Presidential Debate 2020

He supported the green new deal at one time and his vp pick was a cosponsor. He just said he supported the "Biden plan" and nothing else. Trump also lost his train of thought when going after Biden on his crime bill. It's like he had a very difficult time staying in message and organizing his thoughts.

I would have made him explain how that antifa that's just an idea is burning down federal building, challenging law enforcement and murdering people in the streets

Trump was just not prepared when his single tactic didn't work
His position is that the green new deal is the framework upon which his scaled back plan is based.

I’ll worry about the green new deal, as it is caricatured, when Biden dies, Dems walk back the filibuster, and have a majority without Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinnema.
It’s all been covered ad nauseam all you’re trying to do is continue to bait a pedantic retort.

You and BB were doing what you’ve done before in this topic. Trying to sell a narrative with no defined bar of proof as being proven. I believe the Esquire article referred to those doing that as hacks? It’s fitting.

You took the same details and moved them into a criteria of your definition and claimed proof that he “stole the election” those are your words. No such proof has been provided that meets any established bar.

But when you can’t win by the established levels of proof make up your own I guess 🤷‍♂️
So no link, post number, or quote?
Moderator For 2nd Trump-Biden Debate Worked As Intern For Biden, Staff Assistant For Ted Kennedy

The second presidential debate, scheduled for October 15, will be moderated by Steve Scully, the political editor at C-SPAN and host of Washington Journal, who once worked as an intern for Senator Joe Biden in college, later working as a staff assistant in Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s communication office.

Moderator For 2nd Trump-Biden Debate Worked As Intern For Biden, Staff Assistant For Ted Kennedy | The Daily Wire
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Except he explicitly said he doesn’t support the green new deal, said he wanted law and order (with justice), condemned all forms of violence, and wouldn’t answer on packing the court (which I agree, calling attention to his inability to answer that would be smart, it’s a chicken **** move). I remember he quoted Chris Wray about antifa, maybe pushing him on that would work, I don’t remember them getting into that.

Biden didn’t move at all off of his “centrist“ primary stance in that debate. Trump was crowing that he “lost the left” at some points because he was so anchored to his position. This idea that you’re going to debate him into making himself out to be AOC is not anymore sensible than Trump’s approach of saying he’s soft on crime but bad because of the harsh crime bill.

The people willing to ignore all the incongruence necessary to believe that already support Trump.
When are people going to bash Biden over this?

Plan for Climate Change and Environmental Justice | Joe Biden

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It actually doesn’t. And if it did, then I guess Trump should have brought that up. Maybe he has dementia.

Biden’s website outlines a plan that is based on the Green New Deal framework, but is more moderate in scope.

This is the same dishonest **** you pulled with defunding the police stuff. Bernie says X, Biden says X-Y, Democrats support Biden, you guys say Biden = Bernie. That doesn’t work, it’s too easy to see through. Find a new schtick.
how do you interpret it, then?
Cool, now post the rest of it.
I posted all that needs to be posted he’s playing his own word salad to use your term on claiming he supports the Green New Deal and his VP is co sponsor. This contradiction has stuck to him but kudos to you for carrying the water here trying to help him out of it 👍
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His position is that the green new deal is the framework upon which his scaled back plan is based.

I’ll worry about the green new deal, as it is caricatured, when Biden dies, Dems walk back the filibuster, and have a majority without Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinnema.
I got $10 that says he couldn't outline 3 listed points about his framework. Trump should have asked

Honestly the USSC issue is over of the biggest to me. I truly believe he needs to define his position
Moderator For 2nd Trump-Biden Debate Worked As Intern For Biden, Staff Assistant For Ted Kennedy

The second presidential debate, scheduled for October 15, will be moderated by Steve Scully, the political editor at C-SPAN and host of Washington Journal, who once worked as an intern for Senator Joe Biden in college, later working as a staff assistant in Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s communication office.

Moderator For 2nd Trump-Biden Debate Worked As Intern For Biden, Staff Assistant For Ted Kennedy | The Daily Wire


Half of Fox News works for or is schtupping someone in the administration and they let Wallace do the first one.
I got $10 that says he couldn't outline 3 listed points about his framework. Trump should have asked

Honestly the USSC issue is over of the biggest to me. I truly before he needs to define his position
I would not take that bet. He looked abysmal when he tried to get into details on any subject. I think that’s a fair criticism.
Spin Doctoring is your thing, huh?
It’s basic English, man.

To paraphrase: Joe Biden agrees with the basic conceptual structure of the green new deal to the extent that it says that climate change is a problem that needs to be addressed and is intertwined with the economy.

The website then goes on to outline a different plan.

You’re being dishonest if you claim it says anything else.
He's only interested in marketing and not the real work. That's why very little gets done and people are constantly leaving. He also needs all the credit
I totally disagree with that statement. He and his administration has done quite a bit. Here are a few off the top of my head.

Middle East Peace Deal
Opportunity Zones for Minority Neighborhoods
Lowest unemployment for Blacks and Hispanics pre COVID and no, COVID outbreaks are not his fault IMO. I blame China. Could he have done better? Sure, but anybody in that position would have made mistakes. Got to remember Cuomo loaded up nursing homes with COVID patients and 40% of all deaths were from nursing homes. I understand that Trump made comments he should not have.
Found the Magic Wand that Obama could not and brought back manufacturing.
360 Miles of Border wall and growing.
Declared Antifa and KKK as terrorist groups.
Stopped the violence in cities where DEM Mayors allowed his team to step in.
No more wars and has been bringing troops back. Something DEMs used to want before Trump started doing it.
Strengthened our Military that was depleted by the Obama Administration.
Added good Judges and Justices to our courts. I know DEMS disagree but as a conservative, he did great here.
Has endorsements from just about all police in the USA.
Has the support from military rank and file. They love this guy.
We all know he's not perfect but he has done a heck of a lot more good things than most presidents in 4 years IMO. The media has been nothing but antagonistic towards him from the get go and he has done all of this with most of the Media and DC Elites fighting him the whole way and through a Russia HOAX coup by the treacherous DEMS and Never Trumpers.
Many will say he antagonized the media but he did this knowing their misdeeds and meddling in the Russia HOAX.
He is also dealing with a lot of violence that is completely brought on by Antifa and BLM democrat operatives not the Proud Boys.

To say he has not done real work is to overlook everything I just mentioned above.
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You're right, if nothing else it entrenched people's opinions - the problem is that it's the incumbent that needs to pull the middle and independents in the swing states. I don't think anyone will argue with a straight face that he was successful.

Oddsmakers doubled Biden's chance of winning after than debate.

View attachment 310703
Trump doesn't want to win re-election. That's the only explanation I can come up with for his abysmal debate strategy.
It’s basic English, man.

To paraphrase: Joe Biden agrees with the basic conceptual structure of the green new deal to the extent that it says that climate change is a problem that needs to be addressed and is intertwined with the economy.

The website then goes on to outline a different plan.

You’re being dishonest if you claim it says anything else.
It almost makes it seem curious why he picked one of the co-sponsors of the Green New Deal as his running mate.
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