Presidential Debate 2020

Ignoring and/or trying to conceal the fact that a different plan is actually outlined on the exact same page seems to fit your idea of lawyerly behavior.

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What are the major differences between Biden's proposals and the New Green Deal other than wording?
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I posted soon after the debate started that his strategy was to make noise and just run out the clock so nothing of substance could be said by Biden. Trump's got nothing to run on. The RNC platform was literally whatever dear leader wants. He's been asked repeatedly what he hopes to do in a second term and he can't even articulate a few items.
I posted soon after the debate started that his strategy was to make noise and just run out the clock so nothing of substance could be said by Biden. Trump's got nothing to run on. The RNC platform was literally whatever dear leader wants. He's been asked repeatedly what he hopes to do in a second term and he can't even articulate a few items.
Hmmmm..............I never noticed trump interrupting anyone. Are you serious?
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What are the major differences between Biden's proposals and the New Green Deal other than wording?
That’s a pretty broad question, but off the top of my head:
A longer timeline than 10 years on carbon reductions, allowing for a more gradual transition.
No marginal 70%marginal tax proposals.
No calls to eliminate cows and airplanes.
Scaled back regulations on non-renewable resource harvesting, I.e. fracking.
Supporting advanced research, rather than elimination of nuclear energy.
General tone sounds more like market incentives rather than government control.

What are the specific items in the green new deal that you’re concerned with?
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I posted soon after the debate started that his strategy was to make noise and just run out the clock so nothing of substance could be said by Biden. Trump's got nothing to run on. The RNC platform was literally whatever dear leader wants. He's been asked repeatedly what he hopes to do in a second term and he can't even articulate a few items.
Hey it looks like he was just trying to communicate to Joe on his own terms. Check out the Biden Ryan debate post above 😂
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Chelsea Clinton Rants About Trump: He’s A ‘Racist, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic, Misogynistic, Transphobic, Human Being’

Rips Trump supporters: They knew they were voting for someone who'd "manifest those, like, hateful bigoted values into the world. So that may be what is your motivation.”


Speaking on a podcast with Jemele Hill, Chelsea Clinton went on a rant in which she declared President Trump is a “racist, Islamophobic, antiSemitic, misogynistic, transphobic, human being,” adding, “I knew it was going to be a hall of horrors because he told us so much of what he would do. But the collision of like the cruelty and like the bigotry that is so defined him his whole life, like with just the incompetence, I think has been devastating.” She added that President Trump is “trying to win the next election, and that is kind of the only metric of success he cares about, not, like, actually saving Americans lives.”

Chelsea Clinton Rants About Trump: He’s A ‘Racist, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic, Misogynistic, Transphobic, Human Being’ | The Daily Wire
Chelsea Clinton Rants About Trump: He’s A ‘Racist, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic, Misogynistic, Transphobic, Human Being’

Rips Trump supporters: They knew they were voting for someone who'd "manifest those, like, hateful bigoted values into the world. So that may be what is your motivation.”


Speaking on a podcast with Jemele Hill, Chelsea Clinton went on a rant in which she declared President Trump is a “racist, Islamophobic, antiSemitic, misogynistic, transphobic, human being,” adding, “I knew it was going to be a hall of horrors because he told us so much of what he would do. But the collision of like the cruelty and like the bigotry that is so defined him his whole life, like with just the incompetence, I think has been devastating.” She added that President Trump is “trying to win the next election, and that is kind of the only metric of success he cares about, not, like, actually saving Americans lives.”

Chelsea Clinton Rants About Trump: He’s A ‘Racist, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic, Misogynistic, Transphobic, Human Being’ | The Daily Wire

LOL ......... look at her being a used tool who has become a parrot for sloppy no class Democratic Dems. She doesn't even know Trump. She's just talking trash/garbage just like her old dried up no fun mom does bc they lost an election & they don't have any class whatsoever or brains to just shut the hell up and go away. The Clintons live for the spotlight to be on them. Is this type of crap suppose to encourage us to decide that we better vote for stupid what-city-is-it Joe Biden. Now, get in the kitchen & make me a ham sandwich.
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Chelsea Clinton Rants About Trump: He’s A ‘Racist, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic, Misogynistic, Transphobic, Human Being’

Rips Trump supporters: They knew they were voting for someone who'd "manifest those, like, hateful bigoted values into the world. So that may be what is your motivation.”


Speaking on a podcast with Jemele Hill, Chelsea Clinton went on a rant in which she declared President Trump is a “racist, Islamophobic, antiSemitic, misogynistic, transphobic, human being,” adding, “I knew it was going to be a hall of horrors because he told us so much of what he would do. But the collision of like the cruelty and like the bigotry that is so defined him his whole life, like with just the incompetence, I think has been devastating.” She added that President Trump is “trying to win the next election, and that is kind of the only metric of success he cares about, not, like, actually saving Americans lives.”

Chelsea Clinton Rants About Trump: He’s A ‘Racist, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic, Misogynistic, Transphobic, Human Being’ | The Daily Wire
Her mom’s a liar, criminal, bitch and her dad is a cigar cramming, womanizing, whore monger and a criminal too. The hypocrisy
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Just landed in Nashville and of course CNN is on and they are still talking about the same thing they were 12 hours ago: Trump refuses to denounce white nationalists. Lol f’ing morons

Yep, EL keeps posting the same old drivel too. Minute by minute ..... it's non stop hysteria. Nothing changes.

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