Presidential Debate 2020

Biden is not like Trump... and for the most part, Biden followed the rules of the debate. Trump did not.
Except for everytime he ran a side comment off while Trump was talking. Trump just didnt get sidetracked like Biden would.

"No plan"
"He doesnt have a plan"
"Good healthcare"
"I know how to get the job done"
That's just in the first third.

Sure some of it is Trump goading Biden. But Biden fell for it. Everyone knew this is exactly what Trump would do. And instead of taking the high road he fell for every piece of bait Trump thru out there.
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The Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence report did conclude that the Russian government was trying to interfere in the 2016 election to assist the Trump campaign, and the Trump campaign was eager to receive their assistance.
You mean sort of like the Steele dossier?

Also I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Directly from the release:

but cautioned that the intelligence community (IC) "does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication."

And *this* is what you try to present as fact?

I'm asking you. Who is that third choice?
I'll understand if you continue to refuse to answer.
I've answered it many times and even provided a link to her site earlier ( which is really popular today for some reason). If you're unfamiliar with who will be on the ballot I'm sure your state can provide that info
Should you even be voting if you don't know who is on the ballot?
How original. It can be confusing.

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Wait, Biden will control spending now but legislature controlled it then? I’m confused. Please explain.

Biden will most likely have a Dem house if he wins. If Biden wins I see the Dems keeping the house and possibly taking the senate, then it would be Katy bar the door on spending.
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Nothing new, I have already conceded that point. He didn't propose raising taxes, increasing spending by 10 fold and re-implementing industry killing regulations so IMO that is better than any new proposals.

Biden’s plan only raises taxes on those who make $400k+. That’s not the majority of Americans. Not sure how that would be bad for America as a whole.

The regulations didn’t kill any industries that weren’t already dying. And it shifted focus to renewable energy. Which is where the world is headed. No idea why people fight this.

Oxford Economics and Moody’s analysis show that Biden’s plan will create significantly more jobs and economic growth than current trajectory.
Biden’s plan only raises taxes on those who make $400k+. That’s not the majority of Americans. Not sure how that would be bad for America as a whole.

The regulations didn’t kill any industries that weren’t already dying. And it shifted focus to renewable energy. Which is where the world is headed. No idea why people fight this.

Oxford Economics and Moody’s analysis show that Biden’s plan will create significantly more jobs and economic growth than current trajectory.

Keep drinking that Kool-Aid.
Biden’s plan only raises taxes on those who make $400k+. That’s not the majority of Americans. Not sure how that would be bad for America as a whole.

The regulations didn’t kill any industries that weren’t already dying. And it shifted focus to renewable energy. Which is where the world is headed. No idea why people fight this.

Oxford Economics and Moody’s analysis show that Biden’s plan will create significantly more jobs and economic growth than current trajectory.
Than the Covid shut down trajectory?

Uh yeah. No crap Carl. Especially if you are just making up more billions of dollars to just give away to your special interests.

Income tax started as a tax on the wealthiest too....
Biden’s plan only raises taxes on those who make $400k+. That’s not the majority of Americans. Not sure how that would be bad for America as a whole.

The regulations didn’t kill any industries that weren’t already dying. And it shifted focus to renewable energy. Which is where the world is headed. No idea why people fight this.

Oxford Economics and Moody’s analysis show that Biden’s plan will create significantly more jobs and economic growth than current trajectory.

$400k isn't rich, that is solid middle class. That is a lot of small business owners, you know the people that employee the most Americans and drive the economy. So raising taxes on those making $400k will hurt far more people than just those making $400k.

Almost no jobs were created during Obama's big "green energy" push the only thing accomplished was the lining of his buddies pockets and fleecing of the taxpayer. All of this talk about green energy yet not 1 damn word about the most reliable source of green energy we know of, nuclear. So it's nothing but a boondoggle.
Biden will most likely have a Dem house if he wins. If Biden wins I see the Dems keeping the house and possibly taking the senate, then it would be Katy bar the door on spending.
You think it would break the historical streak of the rate of increase in deficit spending always being higher under republican administrations? It would certainly be a first.

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