He would have to make a show of being safe to do so. People do want to be open but many are worried. Trump can go through the motions to maintain his distance, keep mask on until he is up there, use hand sanitizer after taking the stage. Do all the stuff us normal folks have to do and sell it. But he cant just act like it's normal.
His health/Covid status is a question, how he responds is just as much of the debate as the rest.
When he gets asked about he can run their faces in it. "I followed the guides, been safe, did what the science asked all to protect others while doing my job just like America. they say I am the safest Covid patient ever, just ask anyone.".
But he has to make a show of it, he cant just shrug it off. Be ready for the question to be able to flip it back on them the science works, or it doesnt. Make them take a stand. Point out all the people ignoring quarantines to go to public official wakes and how he has been extra safe.