Presidential Debate 2020

That's the point they always skip over. He beat out 16 people who were not horrendously despicable humans but had basically the same policies.
Yep. I remember all the other guys talking about negotiating new trade deals, American exceptionalism, staying out of foreign wars, building a wall at the Southern border, making NATO pay up, rolling back regulations, tariffs on China, trashing the establishment politicians that got us into this mess, etc. No, all that I remember from the other guys is "my dad was a mailman" and "Donald, you aren't going to insult your way to the nomination."
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Kind of like the burning down of businesses, full scale rioting, and lack of police to protect and serve?
An absurdly off the beaten path example being masquerades as the whole. I live in Portland and the whole thing is a local afterthought. Life goes on as normal. You should visit so you see how much you've been lied to by Fox News to scare you.
Factually when a dem is president , it’s the former Republican presidents fault for at least a term and a half .

You can’t be serious with a president blaming past presidents for stuff, right? Trump talks about Obama to this day. He literally blames Obama for broken coronavirus tests saying the last admin left them nothing. It was a novel virus. That means new. Trump logic.
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An absurdly off the beaten path example being masquerades as the whole. I live in Portland and the whole thing is a local afterthought. Live goes on as normal. You should visit so you see how much you've been lied to bu Fox News to scare you.

Have a good buddy who just moved to Portland from Seattle (originally from TN) and he said it’s way overblown and not a big deal at all if you’re there.
So you vote for him bc he’s R.

If the majority of people who vote R believe the same as you (as they should - Trump is a sh*t person), then how did Trump win the R primary? Plenty of other options who ALL believe in basically the exact same policies.

That point alone makes me believe that the majority of Trump supporters are just that - Trump supporters. Not R’s who vote R just to vote R.

I can appreciate your point of view and where you come from. No problem with that. But don’t act like Trump didn’t beat out 11 or 12 other cats who all believe the same stuff to be the R representative for POTUS.
I’m an independent and will be voting for Trump for president....I’m more socially liberal like a democrat( up to a point) but more fiscally conservative like a republican( although they aren’t fiscally conservative either) I can’t bring myself to vote for a democrat currently at the national level( although I will at the local level) bc I don’t feel they stand for anything at all.... they want to push minorities versus whites.... poor versus rich.... gay versus straight.... women versus men.... they know they struggle with some of the white male vote so they push policies to pander to these other groups to gain power no matter the effect on this country.

I like trump bc of his business policies.... the way he has handled military conflict.... him demanding other countries start meeting us in the middle on all these agreements we join.... Take the Paris accord for instance.... that is a horrible deal for us and the democrats should be ashamed for pushing it...There is a lot I don’t like about the man but I don’t see the democrats as being any better at any of the things I take issue with trump about.
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That’s my B. I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that convos on this thread would be comparing the candidates. Guess this is why they say don’t assume.

Biden has not promised to shut down the nation again. I see how you could get confused with Trump constantly yelling that. Biden said he would listen to the experts and if they recommended it to save lives then he would do it. Hardly a promise to shut it all down. But hey, gotta be a boogeyman out there on the left.
So Biden would shut the nation down. Thank you for agreeing with what I said.
Last year it was functioning well enough to keep people from mass riots and destruction. This year, not so much, devoid of real leaders and this society is compromised. Just look at the differences in the last 4 years. Due to my profession, yes, I do pay attention and discuss social policies on a daily to weekly basis. I am not as concerned about riots 1,000's of miles away from my home but still pay attention and think they need addressed.

They do need addressed, but you will never do enough to appease the people causing them.
I’m an independent and will be voting for Trump for president....I’m more socially liberal like a democrat( up to a point) but more fiscally conservative like a republican( although they aren’t fiscally conservative either) I can’t bring myself to vote for a democrat currently at the national level( although I will at the local level) bc I don’t feel they stand for anything at all.... they want to push minorities versus whites.... poor versus rich.... gay versus straight.... women versus men.... they know they struggle with some of the white male vote so they push policies to pander to these other groups to gain power no matter the effect on this country.

I like trump bc of his business policies.... the way he has handled military conflict.... him demanding other countries start meeting us in the middle on all these agreements we join.... Take the Paris accord for instance.... that is a horrible deal for us and the democrats should be ashamed for pushing it...There is a lot I don’t like about the man but I don’t see the democrats as being any better at any of the things I take issue with trump about.

Good stuff I appreciate the response. I know a lot of socially liberal but fiscally conservative folks. I considered myself that most of my life - now I’m just whatever. Strongly independent. If Biden was a **** person and the R candidate wasn’t, I’d vote R. But also I don’t see Biden’s economic policies as super liberal though. And actually the economy, historically, does better under D leadership which I found interesting:

In your opinion, what are the policies that pander to these other non-white male groups that have a negative effect on the country? And do you believe that D’s nationally push to divide these groups while Trump tries to unite them? Assuming not since he’s always yelling about the radical left and how suburbs will be destroyed if Biden wins. And for some reason he keeps mentioning Cory Booker being in charge of housing. Can’t imagine why.

Anywho, back to my question - which policies? Interested in your take.
Please read the article.
Which part....
postal workers became suspicious when they found hundreds of ballots bundled together.

The discovery triggered an investigation that led to charges of voter fraud against two local elected leaders and resulted in nearly 20 percent of the ballots being rejected.

Or trump lawsuit which proved right by the investigation

Or maybe the judge descion...

Oh i bet it where the "experts say it rarely happens"

Or maybe that some were mailed after the date
or had invalid signature

IdK what fraud means to you, but it was clearly fraud.....bottom line its not coincidence that the b left is pushing so haed for mail in voting andnmore and more examples of ballot harvesting (see MN Oma) and fraud are poping up..
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Good stuff I appreciate the response. I know a lot of socially liberal but fiscally conservative folks. I considered myself that most of my life - now I’m just whatever. Strongly independent. If Biden was a **** person and the R candidate wasn’t, I’d vote R. But also I don’t see Biden’s economic policies as super liberal though. And actually the economy, historically, does better under D leadership which I found interesting:

In your opinion, what are the policies that pander to these other non-white male groups that have a negative effect on the country? And do you believe that D’s nationally push to divide these groups while Trump tries to unite them? Assuming not since he’s always yelling about the radical left and how suburbs will be destroyed if Biden wins. And for some reason he keeps mentioning Cory Booker being in charge of housing. Can’t imagine why.

Anywho, back to my question - which policies? Interested in your take.
The majority of the welfare policies..... every single democrat raising their hand wanting to give insurance to illegal aliens.....another example was Hillary when she got her emails hacked..... she was talking about raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour..... she wrote that she couldn’t do that bc it would destroy the American economy.... she said she might be able to go to 12.50 an hour even though that would be bad for the economy as well.... I know Hillary is not relevant but that is the way I feel each decision is approached in the democrat party.
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You can’t be serious with a president blaming past presidents for stuff, right? Trump talks about Obama to this day. He literally blames Obama for broken coronavirus tests saying the last admin left them nothing. It was a novel virus. That means new. Trump logic.

Yep, been novel since 2012. WHO knew?
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That’s on the ones doing it as a stipulation then . I’ll stop burning your businesses down when I get who I want in as President ? Again it’s not Trump causing that temper tantrum it’s liberals , liberal policies made by liberal leaders in liberal cities . Temper tantrums .
That's like saying civil unrest in other countries is a problem with the citizens and not a reflection of the government.
The majority of the welfare policies..... every single democrat raising their hand wanting to give insurance to illegal aliens.....another example was Hillary when she got her emails hacked..... she was talking about raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour..... she wrote that she couldn’t do that bc it would destroy the American economy.... she said she might be able to go to 12.50 an hour even though that would be bad for the economy as well.... I know Hillary is not relevant but that is the way I feel each decision is approached in the democrat party.

And you believe these policies hurt the country, correct? Where do white males come into play?
That's like saying civil unrest in other countries is a problem with the citizens and not a reflection of the government.

That’s like saying citizens in other countries hate the policies of their city leaders and instead of blaming the ones responsible we are just going to blame the leader of the country . Place blame where it belongs instead of trying to put it on a president that can’t set policies in those urban cities . 🤷‍♂️
I never mentioned Trump, that is your reflexive go to move.

Fauci is a bum. An embarrassment.

Then explain.

Bc before Trump, Fauci was the most well respected infectious disease expert in the country.

And if you don’t want to believe Fauci, who do you want to believe? My Pillow Guy? Demon sperm doc?
You can’t be serious with a president blaming past presidents for stuff, right? Trump talks about Obama to this day. He literally blames Obama for broken coronavirus tests saying the last admin left them nothing. It was a novel virus. That means new. Trump logic.

How long did Obama blame W or take credit for Trumps ? At least be honest about all of it and let’s not pick and choose what we like .
How long did Obama blame W or take credit for Trumps ? At least be honest about all of it and let’s not pick and choose what we like .

I never said that stuff that happened under Obama wasn’t his fault. I even posted Trumps own tweet about leadership. Obama shouldn’t have blamed anyone, just fixed it. Just as Trump can’t blame anyone else. He’s the leader. Lead.

Things happening now aren’t Obama’s fault. And they’re not Biden’s fault. They’re Trump’s fault. Just as he said in his own tweet
I never said that stuff that happened under Obama wasn’t his fault. I even posted Trumps own tweet about leadership. Obama shouldn’t have blamed anyone, just fixed it. Just as Trump can’t blame anyone else. He’s the leader. Lead.

Things happening now aren’t Obama’s fault. And they’re not Biden’s fault. They’re Trump’s fault. Just as he said in his own tweet

47 years!!
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