Presidential Debate 2020

There is a big difference between a controlled debate and “galavanting around” 🤷‍♂️
Sure. You want it on zoom? If not, how does the POTUS arrive? How many people is he around? How many handlers? He needs to quarantine. It is what it is. And, like I said, if he tests negative let’s go. Also I don’t think you are viewing things as undecideds would. That’s really all that matters at this point.
Sure. You want it on zoom? If not, how does the POTUS arrive? How many people is he around? How many handlers? He needs to quarantine. It is what it is. And, like I said, if he tests negative let’s go. Also I don’t think you are viewing things as undecideds would. That’s really all that matters at this point.
We don’t agree plain and simple. And I don’t think all undecideds arbitrarily buy into the we can’t have a safe debate narrative in fact they want to hear the debate then 🤷‍♂️
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We don’t agree plain and simple. And I don’t think all undecideds arbitrarily buy into the we can’t have a safe debate narrative in fact they want to hear the debate then 🤷‍♂️
Fair enough. I think the vast majority of undecideds think a infected person should quarantine. If you tested positive would you self quarantine?
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We don’t agree plain and simple. And I don’t think all undecideds arbitrarily buy into the we can’t have a safe debate narrative in fact they want to hear the debate then 🤷‍♂️
I'm trying to wrap my head around this. You would be completely okay with Trump, that is positive for Covid, knowingly and willingly spreading Covid to other people, just to have a debate that could be postponed by a few days until he is healthy and clear?
Fair enough. I think the vast majority of undecideds think a infected person should quarantine. If you tested positive would you self quarantine?
Lol I don’t know if I’m right or not but I think it fits his story “I’m ready we’re open for business”

Now would I quarantine? Regular old schmuck me? Sure. Absolutely. Reasonably important with a lot of the line schmuck me? I’d make it clear I’m open for business and force them to back out if they wanted 🤷‍♂️
I'm trying to wrap my head around this. You would be completely okay with Trump, that is positive for Covid, knowingly and willingly spreading Covid to other people, just to have a debate that could be postponed by a few days until he is healthy and clear?
Will you stop with the knowing and willing crap FFS?! If he stopped at Mickey Ds on the way up and home and shook a few hands hell no. If instead he minded his manners and they kept their distance then no.

I’d be more afraid of some dumbass on an airplane infected and breathing their air for two hours than being 20 ft from an infected person in a controlled environment 🤷‍♂️
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Will you stop with the knowing and willing crap FFS?! If he stopped at Mickey Ds on the way up and home has shook a few hands hell no. If instead he minded his manners and they kept their distance then no.

I’d be more afraid of some dumbass on an airplane infected and breathing their air for two hours than being 20 ft from an infected person in a controlled environment 🤷‍♂️
You were the one that was okay with Trump infecting other folks for a debate. If he tested positive, you are cool with him knowingly and willing infecting other people.
No, it sends the message that it is okay to knowingly infect others with Covid.
Knowingly infect? Is he injecting people with his blood? He might RISK SPREADING it, but he is not knowingly infecting people.

Seems like he can just maintain his distance. Either the mask + six feet works, or it doesnt.
Sure. You want it on zoom? If not, how does the POTUS arrive? How many people is he around? How many handlers? He needs to quarantine. It is what it is. And, like I said, if he tests negative let’s go. Also I don’t think you are viewing things as undecideds would. That’s really all that matters at this point.
A virtual debate would be a great way for old Joe to cheat with his handlers in his ear.
Respectfully disagree. It sends a clear message the country is open for business. That will resonate with people wanting to get the hell on with their lives.
He would have to make a show of being safe to do so. People do want to be open but many are worried. Trump can go through the motions to maintain his distance, keep mask on until he is up there, use hand sanitizer after taking the stage. Do all the stuff us normal folks have to do and sell it. But he cant just act like it's normal.

His health/Covid status is a question, how he responds is just as much of the debate as the rest.

When he gets asked about he can run their faces in it. "I followed the guides, been safe, did what the science asked all to protect others while doing my job just like America. they say I am the safest Covid patient ever, just ask anyone.".

But he has to make a show of it, he cant just shrug it off. Be ready for the question to be able to flip it back on them the science works, or it doesnt. Make them take a stand. Point out all the people ignoring quarantines to go to public official wakes and how he has been extra safe.
So the debate commission makes a unilateral decision on virtual debate and Trump says pound sand. Right answer. Now let’s see if they try to impose their will or just accept they made a partisan modification
He would have to make a show of being safe to do so. People do want to be open but many are worried. Trump can go through the motions to maintain his distance, keep mask on until he is up there, use hand sanitizer after taking the stage. Do all the stuff us normal folks have to do and sell it. But he cant just act like it's normal.

His health/Covid status is a question, how he responds is just as much of the debate as the rest.

When he gets asked about he can run their faces in it. "I followed the guides, been safe, did what the science asked all to protect others while doing my job just like America. they say I am the safest Covid patient ever, just ask anyone.".

But he has to make a show of it, he cant just shrug it off. Be ready for the question to be able to flip it back on them the science works, or it doesnt. Make them take a stand. Point out all the people ignoring quarantines to go to public official wakes and how he has been extra safe.
Don’t disagree. He should press for a same venue debate but he absolutely should pay attention to recommendations to control their local air quality.
So the debate commission makes a unilateral decision on virtual debate and Trump says pound sand. Right answer. Now let’s see if they try to impose their will or just accept they made a partisan modification
Trump doesnt need to be belligerent about this. As I said earlier, he needs to rub their faces in it. Point out all the rules he is following, CDC standards extra. "If it's good enough for the American people it's good enough for me" type of statement. And he actually has to say it, and then follow thru.

He cant just blow off the rules like the rest of the politicians have
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Trump doesnt need to be belligerent about this. As I said earlier, he needs to rub their faces in it. Point out all the rules he is following, CDC standards extra. "If it's good enough for the American people it's good enough for me" type of statement. And he actually has to say it, and then follow thru.

He cant just blow off the rules like the rest of the politicians have

Maybe the virus will zap enough of his energy he keeps his mouth shut and lets Biden talk.
Trump doesnt need to be belligerent about this. As I said earlier, he needs to rub their faces in it. Point out all the rules he is following, CDC standards extra. "If it's good enough for the American people it's good enough for me" type of statement. And he actually has to say it, and then follow thru.

He cant just blow off the rules like the rest of the politicians have
We agree Louder. But my point was they did this unilaterally so he absolutely should rub their noses in it. Sadly he knows no other volume position other than eleven in order to do that.
Don’t disagree. He should press for a same venue debate but he absolutely should pay attention to recommendations to control their local air quality.
If I was him I would tweet out the CDC covid regs and say this is what I am doing.

Put the ball reasonably back into play before he starts strutting.

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