Presidential Debate 2020

I have zero issues with someone being conservative, regardless if I think they are living in the past. Those are your beliefs and many times those are born from your experiences and who am I to say what you should believe. No problem debating those normal topics.

What is truly fascinating/confusing/discouraging/concerning/laughable, is that to be a Trump supporter it means you only believe Trump.

You believe him over scientists.

You believe him over medical professionals.

You believe him over military experts.

You believe him over lifelong civil servants.

You believe him over “fake news mainstream media” while watching a fake news mainstream media station that tells you all the others are fake news.

You believe him over everyone. And you do it because he tells you to.

“Believe me”. “Fake news”. “Media is enemy of the people”. “I know more about ______(fill in the blank) than anyone”. “I know more than generals”. “All of these doctors said ‘how do you know so much’”. “I know social media better than anybody”. “Nobody knows more about taxes than me in the history of the world”. “Nobody knows banking Better than I do”. “I understand money better than anyone”. “Nobody knows the system better than I do”. “I know more about Cory (booker) than he knows about himself”. “I know more about ISIS than the generals do”. “Nobody knows more about technology than I do”. “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle”.

I mean........people, come on now.

I'm disagreeing with just about everything you just said as it only pertains a minority of Trump supporters. The vast majority cares nothing about his social policies nor do they need a president to tell them what to do to not get sick from a virus. I don't listen to him. I just read his policies on stuff that directly affects my family and I and agree with most of them. The rest takes a back seat.
I'm disagreeing with just about everything you just said as it only pertains a minority of Trump supporters. The vast majority cares nothing about his social policies nor do they need a president to tell them what to do to not get sick from a virus. I don't listen to him. I just read his policies on stuff that directly affects my family and I and agree with most of them. The rest takes a back seat.
That should be all that matters
I am happy to ask my friend to borrow the shock collar she uses in German Shepherd training. Set it on max and put on Trump's neck. He'll learn right quick
Reported to Secret Service.
It is hard telling what I would be worth right now if I had ever earned 6 figures. You folks must spend a lot of money. Maybe, it's because I never had children, and never spent much on eating out, travel, clothing, etc..
Reported to Secret Service.

It is hard telling what I would be worth right now if I had ever earned 6 figures. You folks must spend a lot of money. Maybe, it's because I never had children, and never spent much on eating out, travel, clothing, etc..
No kids is the key.....mine are playing three different travel sports at the same time
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Explain to me your thought process for supporting Trump. Honestly truly curious.

He is a horrible person and no one that I would ever consider spending time around.
I am the owner/co-owner of three business and a strong portfolio, therefore I will never vote for a Dem. I am a Christian and do not believe in abortion.
It has NOTHING to do with what Trump "tells me to do/think", as you say.
Cliff notes version, but your insults to intelligent voters is why I owe you nothing more as a response.
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Real talk: Biden doesn’t spark any kind of hope for improving this country. The Left did a terrible job finding a candidate. However, Trump is an absolute embarrassment. He is a petulant child. Anybody who votes for him is part of the problem.
Who appointed you to determine what “the problem” is and who is contributing to your perceived problem?
Don't be offended. I totally see you that way.


I met Aaron Tippen, once. Genuinely nice dude.

Well it’s not cool enough for flannel yet so a wife beater is all I got . I do try to keep one clean for when I take NGV out to eat at Sonic on the first Saturday of every month . 😊
I'm disagreeing with just about everything you just said as it only pertains a minority of Trump supporters. The vast majority cares nothing about his social policies nor do they need a president to tell them what to do to not get sick from a virus. I don't listen to him. I just read his policies on stuff that directly affects my family and I and agree with most of them. The rest takes a back seat.
The functioning of society directly effects your family.
People need to consider more than just the direct and tangible, the indirect and intangible end up having far greater impact over time.
The functioning of society directly effects your family.
People need to consider more than just the direct and tangible, the indirect and intangible end up having far greater impact over time.
The functioning of society is what you liberals need. That's another problem I have with you all. You force feed stuff like this like it's truth. My family and I could make it if society completely shut down. Could you?
I have zero issues with someone being conservative, regardless if I think they are living in the past. Those are your beliefs and many times those are born from your experiences and who am I to say what you should believe. No problem debating those normal topics.

What is truly fascinating/confusing/discouraging/concerning/laughable, is that to be a Trump supporter it means you only believe Trump.

You believe him over scientists.

You believe him over medical professionals.

You believe him over military experts.

You believe him over lifelong civil servants.

You believe him over “fake news mainstream media” while watching a fake news mainstream media station that tells you all the others are fake news.

You believe him over everyone. And you do it because he tells you to.

“Believe me”. “Fake news”. “Media is enemy of the people”. “I know more about ______(fill in the blank) than anyone”. “I know more than generals”. “All of these doctors said ‘how do you know so much’”. “I know social media better than anybody”. “Nobody knows more about taxes than me in the history of the world”. “Nobody knows banking Better than I do”. “I understand money better than anyone”. “Nobody knows the system better than I do”. “I know more about Cory (booker) than he knows about himself”. “I know more about ISIS than the generals do”. “Nobody knows more about technology than I do”. “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle”.

I mean........people, come on now.

Scientists have confused themselves. How can I believe people who first say "its nothing to worry about for the US", and later says its horrible. Then says "masks dont work", but later says "we have to wear masks".

Medical professionals themselves are equally confused. Some say one thing, Others say another. As many say HCQ works as say it doesnt. Its been around 40 years. Youd think we know the side effects by now. And never underestimate the power of the dollar when it comes to your healthcare.

Since when did stopping the "endless wars" become such a conservative thing? Again, our military personnel love fighting wars, but 20 years is more than enough. We reveneged Bin Laden but that was years ago.

Lifelong civil servants support the establishment in our government. Like it or not, our government needed some fresh air with fresh ideas. For example, We were told tariffs wont work but "i'll be a SOB if" they dont! We were told, 'those jobs aint coming back" but they are.

Fake news is real. Regularly during Trumps administration, various new organizations have had to retract stories, much more than I ever recall under any other President. And countless "unnamed" sources. Where has integrity in journalism gone?
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I'm disagreeing with just about everything you just said as it only pertains a minority of Trump supporters. The vast majority cares nothing about his social policies nor do they need a president to tell them what to do to not get sick from a virus. I don't listen to him. I just read his policies on stuff that directly affects my family and I and agree with most of them. The rest takes a back seat.

So it sounds like you support him bc he’s R.

Although literally any R would have basically the same policies. So how the F did trump win the R primary?

Personally, I need POTUS to not be a complete azz hat. But that’s just me. I also tend to vote for whomever I think will be best for the country instead of what’s best for me specifically but I don’t have kids and I’m sure perspectives change. But everyone votes on different issues. And people value different things. I could just never support someone I don’t respect.

I played sports growing up, even in college. I’ve had multiple bosses in my professional career. So I’ve experienced a fair amount of leaders who are all attempting to unite a team and get everyone to pull in the same direction. Some were good, some weren’t, a couple have been exceptional. Trump possesses exactly zero qualities I look for in a leader. I wouldn’t let him lead my dog on a walk.
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