It’s saddening and disheartening to see where we are

Point is, Trump is not a talker and that's fine with me. I don't have daddy issues like you liberal twats and need to be "reared" by the president. His policies work and before COVID, this country was actually rising like I never though it would again. He sucks as a political speaker. Biden is a great speaker. Obama was a great speaker. Bush was a great speaker. All s***ty policies and all liars. Trump's talking and rhetoric used to bother me a lot more, but now I loathe you idiots as much as he does. So ready for all this to be over with so we can at least have 3 more years before you all come back in droves to show your ignorance and stupidity on a global scale . Go back to your video game world and leave the real world to people that don't want to ruin it for everyone else.
That's rich, coming from a Trump supporter.
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No. I pointed out that ANYTHING is going to be better than the Covid shut down. That's got nothing to do with Trump as far as what is better.

If anything joe has promised to shut down the nation more than Trump has to save us from Covid. How would that be better?

I was pointing out the fallacies in your pro-Joe comments. My apologies for commenting on the specifics of your post I quoted instead of the generalities of the thread that I didnt quote. I see why you would be confused with any talk that goes beyond "but Trump" as you dont have any.
No worries, we have 4 more months of Trump and the virus is supposed to go away. We will have a vaccine before the election where all the citizens of our Great United States will happily get. Last I checked, with the local Pediatrician, natural herd immunity is just around the corner anyway.
No. I pointed out that ANYTHING is going to be better than the Covid shut down. That's got nothing to do with Trump as far as what is better.

If anything joe has promised to shut down the nation more than Trump has to save us from Covid. How would that be better?

I was pointing out the fallacies in your pro-Joe comments. My apologies for commenting on the specifics of your post I quoted instead of the generalities of the thread that I didnt quote. I see why you would be confused with any talk that goes beyond "but Trump" as you dont have any.

That’s my B. I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that convos on this thread would be comparing the candidates. Guess this is why they say don’t assume.

Biden has not promised to shut down the nation again. I see how you could get confused with Trump constantly yelling that. Biden said he would listen to the experts and if they recommended it to save lives then he would do it. Hardly a promise to shut it all down. But hey, gotta be a boogeyman out there on the left.
No, the definitions need changing.

So your definition of middle class includes those who are in top 5% of income earners?

At this point, I’m honestly just genuinely curious. I’ve never heard of that type of income being grouped into middle class.
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So your definition of middle class includes those who are in top 5% of income earners?

At this point, I’m honestly just genuinely curious. I’ve never heard of that type of income being grouped into middle class.

Income classes need to redefined and calculated as a comparison to cost of living in the various regions of the country.
Taking a step back this morning, I think that both men accomplished what they wanted in that they both recognize that there is such a tiny number of undecideds out there that it is pointless and wasteful to try to win them over now, so the whole goal for each was to motivate their bases to just turn out.

Biden needed to show his base that he can take Trump's attacks for 90 minutes and not fold. He was successful in that.

Trump wanted to show to his base that he still has what they found charismatic the last time. I would call it bullying and being a blowhard, but hey, it worked for him last time. So he was successful at it again this time.

The more I think about it, the less likely it was that this was going to be substantive or anything other than what we saw. Trump railing at Biden, and Biden not backing down. Both did what they needed to do. There is really no point to the next debates. Will be more of the same.
$400k isn't rich, that is solid middle class. That is a lot of small business owners, you know the people that employee the most Americans and drive the economy. So raising taxes on those making $400k will hurt far more people than just those making $400k.

Almost no jobs were created during Obama's big "green energy" push the only thing accomplished was the lining of his buddies pockets and fleecing of the taxpayer. All of this talk about green energy yet not 1 damn word about the most reliable source of green energy we know of, nuclear. So it's nothing but a boondoggle.

This isn't Singapore. 400k is rich.

I'm barely still considered middle class and that is about 3 times my pay and I make more than 90% of people in TN. You are living in fantasyland.
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This kid is going to Sandman some bitches
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