Presidential Debate 2020

He is a horrible person and no one that I would ever consider spending time around.
I am the owner/co-owner of three business and a strong portfolio, therefore I will never vote for a Dem. I am a Christian and do not believe in abortion.
It has NOTHING to do with what Trump "tells me to do/think", as you say.
Cliff notes version, but your insults to intelligent voters is why I owe you nothing more as a response.

So you vote for him bc he’s R.

If the majority of people who vote R believe the same as you (as they should - Trump is a sh*t person), then how did Trump win the R primary? Plenty of other options who ALL believe in basically the exact same policies.

That point alone makes me believe that the majority of Trump supporters are just that - Trump supporters. Not R’s who vote R just to vote R.

I can appreciate your point of view and where you come from. No problem with that. But don’t act like Trump didn’t beat out 11 or 12 other cats who all believe the same stuff to be the R representative for POTUS.
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The functioning of society is what you liberals need. That's another problem I have with you all. You force feed stuff like this like it's truth. My family and I could make it if society completely shut down. Could you?
Sure, but it would directly effect our quality of life.
I've always been one to focus mainly on quality of life.
The functioning of society is what you liberals need. That's another problem I have with you all. You force feed stuff like this like it's truth. My family and I could make it if society completely shut down. Could you?

Make it? Hell, my family would thrive. Not something that I brag about but some family members would simply take from those who are "making it." However, this is such a simplistic view of the world. Just because you can survive without society does not mean you should try to destroy it or mold it into what you want. Not to mention your implied consent to the social contract, as set up in the constitution. If you have revoked that consent then please by all means escort yourself to prison or out of the country.

Every American needs and should assist in a functioning society, whether they are too arrogant to see it or not.
So you vote for him bc he’s R.

If the majority of people who vote R believe the same as you (as they should - Trump is a sh*t person), then how did Trump win the R primary? Plenty of other options who ALL believe in basically the exact same policies.

That point alone makes me believe that the majority of Trump supporters are just that - Trump supporters. Not R’s who vote R just to vote R.

I can appreciate your point of view and where you come from. No problem with that. But don’t act like Trump didn’t beat out 11 or 12 other cats who all believe the same stuff to be the R representative for POTUS.
That's the point they always skip over. He beat out 16 people who were not horrendously despicable humans but had basically the same policies.
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So you vote for him bc he’s R.

If the majority of people who vote R believe the same as you (as they should - Trump is a sh*t person), then how did Trump win the R primary? Plenty of other options who ALL believe in basically the exact same policies.

That point alone makes me believe that the majority of Trump supporters are just that - Trump supporters. Not R’s who vote R just to vote R.

I can appreciate your point of view and where you come from. No problem with that. But don’t act like Trump didn’t beat out 11 or 12 other cats who all believe the same stuff to be the R representative for POTUS.

Why in the hell are you stuck in 2016? (I did not vote for him in either, but will now that he is running against 47 year politician that has accomplished NOTHING!)
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Make it? Hell, my family would thrive. Not something that I brag about but some family members would simply take from those who are "making it." However, this is such a simplistic view of the world. Just because you can survive without society does not mean you should try to destroy it or mold it into what you want. Not to mention your implied consent to the social contract, as set up in the constitution. If you have revoked that consent then please by all means escort yourself to prison or out of the country.

Every American needs and should assist in a functioning society, whether they are too arrogant to see it or not.

And what about the people that refuse to assist? What do we do with them?
Sure, but it would directly effect our quality of life.
I've always been one to focus mainly on quality of life.
To each their own. Everyone's "quality" in life is different.
Make it? Hell, my family would thrive. Not something that I brag about but some family members would simply take from those who are "making it." However, this is such a simplistic view of the world. Just because you can survive without society does not mean you should try to destroy it or mold it into what you want. Not to mention your implied consent to the social contract, as set up in the constitution. If you have revoked that consent then please by all means escort yourself to prison or out of the country.

Every American needs and should assist in a functioning society, whether they are too arrogant to see it or not.

Thanks to the constitution, they wouldn't make it far.

You all are taking me out of context, which is normal in text. I'm not against a functioning society. I thought it to be functioning just fine a year ago. Sorry that I don't lose sleep over something that happens on the other side of the country and neither do any of you. It's just used in a political stage. This time next year, not a one of you will even be thinking about social policies.
Watch all those things lessen when Trump leaves.

That’s on the ones doing it as a stipulation then . I’ll stop burning your businesses down when I get who I want in as President ? Again it’s not Trump causing that temper tantrum it’s liberals , liberal policies made by liberal leaders in liberal cities . Temper tantrums .
Scientists have confused themselves. How can I believe people who first say "its nothing to worry about for the US", and later says its horrible. Then says "masks dont work", but later says "we have to wear masks".

Medical professionals themselves are equally confused. Some say one thing, Others say another. As many say HCQ works as say it doesnt. Its been around 40 years. Youd think we know the side effects by now. And never underestimate the power of the dollar when it comes to your healthcare.

Since when did stopping the "endless wars" become such a conservative thing? Again, our military personnel love fighting wars, but 20 years is more than enough. We reveneged Bin Laden but that was years ago.

Lifelong civil servants support the establishment in our government. Like it or not, our government needed some fresh air with fresh ideas. For example, We were told tariffs wont work but "i'll be a SOB if" they dont! We were told, 'those jobs aint coming back" but they are.

Fake news is real. Regularly during Trumps administration, various new organizations have had to retract stories, much more than I ever recall under any other President. And countless "unnamed" sources. Where has integrity in journalism gone?

Here’s how science works, especially in a civil servant role - you make determinations based on the information presented to you at the time. Then, when more information becomes available, you update those determinations as needed. It’s a novel virus. Not much was known. More is known every day. Things change. That’s not being confused, it’s called new data. Don’t be dense.

Medical professionals are not confused. HCQ wasn’t shown to be effective in clinical studies for COVID. Which means, while the side effects have been known for years - those were risks worth taking when treating ailments where HCQ does show clinical efficacy. HCQ does not show clinical efficacy when treating COVID and thus the risks outweigh the non-existent benefit. This is how medicine works.

Nobody said stopping wars was a conservative thing? I said Trump says he knows more than generals. If you believe that then, well, hahahahaha.

Multiple studies suggest that American households and consumers felt the brunt of the tariffs. No shock there, companies just pass added costs onto their customers. Not sure exactly what you mean by they worked? But I’m open to reading more about it if you have some links.

Which stories? I know some have retracted but I’ve not gone back and looked how often this happened. Would be interested to see how often it happened. I know Fox News (who Trump always praised as the anti - MSM and anti - fake news until recently when their polls showed him losing) has had to apologize for showing doctored images - and I know this bc it was recent during Portland or Seattle protests. I also know many Americans watch and get their news from Tucker Carlson. I also know a judge just recently threw out a defamation lawsuit while ruling that Tucker Carlson is not a source of the “news” as we know it, or “facts” as we commonly understand them and any reasonable viewer would know this. I think that judge is assuming. Quite a lot.

But you understand Trump literally just calls anything he disagrees with “fake news”, right? Even when it’s not fake.
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He is a horrible person and no one that I would ever consider spending time around.
I am the owner/co-owner of three business and a strong portfolio, therefore I will never vote for a Dem. I am a Christian and do not believe in abortion.
It has NOTHING to do with what Trump "tells me to do/think", as you say.
Cliff notes version, but your insults to intelligent voters is why I owe you nothing more as a response.

They'll never understand this. Reason being is because they are so caught up in MSM garbage about social injustices and how Orange man bad.

Why can people not fathom that you don't have to like a person to agree with their policies? I worked for a boss once that was a complete and total douchebag, yet we did well under him so I supported his policies. In turn, I've worked for and with some decent people that were in way over their heads.
To each their own. Everyone's "quality" in life is different.

Thanks to the constitution, they wouldn't make it far.
Thankfully, they have not made it far but without a functioning society, the constitution becomes toilet paper.

You all are taking me out of context, which is normal in text. I'm not against a functioning society. I thought it to be functioning just fine a year ago. Sorry that I don't lose sleep over something that happens on the other side of the country and neither do any of you. It's just used in a political stage. This time next year, not a one of you will even be thinking about social policies.

Last year it was functioning well enough to keep people from mass riots and destruction. This year, not so much, devoid of real leaders and this society is compromised. Just look at the differences in the last 4 years. Due to my profession, yes, I do pay attention and discuss social policies on a daily to weekly basis. I am not as concerned about riots 1,000's of miles away from my home but still pay attention and think they need addressed.

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