Presidential Debate 2020

Moderator For 2nd Trump-Biden Debate Worked As Intern For Biden, Staff Assistant For Ted Kennedy

The second presidential debate, scheduled for October 15, will be moderated by Steve Scully, the political editor at C-SPAN and host of Washington Journal, who once worked as an intern for Senator Joe Biden in college, later working as a staff assistant in Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s communication office.

Moderator For 2nd Trump-Biden Debate Worked As Intern For Biden, Staff Assistant For Ted Kennedy | The Daily Wire
Sounds about right.
It almost makes it seem curious why he picked one of the co-sponsors of the Green New Deal as his running mate.

It makes me wonder about as much as Trump picking a VP with a history of flubbing pandemics to run the Covid task force makes me wonder about whether he was actually trying to kill Americans with Covid.

(Not at all, in case you were wondering.)
It makes me wonder about as much as Trump picking a VP with a history of flubbing pandemics to run the Covid task force makes me wonder about whether he was actually trying to kill Americans with Covid.

(Not at all, in case you were wondering.)
Fantastic analogy.

(Not at all, in case you were wondering.)
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It makes me wonder about as much as Trump picking a VP with a history of flubbing pandemics to run the Covid task force makes me wonder about whether he was actually trying to kill Americans with Covid.

(Not at all, in case you were wondering.)

Wallace is a registered Democrat

And here we go. Wallace didn't kiss the ring in his interview or the debate so therefore, despite having a reputation as one of the most trusted journalists today (in an increasingly untrustworthy media), he is now part of the swamp. The fix is in.

I'll say it again. MAGA is a ****ing cult.
God forbid he's really just the thin-skinned manchild the majority of Americans believe him to be.
Everyone knows he is a thin-skinned manchild as you say.

However, Trump was not this bad in the 2016 debates. He should've let Biden trip all over himself and misspeak like he usually does. The more Biden speaks, the worse he does. Trump's strategy of constant interruption is mind-bogglingly stupid.
Everyone knows he is a thin-skinned manchild as you say.

However, Trump was not this bad in the 2016 debates. He should've let Biden trip all over himself and misspeak like he usually does. The more Biden speaks, the worse he does. Trump's strategy of constant interruption is mind-bogglingly stupid.
Well he's likely fired anyone who would tell him that.
And here we go. Wallace didn't kiss the ring in his interview or the debate so therefore, despite having a reputation as one of the most trusted journalists today (in an increasingly untrustworthy media), he is now part of the swamp. The fix is in.

I'll say it again. MAGA is a ****ing cult.
If you watched the debate and this is your take, you’re a moron.

Wallace was actively debating Trump.

He challenged Biden on zero of Trump’s allegations.
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And here we go. Wallace didn't kiss the ring in his interview or the debate so therefore, despite having a reputation as one of the most trusted journalists today (in an increasingly untrustworthy media), he is now part of the swamp. The fix is in.

I'll say it again. MAGA is a ****ing cult.

Democrats have people believing they aren't spreading COVID in massive crowds, burning down Targets and black owned businesses is acceptable in fighting racism, and that we should pay reparations for something my great great great grandfather didn't contribute to. If MAGA is a cult, then liberals are an even bigger one.
If you watched the debate and this is your take, you’re a moron.

Wallace was actively debating Trump.

He challenged Biden on zero of Trump’s allegations.

He was actively debating Trump because he wouldn't shut his ****ing mouth when it wasn't his turn to speak and he refused to stay on topic.

I don't think you're a moron for looking at it tge way you do. I just think you're delusional, which is even worse. The majority of people and peers who watched that debate can't all be morons, AJ. You're just filled to the brim with kool aid.
Come on man, that just says it's the framework for meeting the challenges. That doesn't mean he supports it or anything about it, he's just going to use it as a framework for his plan when he gets around to formulating his plan.

Was that lawyerly?
Not pedantic enough for VN’s Perry Mason but yes very lawyerly
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Everyone knows he is a thin-skinned manchild as you say.

However, Trump was not this bad in the 2016 debates. He should've let Biden trip all over himself and misspeak like he usually does. The more Biden speaks, the worse he does. Trump's strategy of constant interruption is mind-bogglingly stupid.
When Biden interrupted him on the first question, he was so taken aback that he went all Doctor evil and Scott with Biden.
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I don't know much about forestry but I always thought those fallen trees, limbs and brush went back into the forest food chain and provided food, homes and cover for other denizens of the forest. I suppose you could clean some and leave some.
I dont think they ever cleaned the entire forest. That would be a ton of work. They just created fire breaks by cleaning up strips of the forest to break it into smaller chunks. So that it couldnt spread as fast.

At least that is how the USFS SE region handles their forests

Another thing that California did was not allow their utility companies to keep the lines clear. Tree falls on the line, causes fire, utility gets sued. P&G has been sued a bunch over this which is part of the reason they are bankrupt.

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With all the questions Biden deflected from, he should have just said "I'll let you know after I'm elected". Again, just a crooked, conning, sadistic, lifelong politician. Pacifies his entire base by not going totally left and also the communists by deflecting.
Come on man, that just says it's the framework for meeting the challenges. That doesn't mean he supports it or anything about it, he's just going to use it as a framework for his plan when he gets around to formulating his plan.

Was that lawyerly?

Ignoring and/or trying to conceal the fact that a different plan is actually outlined on the exact same page seems to fit your idea of lawyerly behavior.

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