Presidential Debate 2020

Yeah. Again, this is Chuck Yeager talking trash to another pilot. No mutual respect or camaraderie whatsoever....

Yep. Guaranteed he is an F15 pilot that graduated top of his class from the academy. But listens to people call him out as FOS rather than simply posting a photo of himself in the finest air superiority fighter the world has ever seen... makes perfect sense.
No one is talking trash but you. And you're not as informed about the USAF as you think. I notice you didn't say one word about him talking trash to me, which he does quite regularly. It's ok. You're younger and probably don't understand your own hypocrisy. I'm sure you're a nice young man. I have no reason to disparage you
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At being an moronic boorish a$$hole.
Yeah, but he's OUR a$$hole. Putin is an a$$hole. But the Russians adore him. Maybe it's because he looks out for Russia and doesn't worry about paying the lion's for NATO to protect France or Belgium or some idiotic climate change club where everybody except us is exempt from compliance.
Yeah, but he's OUR a$$hole. Putin is an a$$hole. But the Russians adore him. Maybe it's because he looks out for Russia and doesn't worry about paying the lion's for NATO to protect France or Belgium or some idiotic climate change club where everybody except us is exempt from compliance.
The Russian people don't have a choice. Guess the north koreans adore their leaders too
Yeah, but he's OUR a$$hole. Putin is an a$$hole. But the Russians adore him. Maybe it's because he looks out for Russia and doesn't worry about paying the lion's for NATO to protect France or Belgium or some idiotic climate change club where everybody except us is exempt from compliance.
*lick lick lick lick*
I’m not tickled he’s sick. Hope the man gets better, wish no ill will towards him or his family. I just think he’s a lousy leader.

My point is if HCQ works, why didn’t they give it to the man holding the most important office in the United States?

Answer: it does not work, it is clinically ineffective against COVID
And you literally see no possi ability of any middle ground what so ever? Either Trump uses HCQ or its bs?

Couldnt be that his doctors decided that another treatment would work better for some medical reason? Anyone reasonable would consider that.

Maybe his big mac diet doesnt mix with HCQ. Some minor reaction that the docs want to avoid.

Maybe ge cant reliably get HCQ as some places still ban it. And as president needing to travel the country this is a particular concern for his doctors to prescribe something he cant get.

This is the type of nonsense that leads to TDS. Just ignore the miles of middle ground and just jump to an absurd conclusion.
And you literally see no possi ability of any middle ground what so ever? Either Trump uses HCQ or its bs?

Couldnt be that his doctors decided that another treatment would work better for some medical reason? Anyone reasonable would consider that.

Maybe his big mac diet doesnt mix with HCQ. Some minor reaction that the docs want to avoid.

Maybe ge cant reliably get HCQ as some places still ban it. And as president needing to travel the country this is a particular concern for his doctors to prescribe something he cant get.

This is the type of nonsense that leads to TDS. Just ignore the miles of middle ground and just jump to an absurd conclusion.

I’m saying HCQ doesn’t work not just bc they didn’t give it to Trump (despite him touting it for months), but because actual, literal clinical studies show it is clinically ineffective when used to treat COVID.

Thought process being - “hey look, the guy who touted it for months that some of them worship isn’t even getting treated with it, surely this will stop them from thinking it works.” Pointing out they didn’t prescribe it for Trump was me attempting to get some of you to listen to actual facts. Like the fact that HCQ isn’t clinically effective when used to treat COVID.

That’s not ignoring middle ground. There is no middle ground. It doesn’t work for COVID.

If it worked, even if there was a chance it worked, they would give it to the person holding the most important office in the land. They’ve put him on 2 experimental drugs during this and no HCQ. For a reason.
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I’m saying HCQ doesn’t work not just bc they didn’t give it to Trump (despite him touting it for months), but because actual, literal clinical studies show it is clinically ineffective when used to treat COVID.

Thought process being - “hey look, the guy who touted it for months that some of them worship isn’t even getting treated with it, surely this will stop them from thinking it works.” Pointing out they didn’t prescribe it for Trump was me attempting to get some of you to listen to actual facts. Like the fact that HCQ isn’t clinically effective when used to treat COVID.

That’s not ignoring middle ground. There is no middle ground. It doesn’t work for COVID.

If it worked, even if there was a chance it worked, they would give it to the person holding the most important office in the land. They’ve put him on 2 experimental drugs during this and no HCQ. For a reason.
Medical ones. Trump never said that people should only take HCQ. But that they should talk to their doctors.

The use/prescription of a drug should only be between a doctor and the patient. As much as Trump "pushing" it doesnt make sense to you, states banning its use.makes no sense to me.
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That's literally what you're doing. You're giving up proverbial neck to the cheapest salesman to plop his fat ass in the oval office.
That's your opinion Chief. Trump has saved me thousands of dollars in taxes and made me tens of thousands more in the investing world. Yep. It's important. He's brokered peace in the middle east, but has yet to win the same peace prize that the murdering community organizer won for simply being black. How many wars has he gotten us into again? He oversaw the lowest unemployment in the black community in the history of the country. Same for women.

Yeah. Salesman.

You're as dense as they come.
Medical ones. Trump never said that people should only take HCQ. But that they should talk to their doctors.

The use/prescription of a drug should only be between a doctor and the patient. As much as Trump "pushing" it doesnt make sense to you, states banning its use.makes no sense to me.

Which states banned its use? I’m assuming a lot of them since you’ve been told it being banned is a problem. Yet when I look for it I can only find one. And then some others where the pharmacy board didn’t recommend HCQ **which does NOT mean a doc can’t prescribe it for COVID**. Some others tried to regulate use due to potential shortages for diseases that it actually treats effectively.

But if you can show me that a bunch of states banned it, not allowing docs to use their own discretion, I’d be happy to read about that.

I should add - this still has nothing to do with its clinical effectiveness in treating Covid. It is still shown to not be clinically effective as a treatment for Covid.
States work to limit prescriptions of potential coronavirus drugs

Texas, Nevada, Ohio, idaho, state boards banned Covid use despite Right to Try.

Finally, States Are Retracting Hydroxychloroquine Bans
Montannas governor

Cuomo in New York
Kentuck and NC boards as well.

What's a bunch? I got 8.

That last link seems fairly comprehensive in its coverage of state actions beyond banning.

And before you say the boards arent political look at how many have gone back on the initial bans. I doubt they bought up a whole bunch so their states have enough.
I never said that stuff that happened under Obama wasn’t his fault. I even posted Trumps own tweet about leadership. Obama shouldn’t have blamed anyone, just fixed it. Just as Trump can’t blame anyone else. He’s the leader. Lead.

Things happening now aren’t Obama’s fault. And they’re not Biden’s fault. They’re Trump’s fault. Just as he said in his own tweet

What are Trump's faults? Covid?
If Trump is willing to debate and they provide enough separation sure why not.

And if Biden doesnt show then I guess Trump gets a free rally
Wow. So if Trump is still Covid positive, you want him out traveling to participate in a debate? Wouldn't exactly be the best look if Trump was knowingly out and about spreading the rona around.
Wow. So if Trump is still Covid positive, you want him out traveling to participate in a debate? Wouldn't exactly be the best look if Trump was knowingly out and about spreading the rona around.
Sure. Absolutely even. Hey it’s a great example of the country doesn’t shut down for personal inconvenience. They can put Punxsutawney Joe in a bubble if they want. But if Trump says game on then game on I say. And Joe is gonna look weak to not answer. But he does appreciate your emotional plea support Zep!

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