Presidential Debate 2020

No, I'm voting for one.
Can someone explain to me why Trumpers love conspiracy theories so much? I mean, seriously. Just someone explain it please. Is reality so terrible for you that everything has to be something *other* than what it actually is?

I’ll hang up and listen - too busy to argue about it - gotta get this adrenochrome that I harvested from unsuspecting children on the stove for a little simmer before I start my day.

Wasn't the spying on Trump that is now being brought to light a conspiracy????
I don't think he cares too much about them, what he knows is that the people do believe in them also support him and that's good enough reason not to trash them. Same goes for him not condemning the white supremacists', I don't think he's one per se, but his inability to disavow that bloc in a meaningful way speaks to his win at any cost character.

Oh I’m not saying he himself is a conspiracy theorist. I mean it’s clear he’s not a critical thinker so maybe. I believe he pushes narratives that help him at all costs.

My question is more about why so many Trump supporters are full blown conspiracy theorists. It’s wild
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My point is you'll believe whatever liberal, socialist, communist rag that props up your beliefs. There's no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. On the other hand their is ample evidence that your senile Biden's son did take money from a Russian political figure. And there's increasing evidence that the Dems led by Hillary and Obama spied on the Trump campaign. It's blatantly obvious the Dems are mob level criminals.
The Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence report did conclude that the Russian government was trying to interfere in the 2016 election to assist the Trump campaign, and the Trump campaign was eager to receive their assistance.
I heard Trump interrupting Biden much more than vice versa. It definitely wasn't a 50/50 split. Trump rarely let him complete a thought.
As someone pointed out that was dumb of Trump. But when Biden did respond there were three responses. 1 but Trump. 2. Some half truths. 3. Completely tak around the question.

If he had just answered the questions Biden would have looked genuine. Even if the answers weren't good. But instead he just pulled from the Trump card.

I still cant wrap my head around the Dems saying they want anyone but Trump but then they went and found the Democractic candidate most like Trump.
Which was a huge strategic mistake on Trump's part. You gotta give Biden time and space to ramble.

Hopefully and it's a longshot, Trump will change tactics in the next debate and let Biden talk all he wants to talk.
Oh I’m not saying he himself is a conspiracy theorist. I mean it’s clear he’s not a critical thinker so maybe. I believe he pushes narratives that help him at all costs.

My question is more about why so many Trump supporters are full blown conspiracy theorists. It’s wild
Why are leftists such conspiracy theorists?

Russian Collusion.
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As someone pointed out that was dumb of Trump. But when Biden did respond there were three responses. 1 but Trump. 2. Some half truths. 3. Completely tak around the question.

If he had just answered the questions Biden would have looked genuine. Even if the answers weren't good. But instead he just pulled from the Trump card.

I still cant wrap my head around the Dems saying they want anyone but Trump but then they went and found the Democractic candidate most like Trump.
Biden is not like Trump... and for the most part, Biden followed the rules of the debate. Trump did not.
I heard Trump interrupting Biden much more than vice versa. It definitely wasn't a 50/50 split. Trump rarely let him complete a thought.

Which made no sense considering many think Biden isn’t capable of completing a thought without interruption.

Trump wouldn’t allow Biden to expose what is considered to be his greatest weakness.

It’s mind boggling.

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